I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 157 Okada, come back quickly!

But after Lin Ju sat down, the discussion in the conference room did not stop for a moment, and the boss had no intention of interfering anymore.

The only person present, He Zhuang, became a rising star among everyone, and was surrounded by all kinds of jokes:

"Vice President He, it seems that the superiors are very satisfied with the 'Yunkai' recycling system. This year's Science and Technology Progress Award is guaranteed!"

"We had no choice but to buy Xinyuan's technology. I thought it was just a copycat project."

"That's not necessarily true. That supercomputer simulated attitude system is the only one in the world. Xinyuan Company doesn't even have it. Don't be humble, Mr. He. He's going to be an aerospace scientist soon!"

He Zhuang himself is actually a mess now. He doesn't understand why his superiors are suddenly willing to give them pies. He always feels guilty and his face is red. He doesn't know if it is because of excitement or something.

The other experts were also quite envious, and at the same time, there was an unprecedented passion in their hearts.

Although there are goals to strive for within the system, the temptation of having the opportunity to go to space is novel and unprecedented.

As aerospace researchers, they have been dealing with space all their lives. They may have personally sent countless astronauts to space and built countless spacecrafts, but they never thought that one day they would be able to go up there.

That's space. What astronaut wouldn't want to take a real look?

Especially according to this list, if Tang Weitian is older than Zhou Rui, he will be on the list. In fact, many people here will have a chance.

For example, Yun Hongjun, who is right next to Lin Ju, is the chief engineer of the Long March 10 and an important role in the Dawn Project. If the Long March 10 is successfully launched this year, he will definitely be qualified for space training.

The boss sat above the long conference table and had a panoramic view of everyone's performance.

It seems that the judgment of superiors is very accurate. The space training policy provides stronger incentives to the scientific researchers of the space agency than bonuses, and can bring new vitality to the space agency.

During the conversation, the two discussed why Xinyuan Company's engineers were dedicated, honest, and efficient. After careful analysis, they agreed that it was due to subjective initiative.

Xinyuan engineers are creating history at any time, whether in China or around the world, which brings an extraordinary sense of honor and achievement.

On the contrary, although the space agency had this feeling before, it was more of a mentality of completing the mission.

This mentality is caused by many reasons, some of which can be changed, and some of which cannot be changed.

If it can be changed, then make drastic changes, such as establishing an aviation development committee to give scientific researchers more autonomy, restarting the Dawn Project, enhancing the sense of honor, etc.;

If you can't change it, try to make up for it from other places. This is the source of space learning.

In fact, at that time, the superiors felt that in order to set an example, the boss should be sent up first. The latter was only in his 50s anyway...

The boss still remembers how he trembled all over and then shook his head wildly, leaving the opportunity to the younger comrades.

It's tempting to go to space, but let yourself set an example... wait.

In fact, it is not suitable for him to go up now. After all, he has not achieved any good results. It depends on whether the manned moon landing plan can be perfectly completed in 2018. Then he will naturally be able to go up happily.

Besides, I’ll definitely be able to fly on the space agency’s own spacecraft by then…

On May 8, that is, ten days ago, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries H3 rocket chief designer and JAXA board member Okada Tsutomu applied for a passport, and then disappeared under the pretext of taking a vacation.

Three days later, on May 11, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries executives had some new suggestions for changes to the H3 rocket, and contacted Okada to ask him to come back to work quickly, but there was no reply.

For three days after Masashi Okada lost contact, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and JAXA had no suspicion until they discovered that 13 engineers from the rocket design department had asked for leave one after another?

When they discovered something was wrong, on the evening of May 16, the police only found two electrical system engineers at the airport who were about to board a tourist flight.

Since they had complete procedures, had no criminal record, and only had ordinary luggage and packages after the search, the police, who had not yet received a clear notification, chose to let them go.

On May 18, after JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries asked Okada’s friend Shinichiro Sakai to call for the Nth time, the call was finally connected.

"Moses Moses?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries President Seiji Izumizawa quickly grabbed the phone and said eagerly:

"(Japanese) Mr. Okada, were you lost or caught in the mountains and forests of China? Why didn't you get any information for more than a week? Why did you want to travel abroad? The H3 rocket project has been approved, and you have to come back to work immediately !”

Okada Masashi, ah no, Xiao Okada cleared his throat, and then said in authentic Chinese:

"I forgot to inform you, President Izumi. I have applied for and obtained Chinese citizenship and now have a stable job in China. My resignation letter has been faxed over. Please take a look. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Forgive me, Arigado!

In addition, my current name is Xiao Okada, my ancestral home is Yunnan. You can call me Mr. Xiao or Mr. Okada, but I prefer the former. "

JAXA and Mitsubishi executives listened blankly to Xiao Okada's proud words, and for a moment they didn't know how to react.

It took Seiji Izumizawa a long time to realize that Okada, the red deer, had actually defected!

Although Okada Masashi's procedures for going abroad are completely formal, in his opinion, this is defection!

"Makanoro! Okada, do you know what you are doing? You will bring irreparable losses to JAXA. You must have stolen the information and joined the Chinese, right?"

"President, why bother speaking so harshly? I'm Chinese now, and I can tell you that I don't need to steal your company's secrets at all. It's just a normal business job-hopping. If nothing happens, I'll hang up first."

Hearing that Okada even hung up the phone, Izumizawa Seiji became even more angry and shouted:

"Okada, you have forgotten your own nation and the oath you made. You are a traitor and will be spurned by all the people! You cannot be reincarnated!"

Izumizawa Seiji was almost going crazy, but Xiao Okada on the other end of the phone just let out a sigh of disdain. He originally wanted to say something but ended up laughing, and then said easily:

"Your Excellency, President, I have studied the genealogy. My great-grandfather's mother married a Yunnanese. I am actually of mixed Chinese and Japanese descent. Gao Tianyuan has no control over my soul. I am a Naxi tribe member and believe in the Three Purities.

And I want to say it again, this is just an ordinary business personnel change, which may have some negative impact on your company. I am really sorry, I will bow to you and apologize, red bean paste private Marseille! "

Xiao Gangtian bowed seriously, then hung up the phone, turned to look at the circle of engineers who had not yet obtained Chinese nationality surrounding him, and laid his hands down in a gesture of comfort:

"Please rest assured. As the vice president and director of the Space Vehicle Department of Xinyuan Aerospace Corporation, I can assure you that the company will not treat you badly. Is Mitsubishi worthy of speaking nonsense in front of us Chinese people?

The procedures will be completed soon. You should study Chinese well and be familiar with your future work. Do you understand? "



The bowing engineers quickly straightened their backs, squeezed out "yes" with strange accents, and then left under Xiao Gangtian's satisfied eyes.

CEO Cai Yuanfa, who was secretly observing, covered his face, feeling that Okada was more skilled at being a Chinese than him.

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