I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 175 Xinyuan No. 3 leaves the factory!

On June 18, this year’s 618 is not only a shopping festival for the Internet, but also a shopping festival for many private aerospace companies.

Since Xinyuan opened its full range of engines and recovery control systems for sale, private companies that had been struggling to crawl suddenly became frightened.

There is a 5-meter-class reusable rocket using a single K380V. Through the combination of CBC configuration and second stage, it directly covers the low-Earth orbit transport capacity range of 9 to 30 tons.

There are many K120s used to build 7-meter heavy rockets, and some even use small space shuttles and copy Musk starships.

With the engine, they can indeed do whatever they want. Other private aerospace companies, which are small and transparent, have stepped out of isolation and begun to use the characteristics of commercialization to accelerate development.

Rockets with capacities ranging from a few hundred kilograms to hundreds of tons are all covered by the rich rocket pedigree of several companies.

And although key components are purchased, they can also reduce costs and gain profits in other aspects. Reusability is the best cost compressor.

However, in order to prevent unrestricted and harsh competition from continuously suppressing prices, the Aviation Development Commission took the lead in making mandatory regulations. Through the constraints of technical sources, it is necessary to completely cut off low prices from impacting the market, making it impossible for everyone to play.

After so many years of business, the country is no longer a novice and has formulated regulations from the beginning.

These measures have strongly boosted domestic confidence in private aerospace, and also made people feel that Xinyuan Aerospace and the space agency will not work together to eat alone. The response to the aerospace sector has been very good.

Regarding Xinyuan's initiative to open up its products to other private companies, there has been considerable response from abroad.

The aerospace industry has always been relatively closed, and everyone does their own thing. It is actually rare to split the cost by purchasing here and there like cars, but if it is open, it will still be very beneficial to small aerospace companies.

Several small aerospace companies in Aramco took the opportunity to call on companies such as SpecaX, ULA, Blue Origin, etc. to open engines and the most popular rocket recovery control system. However, surprisingly, the major giants responded indifferently and seemed to have no reaction at all.

This is not in the interests of large companies. Their goal is to monopolize. The original World Line Crossing used the Falcon 9 that can be continuously launched to achieve a miracle of accounting for 70% of the world's launches in one year.

After selling these things, what if someone reverse-engineers them and steals my business? Even if you buy my parts, what you want is to maximize profits.

NACA also remained silent. They currently still rely on several large enterprises to carry out the Artemis project, and the latter is much more important than a bunch of little shrimps.

And their biggest focus now is not here, but in Qiongzhou.

On the same day, it was rare for people to see two An-1250s taking off from a Class B base at the same time.

The No. 1 aircraft, B4043, mainly flies to Xinyuan and Qiongzhou, which are relatively fixed routes. The No. 2 aircraft flies east and west. It was originally intended to sail around the world, but it may take a while due to various factors. .

In addition to Aramco's troubles, these factors include the fact that companies are constantly coming to us hoping to use the An-1250 for freight tasks.

The biggest one was CRRC. They carefully checked the data of An1250 and then rented it to transport the Harmony train set.

The Harmony has a width of 3.2 meters, a height of 4 meters, and a length of 25 meters. The cargo hold of the An 1250 can accommodate two cars side by side, for a total of 8 cars.

8 knots, just one group, and a train was transported there like this. However, because the cargo hold of the An 1250 can only support 360 tons, in the end only 7 knots, 335 tons, were placed for safety, and the line was stuck and took off.

An 1250 flew five times and transported two 16-car EMUs in series to the destination. The crew rotation took 48 hours to complete. The efficiency was frightening. The EMUs were worth the high rent paid by CRRC, that is, Sell ​​some tickets.

For transporting large medical equipment, An 1250 can also be completed in one trip. Various unexpected industries will need ultra-large air transport capacity.

Due to the high appearance rate of the B4143 machine, the outside world joked that the eldest lady was pampered and could only transport rockets, while the second lady had to work hard to make money to support her family. Some people even made the Q version of the No. 2 machine girl, and the sales were very good.

This time, the No. 2 aircraft just had no schedule, so they flew back to their hometown, loaded the disassembled Xinyuan No. 3, and arrived in Qiongzhou one after another.

This time, the huge figure of An 1250 could not cover the arrow body on its back.

11 meters, the Saturn V rocket is 10 meters, and the N1 rocket is up to 17 meters. However, the diameter of the latter gradually shrinks due to its conical shape, so it is not as impressive as the Xinyuan 3 rocket, which has a diameter of 11 meters.

So for the media to call Xinyuan-3 "the world's largest and thickest rocket", it makes little sense to people.

Xinyuan now makes fewer and fewer announcements to the outside world and appears more and more mysterious. There was almost no news before the departure of Xinyuan No. 3.

When people photographed the first stage on the back of the An-1250 aircraft, they naturally also saw the 19 engines placed in three circles on the back.

19 K380 liquid oxygen kerosene engines have a take-off thrust of up to 7,500 tons, which is twice the 3,400 tons of the Saturn V rocket!

The carrying capacity has lived up to expectations, reaching a terrifying 247 tons, and can send 101 tons of payload to the lunar orbit.

For a moment, NACA felt desperate.

Whether it is the SLS or the Falcon Heavy rocket, they can only send more than 20 tons of weight to the moon. Xinyuan 3 can at least carry three of them.

With a mass of 101 tons, it can hit the spacecraft, lander, space station, and simple lunar surface habitation module all at once. This transportation capacity is so rich that people can't help but doubt the Artemis plan.

Moreover, the diameter of the rocket reaches 11 meters, which means that if the fairing is slightly larger, a spacecraft with a diameter of 15 meters can be put down!

With such a large diameter, a basketball court can be opened!

Some people also think that arranging 19 engines on the same rocket body will reduce the reliability and repeat the mistakes of the N1 rocket. But considering that all 21 engines of Xinyuan-2A are working normally, it seems unlikely that 19 engines will have problems?

The space agency, which was shaken by Xinyuan-2A just last month, was immediately under great pressure. The 135 tons of low-Earth orbit transport capacity could not satisfy Lin Ju, and it had to install a giant rocket of more than 200 tons.

If Lin Ju hadn't made it clear that Xinyuan-3's current mission was to build a space station, rather than immediately carry out a moon landing, the space agency could have just messed up and pushed back to the moon landing.

The gap is too big to play with. The lunar orbit transport capacity of 101 tons can work wonders simply and crudely. No matter how hard it is to reduce the quality, there is no need to optimize. Maybe the 100 tons of transport capacity cannot be used up.

But even though Lin Ju repeatedly stated that they would not rush to the moon, but would carry out manned landing on the moon after preparing for the development of the lunar surface in the later stage, the boss still urged the progress of the Long March 10.

The current Long March 10 will soon complete the final assembly of the first prototype rocket, which will be used for rocket body testing. If we work hard to catch up with the progress, it will be able to fly in early August.

Yun Hongjun's Chang 10 team almost lives in the Jingu rocket manufacturing base, just to monitor the progress of the first Long March 10 and make modifications at any time.

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