"Director Lin, good morning."

"You too, morning."

From February 5th to February 14th, it is Xinyuan's annual leave time. However, at the end of January, many employees can leave with their accumulated rest days, so the B-level base is basically half-stopped for 20 days.

During this period, except for a few personnel who had to stay in positions, system engineers, security department and Lin Ju, there were not even a few chefs left...

There were only a few locals from Xinyuan in the security department, and the house was deserted. The nearly 60-year-old man who came from the tractor factory looked at it, but it was no problem because there were soldiers patrolling outside the B-level base.

On the periphery of the base, there are patrol forces organized by the local military region. There are various overt and hidden sentries in the surrounding 10 kilometers area. No outsiders can sneak in at will.

Lin Ju would receive notifications from time to time. The number of unknown people in surrounding villages and counties was increasing rapidly. Fortunately, it was impossible for them to rush through the layers of guards and approach the base.

In addition, there are a huge number of cameras and sensors inside and outside the base, and "Shanhai" faithfully monitors it. There is absolutely no possibility that the security guard will doze off and let something in.

In the morning, Lin Ju went for a morning run to breathe fresh air under the protection of countless people in the dark, and then returned to the small canteen to eat with the system engineers.

The remaining chef and the cleaning lady discussed in a low voice. They had discovered a phenomenon. The big boss and several senior workers were all single. It was a strange sight.

Lin Ju, who had no idea he had been DISS, was still discussing next year's plans with the engineers.

The most important thing is the NAPE nuclear propulsion plan. It took Cheng Nankai more than 7 months to basically understand the basic reactor design, which involves a total of more than 1,300 new technologies, and more than 200 are major and difficult technologies.

The budget requirement for 2016 has increased to 6 billion yuan, of which more than 4 billion is for supporting enterprises to research new technologies and equipment manufacturing. The first test reactor is expected to undergo trial operation from October to November, and the design work of the XN90 spacecraft will be carried out. , make technical preparations.

At the same time, technical verification of ionization-gas tip joint propulsion will be carried out first, and a prototype will be manufactured from July to September.

In 2017, the nuclear propulsion team believed that it would take at least half a year to master the perfect joint propulsion of the three. A total of 5 prototypes were manufactured. At the beginning of the same year, the A100 was to be finalized for production, and the H2 equipped with a nuclear thermal engine must make its first flight before the end of the year. As a backup for NAPE extension.

Although the system has a full set of technical information and experimental data, you still have to go through it yourself if you want to fully master and possess self-research capabilities in this area.

Real NAPE usable engines will be manufactured in October 2017, and construction of the first XN90 spacecraft will also begin.

In the middle of 2018, the XN90 spacecraft equipped with 6 NAPEs rolled off the production line. It conducted two test flights that year and carried out a manned lunar landing mission as early as January 2019. There are only 6 months left before the system's deadline, which is enough for an accident. Condition.

To be on the safe side, the goal in 2016 is to complete the design and manufacturing of the H2 space shuttle body, and first manufacture two conventionally powered models equipped with liquid oxygen methane engines.

Because this year, Xinyuan officially started the construction of the "forward" centrifugal space station, which requires the assistance of a large space shuttle.

It is necessary to manufacture five more Xinyuan-2 rockets, consisting of two Xinyuan-2A rockets and two Xinyuan-2 rockets. The former must be specially modified to send H2's 130-ton weight into the sky, as well as two Xinyuan-3 giant rockets. , will also make its first flight soon.

This year’s budget is a conservative investment of 30 billion yuan, which is sufficient. Moreover, many manned commercial flights will be carried out intensively, and a lot of money can be earned.

On February 15, Xinyuan Company officially started construction on its two bases.

After all-out recruitment expansion, the number of officially hired employees finally exceeded 3,000, of which more than 400 came back from abroad and were attracted by Xinyuan Company.

Many people pass the interview at the end of the year and only officially start work at the beginning of the year.

Coupled with the troops seconded from universities, the B-level base was finally able to operate at full capacity and exert its terrifying manufacturing capabilities.

