On February 29, the connectors produced by specaX for the Falcon Heavy were completed. The three cores used by the CBC were also prepared and are being assembled at the factory.

On March 25, the Falcon Heavy will conduct its first static ignition test and is expected to make its first flight in May or June.

In February next year, it will carry the "gateway" lunar space station, which is still in ppt state, and send it into lunar orbit.

Although the gateway space station is designed to be one-sixth the size of the International Space Station and consists of multiple parts, the space is very small.

One is the International Habitation module (I-HAB) and the other is the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO), developed by Northrop Grumman in the United States.

The design can provide a living environment for four astronauts, with a total volume of... 8 cubic meters, which is a 2x2x2 space, and 4 people need to be crammed into it!

For such a gadget, it is divided into multiple cabins. It can only be said that NACA is really stupid. Engineers even think that astronauts cannot stand up straight in this so-called space station.

But this has nothing to do with Lao Ma. He took a photo of the heavy-duty Falcon that was waiting to be assembled but already close together above the assembly workshop. After uploading it on Twitter, he went out because the logistics company just called and his transoceanic consignment was immediately shipped to the factory. .

When he arrived with several engineers outside Kongcha's factory, workers were prying open the container door, setting up the panels, and then slowly drove the car out.

Lao Ma approached him: "Are you the overseas distributor of Xin'an Company?"

"Oh? No, I'm the local dealer of Chevrolet, but Xin'an Company has also signed an agreement with us. Their company is too far away in China, and they entrust us with after-sales business. If you have any questions, you can call me, or go to the official website You can apply for services.”

The other party didn't say much, and left after delivering the car and procedures, leaving Lao Ma and a group of engineers staring curiously at the XC4 sports car.

He took the car key in his hand and observed it, and immediately discovered that there were buttons on the back of the key, and a small touch screen on the front, which had multiple functions such as remote start, turning on the air conditioner, and anti-theft mode.

Walking to the car door, he saw that there was no door handle, no, it was hidden.

When his hand holding the key approached the hidden handle, a small narrow strip rotated inward and clicked, reminding the car owner that the handle had been unfolded.

He took the key farther away and closed the handle again.

"Sensor chip, a little thing, right?"

Lao Ma turned around and said something to the engineers, then opened the door and got in. There was an obvious area on the center console where he naturally put the key, and all the lights in the car turned on immediately.

He made another gesture and asked an engineer to sit in the passenger seat.

In the middle of the car, the 10-inch screen is turned on, and a round prompt box pops up, indicating that it is now a novice guide for the car owner.

The XC4's transportation mode has been exited by the dealer who just left, and it is now in serious working condition.

First, he set his own fingerprint, downloaded and installed the vehicle status remote monitoring APP on his mobile phone. After completing the basic settings, Lao Ma followed the prompts and said loudly in as standard and serious English as possible:

"Xin, Turn on the air conditioner (新, turn on the air conditioner)"

"(Translation) The air conditioner is on. According to the local weather, the temperature is set to 26 degrees, and the wind speed is: automatic."

weather? Lao Ma realized something.

"(Translated) Are you online?"

"(Translation) I am connected through the Jingwei Smart Network Satellite Service Network to provide you with life and smart driving services."

"(Translation) Can you help me drive to a certain area?"

Ma Yilong asked a topic that all car owners asked, and the repeater +1.

"(Translation) The XW151 intelligent driving system does not support fully autonomous driving at the moment, but you can set the navigation route, shift to D, turn on the novice mode and turn on the auxiliary obstacle avoidance and lane keeping functions to reduce driving intensity."

At this time, the engineer sitting in the co-pilot spoke:

"Xin'an's engineers knew that autonomous driving would bring legal problems, so they split it into several functions and deliberately guided users to use it!"

Lao Ma nodded. Xinan Company did this because it wanted to promote autonomous driving without getting sued.

But they are so confident in the intelligent driving system that they dare to deliberately guide users?

He thought for a while, then opened the navigation software, set a location on the roadside about 1 kilometer outside the factory, turned on many auxiliary functions according to Xiaoxin's prompts, put the car into gear, and then released the brake.

The XC4 immediately started to move, and the steering wheel turned to the left quickly. Lao Ma subconsciously wanted to grab it but held back.

The engineer on the passenger side was staring at the old horse's feet, ready to climb down at any time and help apply the brakes.

Then, with the two people and a group of engineers yelling around, the XC4 sports car smoothly turned a big bend into the road, turned on the turn signal and entered the lane, quickly accelerated to 40 yards, and then turned right when 30 meters away from the destination. Turn signal, pull over.

This process went smoothly and only when it ended, a sound of "Navigation ended" sounded in the car and the knob gear was automatically set to P.

Lao Ma quickly pulled on the handbrake and moved his stiff legs and feet.

This smart driving is too hardcore. Fortunately, there are no cars near the factory, otherwise he would not dare to drive at such a fast speed.

However, the engineer was still in shock and touched the machine with some surprise:

"(Translation) Let's take this car to the Tesla team for testing. The control system is so radically written. I have a hunch that it may have some unexpected results."

"(Translation) Then let me try it first. If something happens, we can start a cross-border lawsuit."

Lao Ma said something that shocked the engineer, and then continued to set the navigation point to a gas station on the highway.

The XC4 starts immediately, accelerates to 40 mph with a comfortable acceleration, and starts driving at high speed on the highway.

After traveling a few hundred meters, the car automatically turned into the highway.

The traffic flow suddenly changed from zero to a lot, and Lao Maxu's hand on the steering wheel tightened slightly. His life was still very important.

Entering the highway, the XC4 immediately began to accelerate until it reached the local speed limit of 80 mph, and automatically turned on the left turn signal and diverted into the middle lane.

The screen of the car changed to three lanes, and the radar detected vehicles within 80 meters in front and behind, marking them on the screen.

Lao Ma carefully compared it and found that except for the wrong judgment of the car model, it was exactly the same.

Some drivers passing by on both sides noticed this exotic sports car without an exhaust pipe. They picked up their mobile phones to take pictures, including the profile of the old horse staring ahead.

Because it was running against the speed limit, the XC4 was faster than most vehicles, constantly overtaking vehicles and changing lanes. Lao Ma didn't understand the logic of this transformation at all, and was just wondering how XW151 could do this without supporting facilities.

The journey of more than ten kilometers did not take long. The XC4 drove into the center of the parking area of ​​the motel next to the gas station, and then automatically stopped, indicating that it had arrived safely.

Because it is close to a parking space, a prompt pops up in the center of the car, asking whether to park automatically.

Lao Ma chose to confirm, then the XC4 drove a short distance to the right and tilted the body, fell in, and stopped right in the center of the marked area.

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