I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 138 Preventing this accident

In order to obtain a vast space of 3,000 cubic meters, ISS offered quite excellent conditions to Arbor, including providing Arbor with two alliance launch missions for free and sending six Arbor astronauts into space.

There were also promises of considerable benefits on the ground, but they were all firmly rejected by Abel.

The reason for the rejection is not how firm their opposition is, but Xinyuan's statement: The ISS International Space Station is too old, and the protocols and interfaces are not universal. If the docking creates security risks, Xinyuan will not bear any responsibility and will not provide follow-up technology. support.

So Abel still resisted the temptation and refused. In order to express his appeasement, Lin Ju said that he would upgrade the four subsequent cabins of the Hila Space Station for free, and invited the Italian Belmond Hotel Group to design the interior and provide better quality. living environment.

At the same time, Lin Ju presented a specially customized version to Sweetan and Hamand each. The XC5 limited edition sports car was fully modified based on the XC4 and used a large number of aerospace materials. Since it is basically hand-made in small batches, it is The cost is two to three million.

However, Crown Prince Hamand was not very happy, because the old King Alert expressed a strong rejection of his request to heaven.

Lin Ju understood this feeling very well, because he himself had the same feeling.

At the B-level base, the fourth H1 space shuttle, the passenger version "Steadfast", was hoisted onto the IL-76 and prepared to be sent to Qiongzhou.

Compared with the first three aircraft, the Steadfast has undergone major upgrades and changes.

Since it was converted into a passenger version customized for tourism, the cargo hold of the Steadfast was eliminated, leaving only a small space for the operating robotic arm, and the weight was reduced to 20.3 tons.

The enhanced crew cabin can accommodate up to 10 people, and some seats can also be removed to perform some small material delivery tasks.

The biggest change is that the single liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen engine at the tail has been changed into two 12-ton liquid oxygen and methane engines distributed on both sides. In the center of the tail is a circular docking port and airlock, which is docked from the tail. It can better ensure thermal insulation performance and make out-of-cabin activities more convenient.

However, another important point is the flight control system, which natively supports the SC09 intelligent driving system from the bottom up. All commands are taken over by SC09, which is safer.

It also adopts a new generation of thermal insulation tiles, which are transitional products produced during the research on H2 thermal insulation tiles. They can be reused 8 times and then replaced, again reducing the cost. If Xinyuan 5 is used for launch, the per capita cost has been reduced to 4 million. RMB.

However, if we want to realize the true civilian era of space, this number will have to be reduced by a hundred times. Only about 40,000 yuan can make it possible for most people to bite the bullet and sit on it.

But it is absolutely impossible to achieve this by relying on space shuttles or rockets. Only new routes in the future may be possible.

Lin Ju naturally does not need to wait for the new route in the future. On March 11, Unity will replace the six-person crew of the Tiangong Space Station. The new six astronauts are three professional astronauts from the space agency, two men and one woman. Two professional astronauts, including Deng Lei from the far-reaching company, and a systems engineer Ke Yun.

Ke Yun was the engineer who was convened together with Androv. His main research direction was space technology. He had no urgent tasks in the base for the time being, so he was sent up by Lin Ju to test the waters last year.

This B-level engineer is in good enough physical condition that he requires little training as a passenger. After only one month of intensive training, he will go into space as a payload expert.

Another payload expert, Zhao Xiaowen, has been secretly promoted to B+ and led the laser laboratory to set aside a separate area for secret research. It is estimated that he will not go to heaven until a long time later.

Lin Ju tried to convince the company that after the completion of the second phase of the Tiangong project, he hoped to stay with the first batch of space station tour groups for a few days. His physical fitness has basically met the requirements, and the condition of H1 is stable enough.

But this still encountered huge resistance, but fortunately, it was reluctantly agreed in the end. If nothing goes wrong, Lin Ju will enter space aboard the Progress in around July.

And Lin Ju is trying to avoid such accidents.

On March 11, three astronauts from the Aerospace Brigade and three astronauts from Xinyuan were sworn in to set off for the expedition, with the commander of the mission being the aerospace hero Deng Lei.

They will challenge the new space station life time, which is expected to be no less than 180 days, which is half a year.

