On the 24th, when the Police Department officially restricted the departure of scientific researchers from the island country, more than 30 aerospace-related engineers had successfully arrived in China and obtained legal status.

Zhang Chuanyong's speech and the treatment received by the island country's engineers when they came to China in this incident led the public opinion of the island country in a strange direction: co-prosperity of Asia.

Of course, this was one of the popular opinions in the past, but now it has become mainstream due to the defection scandal.

With the help of the media, more and more people believe that China now ranks first in the world in terms of industrial strength, its steel production ranks first in the world, and its educated population is incredibly exaggerated. It is simply the invincible and enhanced version of Aramco Plus on the eve of its rise!

There are innovations that are increasing all the time, there are preferential treatment for scientific researchers, there are smooth promotion channels, and the air there is full of the fragrance of freedom.

Moreover, this trend of public opinion happened to coincide with several things, or the latter was caused by:

The An-1250 giant transport aircraft was successfully developed and Xinyuan-2A was ready for launch.

Not to mention the An-1250 giant transport aircraft, it has been undergoing intensive test flights these days, and the first aircraft, B4043, has obtained official flight qualifications.

Two of them are placed vertically in the cargo hold, one on the back and one on the back of the aircraft. A pointed cone fairing is put on the front. The three 5-meter-diameter An-1250 rockets of the Xinyuan-2A can be carried in one go. Part and two additional conical fairings were transported by IL-76.

Two planes and one super rocket completed the transportation.

When the route information of An 1250 was announced on the civil aviation website, a large group of photography enthusiasts squatted in advance.

The 40-meter-long rocket body carried on its back is insignificant to the An-1250. When shooting on the ground, it is basically covered by the huge body and nothing can be seen.

With a total load of less than 150 tons, the eight engines easily pulled the aircraft up, and then performed a "sky-blocking" scene in front of many cameras.

And the specialty of An 1250 is to pass through the clouds while rising and break out of a wide open area, which is as shocking as clearing the sky.

Scenes like this have been very popular on the Internet these days. No matter who sees such a giant aircraft, they can't help but admire it.

Compared with the C2 of the island nation, it has a maximum take-off mass of more than 100 tons and looks extremely small.

If this does not represent the glory of Asia, what does?

On May 25, Lao Ma's Falcon Heavy was launched as scheduled. This rocket can carry a maximum payload of 69 tons, but this time only a 15-ton second-generation Dragon spacecraft was sent aboard.

This is a cargo spacecraft, but it does not perform transportation tasks. It is reusable anyway and will float in low-Earth orbit for 10 days before landing.

The three retrievable rocket bodies after the Falcon Heavy was separated were all successfully recovered, which was regarded as a perfect test launch.

With a ground thrust of 2,228 tons and a take-off mass of 1,421 tons, the Falcon Heavy won the title of the world's most powerful rocket currently in service.

However, few media expressed congratulations on this, some of them were joking, and few sincere praises were expressed, but they also expressed regret.

Because the Falcon Heavy can only hold this crown for 4 days.

On the same day, the final assembly of Xinyuan-2A was completed at Station 2 of the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site. Due to the relatively large range of hoisting movement, the final assembly building was briefly opened, allowing people to see the full picture of the rocket clearly.

Due to the limitation of the width of the launch pad, Xinyuan No. 2A is placed diagonally, but it still does not affect its domineering power.

Xinyuan-2A has a take-off thrust of 4,700 tons, a take-off mass of 3,500 tons, and a low-Earth orbit transport capacity of 135 tons.

This number far exceeds that of the Falcon 9, and is the world's largest rocket that has finally surpassed the Saturn V in 50 years since the launch of the Saturn V rocket in November 1967.

If giant rockets are distinguished by their LEO transport capacity of 100 tons, Aramco’s Saturn V is 118 tons; Alliance’s N1 rocket is 95 tons, and the Energia rocket is 105 tons; Xinyuan-2A tops the list with a transport capacity of 135 tons.

This is the most powerful rocket ever made by mankind. Even if the Falcon Heavy is not recovered, it would take two combined to rival the Xinyuan-2A.

Its emergence was a major victory for the CBC configuration, which created a giant rocket through the combination of heavy-lift rockets.

Xinyuan-2A, which has a maximum width of 20 meters (including connectors and gaps), is placed there, giving people a feeling of standing on top of the sky. Moreover, in order to deliver mass to the moon, the height of Xinyuan-2A in the three-stage configuration reaches It reached 122 meters, surpassing the 110 meters of the Saturn V rocket.

Whether in terms of appearance or performance, Xinyuan No. 2A has brought a powerful shock to the world.

In the face of the well-deserved No. 1 ranking of Xinyuan No. 5A, the island nation looked at its own H-series rockets and was embarrassed to mention them.

This is a super rocket that is recognized as capable of completing manned landings on the moon. It is something that even the alliance cannot do, but now the Chinese can do it.

For that alone, as long as you identify as Asian, you have to acknowledge that this is a remarkable achievement.

It was also at this moment that the Lucia Space Agency, NACA, the Space Agency, and the European Space Agency truly felt that a new race to the moon had begun.

The pressure Xinyuan-2A brings to people is as great as its size. When being caught by reporters for an interview, Director Claire reluctantly wished Xinyuan-2A a successful launch, and then placed the rocket model on his desk. , pick it up and look at it every day.

The team of the later "Ace Pigeon" SLS rocket worked hard day and night under such huge pressure, and went all out to complete the first launch of the SLS rocket this year.

However, after the release of this big news, a proposal from the space agency added fuel to the world's anger with the attitude of just watching the excitement.

The space agency announced internally the space training system and the list of the first five people, and then announced it to the public in a high-profile manner.

At that time, Tang Weitian was still at the Tongchuan test bed, conducting a 500-second long test run of the YF130 prototype.

With huge investment, in just two months, 9 units and 6 versions of the YF130 prototype were produced. Finally, the mass production model was determined on May 27, and two prototypes were tested for a long time.

These prototypes alone cost more than 200 million yuan. This was completely impossible in the past, but for the Dawn Project, the Sixth Academy completed the design and finalization of the YF130 at an astonishing speed.

While trying to ensure performance, Tang Weitian increased the combustion pressure of the YF130 to simplify the engine structure and improve reliability.

When he heard about the amazing space training plan, his first sentence was: "No, I have to focus on YF130. There are two other projects, YF135 and YF90, where can I go?"

But his colleagues couldn't help but say that Tang Weitian couldn't make the decision, and they still wanted to go to heaven.

If Tang Weitian doesn't go, this won't happen. How will they go in the future?

These colleagues even invited Zhou Rui over and asked the latter to do ideological work. The superiors also gave a preliminary training plan, saying that the space agency had not reached the point where it could not operate without a certain expert, so Tang Weitian could go with peace of mind.

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