On February 29, Ma Yilong drove the XC4 for 4 hours and 22 minutes, of which 4 hours and 04 minutes were in autonomous driving mode. During this period, he conducted tests on highways, wilderness, factories, small towns and other areas.

These were accurately recorded by satellites, and summaries were downloaded to Xin'an Company's terminal.

In order to give Lao Ma a better user experience, Xin'an specially provided Lao Ma with 2 times the computing power of his XC4, allowing the AI ​​to perform better.

Who said that Lao Ma was too high-profile and did not strictly use a pseudonym, so he was listed as a key car owner early on.

With the current level of technological development, Xin'an's intelligent driving system can be about 5 or 6 years ahead.

The reason why there is a subtle inducement for users to use smart driving more is to collect as much data as possible to make the next generation of XW161 vehicles more intelligent.

The existing advantages coupled with the data collection that is being laid out now will allow the artificial intelligence to be cultivated to have a more advanced database, and the AI ​​generated will naturally be more powerful.

But when I think about it, Lao Ma has not even driven his own roadster sports car, but he is using his rival's XC4 first. This scene is quite hilarious.

March 4, Qiongzhou Space Launch Center.

A large group of people wearing white turbans gathered under the erected Xinyuan No. 2, bowing their heads and praying respectfully.

On the launch pad, more than a dozen clergymen from six countries circled around the thick tail of the rocket, mumbling words while reaching into the golden bottle and sprinkling holy water on the surface of the engine and casing.

The surface of this Xinyuan No. 2 is also unusual, with weird and crooked fonts written on it, and even golden prints.

Finally, this group of people in white clothes and turbans lay down on the ground and performed a lot of complicated etiquette before they gave up.

The clergy on the launch pad also stopped blessing. The oldest man closed his eyes for a while, and then spoke sacredly:

“His dwelling place will be built at the rising of the morning, saith the Lord.”

The launch site personnel hiding aside looked at the launch plan. It was originally scheduled for 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Should it be considered the time when dawn rises?

There was a sound of praise for Allah below, and then Prince Sweetan said to Lin Ju piously:

"The Messenger of Allah said it is best to launch at dawn tomorrow. How long is dawn in Qiongzhou?"

How could Lin Ju know this? Fortunately, Director Huang from the Launch Administration came forward to answer:

"About 6:20."

Lin Ju also quickly promised: "Your Highness, how about launching the No. 1 module of the Shira Space Station at 6:20 on March 5?"

Sweetan: "Thank you, Lin, but the people of Allah will not let their friends down. Everyone at the launch site will receive $1,000."

Lin Ju:......

Director Huang: ...

Director Huang: "Don't worry, all the staff of the launch center will ensure the smooth launch of the Hilla Space Station No. 1 module, but this money..."

Sweetan: "This is Allah's blessing. You must accept it, otherwise Allah will be angry."

Director Huang: "This... we respect your beliefs and we can cooperate with you."

At the beginning, Arbor purchased a total of 5 XS-62 modules with the other three countries for US$500 million per cabin to form the "Hila" space station.

According to the plan, the Hila Space Station will be operated independently. Due to the luxury of these wealthy owners, only four people can live in a single space station, so the overall space reaches a full 3,100 cubic meters!

Even if there are 20 people living there, the living space per person will reach 150 cubic meters, which is too spacious.

Since the production capacity of the B-level base has been fully utilized, three of the five simple tourist cabins can be built at the same time. It is expected that the last cabin will be launched in June, with an average of one cabin per month.

The first section was named "Hashim" by them and was considered to be Mohammed's residence in heaven and the place where the gods lived.

So they invited the most famous clergy from many countries to bless the space station and rockets.

They initially wanted to sprinkle holy water on the cabin, but in the end they were tricked into throwing rockets.

Sprinkling water on the rocket is really just sprinkling water. Although the space module is theoretically not so fragile, it is still better to be careful.

Early the next morning, the launch crew barely slept, taking shifts to ensure that everyone was awake.

Fortunately, the $1,000 from the big dog owner was really powerful. Everyone was very energetic after taking the money, and the launch mission was carried out on time at 6.20am.

The sun had indeed just risen at this time, and the powerful tail flame emitted by the rocket was almost as bright as the sun. A group of white turbans kept praying excitedly, as if they had also flown into the sky.

In fact, it is almost the same. In the Arab world, their explanation is that the "Hira" space station will provide a place for meditation for God. The astronauts who go up there will actually serve the Lord and live in the same place with the gods.

Under these words, the Shira Space Station has become another holy place in the hearts of Arab people. Maybe they will have to learn how to read the orbit in the future so that they can bow to the passing space station at dusk.

The launch date of the last No. 5 module has also been set. A pilgrimage will be held on June 26, which happens to gather the MSL brothers to watch the rocket launch...

And I heard that Aber has increased the budget of Huajian No. 1 Bureau, which is building the launch site in Mukala, by 10%, and requires that the launch site be completed around May, preferably on June 28, the first day of Eid al-Adha. The Mecca space shuttle took off here, sending six Aber astronauts into the assembled space station.

Cyber ​​superstition belongs to yes.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Ju. There is no problem whether it is from the Mecca or the rocket Xinyuan. The air transport is also fast enough, and the launch preparations are completed in about 7 to 10 days.

At 6:32 a.m., Hashim, module 1 of the Shira Space Station, successfully entered the 400KM orbit.

So in space, three space stations, Tiangong, ISS, and Shira, are operated simultaneously, which sounds amazing.

NACA also thinks it's magical, Lucia also thinks it's magical, and all ISS member states think it's magical.

When they monitored the Hashem entering orbit, they discovered a serious problem: Xinyuan Aerospace was serious, he wasn't just drawing PPTs to deceive people!

Previously, Arbor and Xinyuan signed a direct cooperation plan worth 10 billion US dollars, including space stations, space shuttles, and launch sites. In fact, the space agencies were not optimistic about it.

Where can I get this little money? Lin Ju must be deceiving people, or asking for additional investment in the future.

As a result, the first space station module was built in less than two years?

ISS countries are very envious of Aber having a cabin like XS-62. It is a super cabin of more than 40 tons and more than 600 cubic meters, and the diameter of the docking port can be 2.5 meters by 2.5 meters!

So ISS made a decision that was in line with its ancestors: inviting the Hila Space Station to combine with the International Space Station for joint operation.

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