Androv crammed more than 100 people into An 1250's workshop and started working two shifts to speed up efficiency. At the same time, he sent engineers to various supporting companies to urge delivery as soon as possible.

He is now responsible for the manufacturing of multiple rockets, space shuttles, and aircraft. He oversees more than ten departments and has a full schedule.

Four Xinyuan-3 rocket bodies are being manufactured at the same time. The Ministry of Aerospace Power's production plan for the K380V is 100 units, and they must be completed within 3 months, with an average of one unit per day.

The more than 4,000 chips produced by that silicon carbide production line during the Chinese New Year were divided among various departments in one day, and it was unclear where they would be used.

The Sixth Institute, Changan engine manufacturing base.

After four months of hard work, the YF130 design has been finalized and parts requirements have been sent to various units to prepare for production.

In March, joint testing of the gas generator and turbine pump will be carried out. In April, the prototype will be manufactured. The first batch of 16 YF130s will be produced in June at the latest.

Now the parameters of the YF130 have been slightly improved. The twin-tube thrust is 510 tons and the specific impulse is 294 seconds. The take-off thrust of the Long March 10 can reach 5100 tons, allowing astronauts to carry an extra 100 kilograms of mass when they return to Earth.

Stimulated by Project 2921, the scale of the scientific research team of the Sixth Academy has been expanded to 1.5 times. It has also successfully established an engine production line to take advantage of the future needs of the Long March 10. It can mass-produce high-thrust engines instead of semi-manufacturing them one by one, which is close to specaX and new distant routes.

This can also save a lot of time, because mass production makes the cost lower, and several prototypes can be taken for testing in succession. Testing no longer requires careful preparation.

Therefore, the Sixth Academy even had enough energy to decide to launch the YF90, a 220-ton hydrogen and oxygen engine development plan.

Although it is possible to use four YF77 vacuum versions for the second stage of Long March 10, the parameters of YF77 itself are relatively backward and must be upgraded in the future, so the YF90 prepared for Long March 9 was launched.

The YF79 used in the three-stage rocket, the new 25-ton closed expansion cycle hydrogen and oxygen machine is progressing faster, and the design work is gradually being completed.

But the Sixth Academy did not feel that these future high-thrust engines were advanced, because at this time they gradually learned that Xinyuan's nuclear-powered engines had been advancing for several months!

The reason for knowing this is that after the nuclear test base next to the B-level base was completed, the research institute under the space agency knew that a nuclear propulsion plan was being carried out there.

The specific project is unknown, but it is most likely the A100 engine that Androv once said.

That was a nuclear-powered engine with a performance ratio of over 20,000, and any chemical-powered engine was a pile of rubbish in front of it.

The Sixth Academy has also carried out a demonstration plan for nuclear engines. The specific impulse is only about 1800 seconds. Although it is high enough, it is still far behind in comparison.

The superiors still had no plans to follow up, which made the Sixth Academy a little anxious. They organized a group to conduct nuclear propulsion research and reported to the superiors at the same time:

Boss, you don’t want us to fall behind everywhere, right?

Space Agency: No approval.

The nuclear engine plan is too expensive. When Huaguo Power Investment cooperated with Xinyuan Company, it was believed that it would conservatively cost about 40 billion to complete the entire plan, and it would be difficult for the nuclear power reactor to recover so much value from this 40 billion.

And even if we go to Mars, traditional engines can still do it. Nuclear engines are exploring Saturn and Jupiter, something that the next generation of talents will do, and the preparations are not just about having a spacecraft.

The Sixth Academy, which was frustrated by its superiors, still decided to continue theoretical research on nuclear propulsion under the leadership of Tang Weitian, and also decided to promote the development of methane fuel engines.

The methane machine is not particularly difficult. The configuration is similar to that of the hydrogen-oxygen machine. However, the performance of the previous methane machine was very poor, especially the specific impulse was not high, and it was not as good as the kerosene machine and the hydrogen-oxygen machine.

However, the Sixth Research Institute does not want to be left behind in this regard. Methane has greater advantages than liquid hydrogen in terms of acquisition and storage. Moreover, both are low-temperature fuels, and the design of common bottom storage tanks is much easier.

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