“We send scientists into space to give those engaged in the space industry the opportunity to see space, to enhance the sense of career of aerospace practitioners, and to increase the accuracy of controlling the future direction of space...”

Musk was sitting in XC4, watching the space agency boss talk and explain why scientists should be sent into space, and unconsciously tapping the steering wheel that automatically adjusted slightly.

He originally bought this sports car to see Xinyuan's technical capabilities. He dismantled it when he was ready to take a look at it. However, after a test drive, he was reluctant to part with it and asked Tesla to buy another one for research.

Photos of Musk driving the XC4 have been posted everywhere, but he doesn't care, and as long as he pays attention when he goes out, no one will notice. There are now more than 2,000 XC4s in Aramco.

Yes, even if they have to pay extremely high taxes and fees, there are still many people who are willing to buy one and experience smart driving.

On the other hand, the U.S. Congress passed a bill deeming XC4 to have used the Matrices and Latitude satellite network and there was a risk of leaks and imposed sanctions, but the actual effect was almost ineffective.

Anyway, there are only a few thousand cars, and Sir just wants to eat donuts, so there is no time for this.

Sitting in XC4, Musk thought about Xinyuan-2A, which will make its first flight tomorrow, and the Chinese Space Administration's proud announcement that it will send scientists into space, with a serious face.

CASA has announced that it will send a certain number of aerospace researchers into space every year. It is not just the country that is excited. Space agencies around the world are equally excited.

Because just 20 hours later, NACA announced that two NACA scientists, including John Blevins, would be added to the Artemis program's subsequent lunar landing personnel selection.

Who is John Blevins? He is the chief designer of the SLS rocket.

Well, NACA is even more ruthless and wants to directly send the chief engineer of the moon landing rocket to the moon. This is much crazier than China.

I don’t know if John Blevins knew about this at the time. If he knew, he would definitely be more concerned about the moon landing plan...

Claire made the decision before the matter even had time to be submitted to Congress for discussion, and later proved that she had not been made things difficult for her.

After all, it’s just about sending a few people into space. Can’t Ami do that?

Not only NACA scientists, but also Claire later announced that all member countries participating in the Artemis program can send their own aerospace scientists to space or the moon, demonstrating Aramco's loyalty.

Later, Lucia also announced that it would send its own scientific researchers into space. India and Turkey also announced their plans. The director of the Indian Space Agency even stated that he would be the first Indian in space.

The space agency stirred up a thousand waves with one stone. Regardless of whether others could realize it, they all immediately chose to follow up, bringing the space industry into a new development pattern.

The work enthusiasm of aerospace practitioners around the world has increased to varying degrees, and they all hope to gain the opportunity to go to space.

SpecaX ends this space craze with a climax: before 2017, the Manned Dragon spacecraft will complete two unmanned test flights and send at least two tourists and two SpecaX engineers into space in 2017. .

Chief engineer Elon Musk also tweeted a photo, which is an imaginary drawing of him standing on top of an erected Tesla Rodster sports car, with the Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft lowered.

SpecaX will send a Tesla Roadster into orbit at the same time as Musk in the near future, allowing space founders to have space experience.

May 29, sunny, Qiongzhou breeze.

Under the bright sunshine, Xinyuan No. 2A stood on the launch tower that was already in place. The tall trees in front of it were as short as the ground-level turf of the stadium.

122 meters, only the Long March 10 under development can surpass it.

The rocket body of the Long March 10, which is expected to be launched in August, is almost complete. It only took 11 months from project establishment to first flight.

This time comes at a price. The YF130 engine is destined to be eliminated. The YF77 used in the second stage cannot be described as advanced and reliable, and the proportion of mature technology is extremely high.

Since it is a 5-meter-diameter rocket body, the Long March 10's height is higher, reaching 129 meters. It will soon set a new record for the world's tallest rocket.

The transportation capacity of Long March 10 is basically the same as that of Xinyuan-2A. The load coefficient continues the space agency's usual conservative approach, which is relatively low at only 120 tons. However, compared with Xinyuan-2A, it is actually at the same level.

Xiao Gangtian and Zhang Chuanyong stood in the VIP viewing area and greeted everyone around without timidity.

In addition to the space agency, there were many foreigners coming and going. Many people came from the Lucia Space Agency and the European Space Agency, as well as Prince Sweetan, the proud head of the Arbor Space Agency.

The latter always smiles from the bottom of his heart, because for Abel, these past few months have been full of surprises.

On May 23, the No. 3 module of the Hila Space Station was launched by Xinyuan 2. On the same day, the Mukara Space Launch Site was officially completed and passed acceptance!

With an operating mass of 127 tons in orbit, Hila Space Station has become the third largest space station after ISS and Tiangong. It is also a youth version of the "international" space station jointly operated by four countries.

The Wentian and Mengtian experimental modules of Tiangong Phase II will not be launched until September this year. Therefore, after the launch of the Hila Space Station on June 26, it will rank as the second largest space station in the world with a mass of 215 tons and a habitable area. Ranked first.

Tiangong Space Station currently ranks third with a mass of 190 tons. Is it actually smaller than Arbor’s space station?

So Abel can now use his nostrils to look at people when he goes out. He shows off his space station everywhere, and more than ten countries have requested to join the Shira space station. The old king Alert, who is about to die, is in a state of elation, but he is still alive.

That's a space station, and Arbor can launch astronauts "independently". Who said you can't buy technology even if you have money? Is it because Sha's money is not green enough?

However, other countries can only envy them. There are not many countries that can jump left and right and still have money to deal with it. Abo happens to be one of them. It can only be said that time and fortune come together.

Celebrities watching the rocket launch are not only in the VIP seats, but also in ordinary beach areas.

For example, former NACA Director Mike Griffin and 85-year-old Buzz Aldrin.

Who is Buzz Aldrin? On July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission, he followed Neil Armstrong down the ramp and became the second human being to land on the lunar surface.

The two of them entered the country quietly. The customs noticed it but did not disturb them. Now they are just ordinary tourists.

Aldrin wanted to come to China himself. He said he wanted to see the second rocket capable of landing on the moon, so he joined a group with Griffin and flew to Qiongzhou.

In Baz's eyes, the Shinyuan No. 2A shining brightly in the sun exuded a halo, and it gradually overlapped with the Saturn V in a trance.

Forty-six years later, the scene of that day is still fresh in his memory. He clearly remembers Armstrong's hesitation in stepping out of the lander, and he remembers controlling the camera to record Armstrong's famous "One Giant Step for Man."

Buzz Aldrin felt his blood boil.

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