I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 125 The magical year-end bonus

At the B-level base, Lin Ju drove the XC4 and slid around the open space for a few times before stopping.

"How are you, Mr. Lin? Does it feel good? I drove this car all the way here on autopilot, and there was no problem at all on the road."

Chen Jun, the co-pilot, was so proud that Lin Ju broke into a cold sweat.

This XC4 has been put on the road as a road test car with camouflage stickers on it. Chen Jun was so confident about the XW151 that he actually let the system take over the car and followed the navigation on the road. He was really not afraid of an accident.

This is not SC09. The XW151 system and the X32115 chip are the products of several castrations. Especially in this era when the Internet of Things is not yet complete, it is 80% luck to get here.

Coming from a mountain city and charging for more than two days, it may be that the appearance of the road test car keeps people away deliberately and the convoy following it makes others pay more attention. It is still difficult to say that this system can achieve fully autonomous driving.

But Lin Ju is also very satisfied. The limit of the X32115 chip can only be reached here. If it is further strengthened, it must either improve the process or allow chip foundries to popularize silicon carbide wafers to produce real ternary chips.

Obviously the latter is more troublesome. It is basically a separate system that requires the production of many categories of equipment from beginning to end. If you want to do it all, it will take too much energy and you need to wait for the right time to throw it out. Countless companies will take the initiative to push forward.

And this time won't be too far away...

"Now we have produced 100 engineering prototype vehicles and are preparing for road tests across the country. We will also continue to increase the number of people ordering vehicles. What do you think, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Ju nodded, but obviously he had something to say as he touched his chin:

"I think XC4 still lacks the hype content. Maybe some aerospace elements can be added. In this way,"

He thought for a few seconds:

"I remembered that the secondary wreckage and fairing of Xinyuan 2 basically fell into the sea. It was clear where they landed and they were picked up by the coast guard. We recycled these materials into hoods, car doors, and wheel hubs. , door handle, and then add the signature of the chief engineer or engineer, and then write a sentence, how about it?

In addition, car owners can win a free lottery after picking up the car. 10 people from the first 50,000 car reservations will be randomly selected and divided into two batches to take a 24-hour trip to space. "

Chen Jun:......

Could it be that with the space shuttle, we can do whatever we want, just send people into space as bargaining chips? Do you think people will flock to this if it is omnipotent?

Yes, they will.

The minimum price of an XC4 after subsidy is 490,000, and the highest price is just over 600,000. To win a spaceship ticket worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions is a huge profit, right?

How can this lottery be higher than the return rate of 648?

Chen Jun seriously believes that it was not the users who ordered the car first after the news leaked out, but the middle and senior management of his own group.

Although the chance of going to space is 0.02%, who doesn’t want to give it a try? The probability of an ordinary person's lifetime is infinitely close to 0, right?

Selecting one person out of 10,000 people is already easier than selecting astronauts.

And the idea of ​​using rocket debris to make parts is also brilliant, so when you drive out, you can really feel that you are driving not a car, but a rocket! He will blow on everyone he meets.

You asked me if I had eaten it, and I said, how do you know that my XC4 wheels were forged from the wreckage of the second stage of the Xinyuan 2 Yuan 3 rocket, and also had the handwritten signature of Chief Engineer Androv?

This B-frame is probably higher than the waistline drawn by the Rolls-Royce master, right?

After all, it is aerospace, no matter how low-end it is, it is still a level higher than building a car.

At this moment, Chen Jun really feels that cross-border manufacturers are much better than traditional manufacturers. Do you understand the dimensionality reduction attack?

"No problem, but Mr. Lin, if I order a car now, I am among the 50,000 people, so don't exclude me!"

Lin Ju shook his head: "Xin'an is the same as Xinyuan. I can tell you in advance that one of the year-end bonuses is space travel opportunities, and there are quite a lot of them. Space travel is actually not a very luxury thing for us."

"Hiss~" Chen Jun successfully made the weather in December rise by 0.01 degrees, which contributed +1 to global warming.

If the year-end bonus includes space tourism, wouldn’t he have a very good chance as CEO and be almost guaranteed?

"Mr. Lin, I have to go back to work. Letting users wait for 8 months is too long. Xinan Company will strive to deliver the first batch of XC4 before the Spring Festival!"

"Pay attention to quality."

"No problem, Mr. Lin! I'm leaving first."

Chen Jun came and went like the wind, and this middle-aged man finally regained his youthful enthusiasm for work.

But this does not mean that Xin'an's affairs are over.

In addition to the XC4, Xinan and Southern Motor are working on electric dirt trucks, and the progress is almost there.

Southern Motor has a large military vehicle business and has rich experience in heavy-duty truck manufacturing. However, electric heavy-duty trucks cannot simply replace the fuel tank and engine with batteries and motors. If you want to maximize the performance, you still have to modify the design from the bottom up.

Moreover, the demand for electric muck trucks is still very high. Southern Motor sent people to conduct research in multiple cities and asked construction sites and local governments, and they all got ideal answers:

The government has promised that some road and time restrictions can be relaxed for electric muck trucks, and dedicated time slots can be opened. Since the construction site is not long-distance, there is no problem with charging or battery replacement. I am looking forward to reducing costs through electric muck trucks. No need. Play hide and seek with the traffic police.

The main trouble is that there are too many batteries stacked in trucks of 50 tons and above. The management system and heat dissipation need to be strengthened. In addition, although the motor torque is large enough to drive the truck, there is no problem, but heat dissipation and cost have to be considered. It is also planned to finalize the prototype next year.

On the other hand, electric construction machinery has been given a cold reception and the response from construction sites has been mediocre, because these construction machinery are not only fuel-consuming monsters, but also an additional source of income for many people. The problem is not technical.

In addition, there is an SUV and a family car under development. These two models have even more thought than the XC4. After all, they are prepared for the most widely used people in the most complex scenarios, and they must be more reliable and durable.

There are also the construction of express charging stations, universal charging piles in major cities, dealing with the power grid, etc. After all, it is still the pioneering period of new energy vehicles. From cultivating users to building an ecology, pioneers need to do it bit by bit.

Fortunately, Xinyuan Automobile has a transcendent status now, and Southern Automobile is also an old state-owned enterprise and military enterprise. Xinan Automobile, endorsed by the two giants, has no obstacles in this regard and has the green light all the way.

On blogs, major video platforms, Xinyuan official website, and YouTube, there is an additional live broadcast channel with a 24-hour break: Tiangong Space Station Extravehicular Live Broadcast.

The six cameras in the three cabins take pictures of the planet and the universe from different angles. They automatically switch at regular intervals and play a piece of light and soothing music from time to time.

This live broadcast receives hundreds of millions of visits every day in China alone, and hundreds of thousands of people are online in the middle of the night.

Just a few cameras have such great appeal.

Initially, due to a platform manager's mistake and forgetting to turn off the reward channel, more than 6 million gifts were received in 3 hours, but all were returned the same way.

I woke up late in the morning~Sorry

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