However, the person who lived in space the longest in the world was Krikalev in 1992. Half a year after this man went to space, the alliance disintegrated, and he lived in space for 311 days before being succeeded by Lucia.

But he is not the longest. On March 22, 1995, Valery Polyakov worked continuously on the Mir space station for 437 days, 17 hours, 58 minutes and 17 seconds, becoming the single human resident in space. longest record.

The former Alliance's "Peace" space station is far less comfortable than Tiangong, so in theory there is no problem in surviving in Tiangong for a year and a half?

The official WeChat accounts of Xinyuan, the Space Administration and the Aerospace Development Commission simultaneously forwarded the launch news, and Lin Ju also posted it, but it looked a bit strange.

It was a photo of Lin Ju wearing training clothes and sitting in the driver's seat of the space shuttle. It was taken when the Progress entered the factory for renovation. Lin Ju in the photo looked very professional, holding out two thumbs towards the camera. , coupled with the exaggerated expression is very joyful.

Accompanying this photo is a line of text:

“Only home-made products that are used by the boss are the most reassuring.”

Netizen:? ? ?

Space Agency:? ? ?

This obvious hint instantly aroused the speculation of netizens. Thanks to the large-scale popularization of 4G networks, even the number of comments after Lin Ju posted on Weibo increased a lot.

A large number of celebrities and big Vs have listed him as a target of attention and rushed to comment below.

"Director Lin is going to space? Are you so confident?"

"While others are still showing off their private jets, Mr. Lin will go directly to space?"

"Director Lin is the leader of us Asians!"

The last sentence is from Keimi Arii. This old ghost is expected to go to the International Space Station again next year. Now she seems to cherish life. She posts space science popularization on the Chinese Internet all day long and has many fans.

"Director Lin is so energetic! It's a pity that we can't share a seat together." It's Chen Weizhang. This old man has lost 20 pounds after training for several months, and his physical fitness has improved a lot.

"If Ma Yilong dared to fly on his Dragon spacecraft, he would have sent people to the International Space Station long ago. Mr. Lin is still confident!"

"Director, I'm waiting for you at the space station~"


Half an hour after the news was sent out, Lin Ju's cell phone rang. It was the boss of the space agency:

"Xiao Lin, are you brave enough? Aren't you afraid of being stabbed down with a bamboo pole when you go up?"

"As you said, I also have a bamboo pole, and it's a big bamboo pole!"

There was a burst of laughter on the phone, and then the tone turned serious:

"Have you thought about it? There is no absolute certainty in the aerospace industry, and accidents are unpredictable."

Lin Ju: "I have full confidence in my engineers. If you want to come, how about I give it to you for free?"

Boss: "..."

Lin Ju: "As the head of an aerospace company, I think it is important to see space in person and experience it. Not only me, but all senior executives of Xinyuan Company must go there at least once."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then asked:

"With so many people going up there, I'm afraid the cost of launching H1 is not US$50 million, but RMB 50 million, right?"

"Hmm, ah? Why can't you hear clearly on this crappy phone? I'll talk to you next time I come to Beijing, boss, hang up... beep."

In Beijing, the boss looked at the smeared model of the Progress on the table with a suspicious look. He was only thinking about one question: 50 million times, is one Shenzhou spacecraft enough to fire 20 rounds?

This ridiculous idea briefly appeared in his mind, and then he threw it away. It was so ridiculous.

Even if we reduce the cost at the craziest speed, we will never be able to achieve such a low price. Although 50 million US dollars is not possible, we still need one or two billion US dollars no matter how we find it.

Moreover, Xinyuan is a Chinese enterprise. As long as it is paid in RMB, the government will not be so sensitive to numbers.

Frankly speaking, it is very good to cooperate with Xinyuan, especially their efficiency, which is extremely fast. The Queqiao relay satellite was completed in March.

The role of a large satellite weighing 3 tons cannot be replaced by several small satellites.

The huge solar panels alone can provide sufficient power to transmit 8K ultra-clear black and white images or 2K smooth audio and video to the earth. When landing on the moon, every detail will be clear and there will be absolutely no possibility of being manipulated by anyone. Question fraud.

On March 13, this cooperative satellite was launched into the lunar transfer orbit by a Xinyuan-5A rocket with two boosters. It will be in and is expected to arrive in the lunar orbit on March 27.

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