"Okada, if you return home immediately, we can pretend that nothing happened. Hello, Okada?"

Izumi Zekiji didn't realize that Xiao Okada had hung up the phone, and he didn't realize it until he said something else. Then he angrily threw Shinichiro Sakai's cell phone on the ground, stamping on it with his feet while shouting Ma Deer.

"Listen, what is business behavior? This is obviously a defection, or a defection with a purpose and a plan. I suspect he has been prepared for a long time. Why should he learn Chinese?!"

The top executives of JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries took two steps back silently as the president kept yelling and cursing.

They were still paying close attention to Masashi Okada, but no one expected that the chief designer would run away and take a group of his disciples with him.

Little did they know that in the beginning Okada was just convening a small meeting with engineers out of his own sense of responsibility to study Xinyuan's technological development route and see if there was anything he could imitate.

During this process, they also accidentally started to learn Chinese to varying degrees. Then with a deeper understanding of Xinyuan Company and looking at the messy JAXA, Okada slowly hatched a bold plan in his mind.

The engineers who were with him actually discovered the clues in advance, because Okada secretly applied for a passport and left through the connections of an engineer's family, so everyone vaguely guessed what Okada wanted to do.

When Okada told them that he had changed his nationality through the skilled immigration channel, these engineers, especially the H3 team, packed up their belongings overnight and ran away with their wives and children. Some even took the opportunity to get away from their families.

The quality of this batch of teams is quite high. There is actually one B-level team member and the rest are C-level team members. Lin Jubai directly made hundreds of millions of dollars.

On May 19, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries claimed that H3 chief designer Masashi Okada and some team members were illegally detained while traveling in China, and demanded their release as soon as possible.

The news left many people scratching their heads. Before they could understand what was happening, they waited for the response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Masashi Okada applied for a formal visa through formal channels and arrived in the mainland legally, and voluntarily applied for Chinese nationality in the form of skilled immigrants. The entire process was complete and there were no violations. The same was true for the rest of the people, and the formal documents have been made public. .

The ambassador of the island country requested an emergency meeting, and the situation developed for more than two hours. When the number of people eating melons reached its peak, Xinyuan Company held a press conference, and the spokesperson was the person involved, Masashi Okada.

"I reiterate, my name is Xiao Okada."

Xiao Gangtian is not tall and bald at a young age. Standing in front of the media at this moment, he does not have the humility of bowing and apologizing before. Instead, he proudly holds a torn paper page wrapped in a transparent vacuum bag and displays it:

"My great-great-grandfather was from Yunnan. He fled to the island country to escape the war and married my great-great-grandmother. She is the first wife and I am the eldest son. Therefore, my surname is Xiao. I am just acknowledging my ancestors and returning to my hometown!"

The media's cameras rushed to take pictures of Okada's self-proclaimed "family tree". At the same time, reporters kept asking questions:

"Mr. Okada, did you really come to China of your own free will? Why do you work at Xinyuan Company?"

Okada: "I happened to meet the executives of Xinyuan Company when I was traveling here. We initially exchanged some technical issues. In the end, I thought this place was more suitable for development and missed my hometown too much, so I chose to join Xinyuan. "

The reporters were speechless at Okada's statement that he missed his hometown, but professional ethics still allowed them to ask questions from different angles:

"Then why are there so many engineers following you here? Are you doing this in an organized manner?"

"No, this is completely voluntary. No one forced them. If there is one, it's JAXA!" Xiao Okada's face was full of anger, and he revealed the smell of big news:

"You don't know the rigid management system of the island country's enterprises, you don't know what happens when presidents who don't understand technology intervene in projects, you don't know what the status of scientific researchers is like in the island country..."

Xiao Gangtian let himself go and started a fanatical complaining mode. The reporters quickly recorded this extremely valuable scene and did not miss it at all.

These contents can be called a big reveal of the internal management of JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and they immediately aroused people's curiosity.

Especially the fact that the chief rocket engineer of an island country came to China and became a naturalized citizen. Just hearing about it makes people want to explore.

That was the H3 rocket, the most advanced rocket team in the island country, and they all jumped ship. Which Chinese person didn't raise an eyebrow and sigh.

This is a real talent introduction, and no one can say that they are useless.

The public opinion in China is overwhelming, and the island countries are only exaggerating.

The JAXA board of directors appeared together to answer questions from all walks of life, insisting that Okada was not voluntary. However, when asked whether what Okada mentioned was true, they just bowed 90 degrees to "private Marseille"!

But every island nation knows that what Okada said is absolutely right, even lightly.

This includes Hasegawa Yuji, a close friend of Xiao Okada and the deputy project engineer of Kawasaki Heavy Industries' large aircraft team.

When he saw Okada boasting about his status as the director of Xinyuan Aerospace Powered Space Vehicles, he immediately blurted out the word "Nani".

This guy Okada actually ran away secretly without telling me!

He can spit in front of the media in front of these presidents and boards of directors, but he can only be spit by these people.

In the island country, the personnel system can be described as more than lifeless?

The president of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kenhiro Hasegawa, was born in 1916. He is still clinging to the company at the age of 99. Each old man is getting better and better. If it weren’t for Hasegawa Yuji’s slight side relationship, how would he be where he is now?

Moreover, working in aerospace in an island country is a very frustrating job. It is subject to restrictions everywhere. In many cases, it is either that you cannot do it well or you are not allowed to do it well.

If your C2 transport aircraft is of high quality, low price and excellent performance, who will buy Mr. Boeing’s C17?

Yuji Hasegawa, who was involved in the tragedy of C2, is deeply aware of these troubles. His eyes are red when he sees Okada Masashi, a guy who is not as good at studying as him, leaping over the dragon's gate and becoming the vice president of a super space company.

After only hesitating for one night, Hasegawa Yuji boarded the cruise ship the next night and handed a large amount of money to the smuggler.

The smuggler casually checked Hasegawa Yuji's luggage and found that there was actually a visa. It was genuine. He was immediately confused.

But Hasegawa Yuji only kept urging the boat to sail. He could only put away his doubts and set sail with the tourists in the middle of the night. He quietly lowered the rope ladder on the high seas, and Hasegawa Yuji fell down into the rubber boat.

The people on the boat turned off all the lights, stuffed Hasegawa Yuji between five or six stowaways, and quickly disappeared into the night with full power.

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