"Sure enough, it is a product of an aerospace company. The quality is high. It also uses special customized chips and self-developed systems to achieve this level for a car. How could it not be successful?"

After getting to know the XW151 initially, Chen Jun was already very impressed. Such performance in 2015 was already beyond imagination.

"Mr. Chen, next is the extreme test, how about you..."

"No, I'm in the car, trust our partners!"

The test engineer wanted him to get out, but Chen Junlai stayed in the passenger seat and refused to leave. Fortunately, the test car was specially reinforced and they were wearing full protective gear, so the probability of a serious accident was low.

The XC4 chassis has been tested many times and left alone, so today we mainly focus on exploring the limits of the XW151.

The next project is lane keeping, which is mainly used for cruising on the highway. It allows the intelligent driving system to drive at a constant speed along the edge of the lane to reduce the driver's driving stress.

Although there have been accidents in later generations where drivers were distracted and slept, and their cars crashed and people died because they relied entirely on the lane keeping system, this function is still very practical.

XC4 switches lanes, two construction vehicles come in front, and then accelerate together to about 60km/h. There is one car in front of XC4 and one car on the right, simulating the situation of entering the passenger lane on the highway.

The XC4 test engineer confirmed that the navigation positioning was accurate, and then started to wake up the XW151 by voice:

"Xiaoxin, turn on lane assist and cruise at a speed of 60 kilometers."

0.5 seconds later, a soft female voice came from the car:

"Okay, I will turn on lane assistance for you. Please enable this function on the highway. Please do not take your hands and right foot off the steering wheel and pedals during use. Lane image recognition is in progress... The lane has been found and is now running at 60 kilometers per hour. Hour speed cruising, you can take a break.”

Under Chen Jun's gaze, the test engineer slowly retracted his feet, then left his hands on the steering wheel, hovering about 5cm above it.

On the large screen of the car in the middle, the three lanes captured by the radar and camera appeared. The two cars in front and on the right also appeared on the screen, and their speeds were thoughtfully marked.

However, there was no change in the state of the vehicle, and it was still moving steadily along the marked runway. When it encountered a curve, the steering wheel slowly turned, and it completed a complete lap with the other two vehicles.

At this time, the other two vehicles sent signals indicating that they wanted to accelerate, and the test engineer immediately issued instructions:

"Xiaoxin, increase the speed to 90 kilometers."

"Received, we will accelerate you to 90 kilometers per hour."

XC4 immediately began to accelerate, and the pedal automatically went down. At this time, as it was approaching the curve, the vehicle in front slowed down a bit, and the distance from XC4 entered the range of 20 meters. XC4 immediately automatically decelerated, lightly applied the brakes, and maintained a safe distance.

Chen Jun nodded quietly: "We can start further testing."

"Then sit tight."

After the test engineer finished speaking, he picked up the intercom: "Conduct a lane change test! Car 2, cut in line!"

A few seconds after the words fell, three cars drove to a straight section. The two cars on the right turned their turn signals to the left. The XC4 visual system immediately captured it and displayed it on the car screen. The two cars on the simulation screen continued to highlight:

Xiaoxin: "The vehicle on the right front may change lanes. Please pay attention and slow down at any time."

After being reminded three times in a row, the test engineer still made no move and the sound stopped. At the same time, the second car suddenly merged into the lane and inserted into the gap between the XC4 and the first car.

The system lowered the accelerator when the two cars entered the lane, lightly applied the brakes during the merging process, reduced the speed to 80 kilometers, and waited until the distance between the two cars was suitable before continuing to accelerate to 90 kilometers.

The entire operation was smooth and without any frustration, like a skilled veteran driver. Chen Jun was even more surprised when he looked at the machine.

Next, Car 1 and Car 2 began to artificially create various emergencies, including continuous lane changes, sudden deceleration, driving on the line, etc. However, the XC4 all performed well and kept driving steadily in the lane, avoiding them in advance. various accidents.

And then there's the last item.

Cars 1 and 2 accelerated away from the test section, and then several people began to set up roadblocks with cones on the section of road that the XC4 had not passed.

At this time, the XC4 has driven 10 laps on the 3-kilometer track, and the test engineer did not operate it during the entire process. Now, it is time for the big test.

The onlookers standing on both sides of the track and the engineers from Xinan and Southern Motors all knew that this was the intelligent driving system taking over the driving, and they were all amazed.

"This is not assisted driving at all. It is obviously autonomous driving. The timing of deceleration and acceleration is just right."

"This car is more than 500,000 yuan, so it's expensive. Which company can have this technology now?"

"I heard that their intelligent driving system, including the sensors and radar, costs tens of thousands to buy a car. It's all money..."

The discussion became quieter as the XC4 approached the obstacle course.

First, there was a roadblock in the front center of the lane. XW151 saw it more than 100 meters away, but when it was 15 meters away, it was found that the speed of the obstacle was still zero. After two warnings of "唔唔", it flicked The steering wheel cut into the left lane.

Change lanes to the left, this is the priority logic within the system.

In the eyes of the onlookers, the XC4's steering is not drastic. Although the steering distance is a bit close, it is still excellent, and the vehicle's posture is not unstable.

But this is the first obstacle. The three lanes in front are all blocked by roadblocks spaced 1 meter apart. Only the left lane has a width of 2.3 meters in the center, which is only 40cm wider than the XC4.

At this time, XC4 was still executing the 90-kilometer cruise command. It saw the obstacle and the 2.3-meter gap, and then accurately passed through the center without losing any speed.

Seeing that none of the cones were hit, the crowd of onlookers immediately began to malfunction. The XC4 must have seen the roadblock just now, but it passed easily through precise control.

Then came the most difficult subject. A roadblock used for temporary diversion on the highway was used to draw a diagonal line from the left lane to the right lane, which meant that all the vehicles merged into the right lane. At 50 meters, XC4 found the road that occupied two lanes. Obstacle, slam on the brakes.

Chen Jun thought he was about to stop, but in the end the speed only dropped to 40 kilometers, and then the XC4 changed lanes to the right in an orderly manner, not forgetting to turn on the lights in advance...

In the end, the XC4 successfully changed lanes, but the road ahead was surrounded by roadblocks. The XW151 slowly slowed down and stopped, leaving only the constant "thumping" sound in the car.

Due to the test engineer's inaction for more than three consecutive times, XW151 has now judged the driver to be in an "unable to continue driving state". In addition to using intense sirens to try to wake up the driver, he should also dial 110 and use an automatic voice alarm. The phone has a built-in SIM card, but the latter function is turned off.

On the side of the track, people who witnessed the amazing performance of the XC4 were frantically malfunctioning. They had never thought that the intelligent driving system could be so powerful. I'm afraid they can ignore the automatic driving on the highway!

Chen Jun got out of the car and gave two thumbs up to the engine.

"Damn it, the trams haven't eliminated the oil trucks, but the drivers will be replaced by computers first."

I'd better update in the morning... I feel like I don't have time at night. I have almost 1.3k words today, so I'll be updating ヾ(ω`)o

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