I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 159 The stage is in the east


"Hello, is this Mr. Masashi Okada? There is a man who calls himself Yuji Hasegawa and says he is your friend. He was intercepted by the coast guard because he was trying to sneak into Thailand on a stowaway boat. He said he wanted to contact you before being deported."


Xiao Gangtian received a call from someone claiming to be the border police early in the morning, and then he heard that his close friend had been smuggled to Thailand from the South China Sea and was caught by the Chinese Coast Guard?

Why did Yuji Hasegawa go to Thailand? Watching shemales? Still smuggling?

Xiao Okada didn't know what to say for a while. He talked to the police for a long time before getting the stowaway who called himself "Hasegawa Yuji" to answer the phone. Then he heard a familiar voice.

"Okada, are you Okada? Let them release me quickly. I'm here to join the organization!"

God TM has taken refuge in the organization!

Xiao Okada thought to himself that I didn't even join the organization, so he first asked Hasegawa how he could sneak to Thailand when he was working well at Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

"Thailand? I came to the mainland! Red deer...these smugglers actually wanted to take me to Thailand? Fortunately, I was discovered by the coast guard...Okada-kun, I have seen what you said on the news, I I can’t stand that place anymore. Aren’t you with Xinyuan Company? They have aviation business. Let me go. You know what I am capable of. We are not responsible for the failure of C2!”

"...I want to tell the boss first, please wait first,"

Okada hung up the phone and touched his chin in disbelief.

He was just complaining, but someone would actually choose to come here like him?

No way, right?

"Yuji Hasegawa, an engineer from the Aviation Department of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, has applied for policy asylum and his refugee status is under review."

On the third day after Xiao Okada's declaration of escape, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that an engineer from an island country had applied for policy asylum from the government because he had suffered a lot of unfair treatment at work.

When the media spread this shocking news, Kawasaki Heavy Industries realized belatedly that it was missing an important and young engineer.

In just one week, 15 aerospace researchers from the island country came to China?

What is the shocking conspiracy here?

All kinds of conspiracy theories popped up for a while. People in China felt extremely confident and felt that the Celestial Empire was back. Disaster theories began to prevail among the people on the island. They suspected that scientists were fleeing one after another after discovering that a catastrophe was about to happen.

However, the Chinese official's response was very normal and bland: This is just an ordinary cross-border movement of people. Don't think too much about it. We haven't done anything.

It seemed like nothing was done, but Sho Okada and Hasegawa Yuji did not disappear.

On May 20, Hasegawa Yuji’s asylum application was approved and he obtained Chinese nationality as a technical expert to complete his immigration.

Hasegawa Yuji could not find a genealogy that could be traced back to his ancestors in Yunnan, so he changed his name to Zhang Chuanyong.

After Zhang Chuanyong was admitted to the institute by Lin Ju, he was found to be a B-level engineer with a very high level. However, he did not stay at Xinyuan. Instead, he was going to be assigned to Southwest Commercial Airlines, which was being formed, to build passenger aircraft.

Xinyuan's own aviation department is mainly responsible for design or small batch manufacturing, leaving Zhang Chuanyong a bit wasteful.

The latter was a little disappointed that he could not stay with the parent company, but became excited again when he found out that he was involved in the C822 regional wide-body passenger aircraft.

Now we can beat Mitsubishi!

Everyone has known for a long time that island countries like to keep an eye on their neighbors.

When the space agency engages in manned spaceflight projects, they must also follow up;

When 603 builds large transport aircraft, they use C2;

COMAC is developing the C919 wide-body regional aircraft, and Mitsubishi will immediately follow up with the MRJ regional aircraft project.

As long as China is doing something, the island country will immediately follow up with the same project, just to compete.

Originally, the C919 had lagged behind the MRJ because most of its components needed to be imported. As a result, Xinyuan Aerospace Power took action to solve the key engine and avionics systems. Although the C822 project was approved very late, the progress will obviously be very fast with Xinyuan's promotion.

This is the first wide-body regional airliner in Asia. It is really exciting to be involved in this project.

As for the reason why Zhang Chuanyong was not sent to the C832 team, it is well known that C832 is a special aircraft project. When feasible, Commercial Aviation will try its best to control the entire C832 team to include no foreigners, not even foreigners. The main focus is an absolute The policy is correct!

Zhang Chuanyong was well aware of this and had no dissatisfaction in his heart. Instead, he and Xiao Gangtian released a speech that day:

"The stage that belongs to Asians is in the East."

This speech was completely public. In addition to reporters and media, they also summoned many islanders who were originally in China.

Zhang Chuanyong waved his arms vigorously, and the author was called a "traitor's lie" by the island country's media:

"History has proven that if we want to establish the glory of Asians and yellow people, we must rely on China, rely on its fertile land, rely on its wonderful culture, rely on its atmosphere of freedom, and rely on its respect for knowledge and talents!

For senior talents like Mr. Androv, if he went to the island country, he would probably have to watch the section chief die when he was eighty years old, and then take over the position while wearing a ventilator, and then gradually take back the honors and achievements that were taken away from him in the past. Grab it back.

When we look up at the sky, what we see in the island country are suffocating clouds. But when I stand here, even the air is filled with the fragrance of freedom and relaxation.

The era of Asians is coming, and this era will only be realized here. Any islanders who are willing to do their best for the greatness of Asia should spontaneously look for a place where they can fully display their abilities..."

Zhang Chuanyong gave a passionate speech in Japanese, and Xiao Gangtian repeated it in Chinese. The islanders present were excited and the Chinese media were blushing.

It was really shameful to suddenly apply the beautiful adjectives to myself in the past. Also, Zhang Chuanyong’s speech was full of the second grade atmosphere, and the rhythm of the song of reform seemed to be faintly heard behind it.

However, the second grader's slow speech caused a huge response.

On May 23, the mass exodus of engineers from the island nation reached its climax. It was revealed that as many as 7 engineers in key fields were detained at the airport.

7 people, 5 of whom are JAXA crew members, and one is the person in charge of a key part of the H2A rocket. They are all over 50 and still want to run away?

As for the little shrimps who slipped away, there were even more people. There were too many to handle, probably close to twenty-five people.

Before being forcibly detained at the airport, the engineer who was detained at the airport shouted to the onlookers and the camera: "For the glory of Asia Greater! For freedom! China respects science, and I will definitely go!"

Seeing this scene, the people of the island country not only did not look down upon it, but also felt sympathy in their hearts. Even the people from the police department were embarrassed to bow their heads the whole time, and escorted the engineer who was like a fighter into a police car.

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