As for other domestic private aerospace companies, the space agency has not paid much attention to it because it already has the big guy Xinyuan.

One Xinyuan is enough. If a few more are added, the country will not be able to bear the torment.

However, overall the attitude is still supportive. The existence of the Aviation Development Commission has gradually shown that attracting private capital is not necessarily all bad.

So the Aviation Development Commission pointed out a clear path, and then conducting research from scratch would seem to be a bit of redundant construction. Why don't you buy some things?

Xinyuan Company also responded proactively, putting almost its entire line of engine products, recovery control systems, and even satellite platforms on its shelves.

You can only produce rocket bodies. Engine Xinyuan provides all liquid rocket engines from 12 tons to the maximum 500 tons, including liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen methane, and liquid oxygen kerosene. You can sell them as long as you buy them.

The recovery control system can also be purchased, and the rocket body below 5 meters can be customized and optimized for free after purchase.

The space agency is not idle either. Although they are now going all out to land on the moon, it is quite easy to squeeze out some production capacity for private enterprises. The engine is basically YF100. The "Yunkai" recovery system of the Eighth Institute currently supports 3.35 meters. Sell.

If you can buy the engine and the control system, most of the problems with that rocket will be solved.

These companies are naturally cheering for joy. They are not outsourced by the space agency and there is no shame in it. Besides, many aerospace companies in Aramco also purchase Lucia engines.

However, in addition to wanting to purchase engines, they also took the initiative to sell their plans door-to-door to see if they could attract investment from some big shots.

Although Xinyuan's rocket pedigree is not lacking, small and medium-sized rockets are still relatively monotonous and have been undertaken in relatively few cases.

There is still a market, but Xinyuan is not yet at the bottom where it can dominate the country. In addition, the aerospace market has begun to prosper in the past two years, the demand for satellites is increasing, and there is no shortage of orders.

However, Xinyuan's open attitude still surprised them. The largest one is a 500-ton single-combustion chamber liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen engine with a nozzle diameter of only 2.7 meters. Although it has not been produced, no one doubts Xinyuan's capabilities.

Lin Ju looked at the PPTs of several companies. How should I put it, they were pretty good, but they lacked some new ideas and the direction was not clear.

It is not the best to rush into the rocket field. In fact, companies like Aramco can go far in the long run only if they have exclusive technologies in different fields.

Lin Ju thought for a while and asked a question:

"We'll talk about the rocket later. Let me say one thing. Xinyuan's lunar plan includes the lunar space station and the lunar surface building complex. I will share the specific functions with you. If you have any ideas about which part you can do well, , you are very considerate and can submit a plan to me. After Xinyuan reviews it, it may be accepted in the form of joint development."

Everyone:! ! !

They immediately realized that Lin Ju wanted to give them a hand.

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, and then someone boldly said:

"Does it include the space station, lunar rover, residential module, etc.?"

Lin Ju: "Yes, Xinyuan has a big business now. Landing on the moon is a systematic project, and the development of the moon in the future cannot be completed by one company. If your plan is approved, Xinyuan will also produce some that may be used." Technology.

However, our requirements are very high, and the time limit is very short. We must produce results in a short time. If you want to draw a PPT like Ami, just invest.

But there is no need to worry too much. As long as the creativity is good enough, Xinyuan has many unshown technologies that may be useful. "

"Director Lin's ambition is to turn them all into subordinate companies!"

After learning about the information obtained by seven private aerospace companies in Xinyuan, the boss directly pointed out that Lin Ju was holding a "Martial Arts Conference" and wanted to be the leader.

If those private enterprises were obedient, they would be able to obtain a lot of advanced scientific research capabilities, but if the source of their technology was tightly controlled by Xinyuan, they would have no choice but to let it go.

However, selling key rocket components is interesting. The engine and recovery control system can be sold casually and used without restrictions, which means that the threshold for aerospace has been greatly lowered.

In the past, Li Chuanfu said that a car is like a sofa on wheels, but now we can say that a rocket is like a cylinder on an engine.

It is also recyclable, allowing the purchasing company to recoup its investment. Just like making mobile phones, you can enter the market if you have money.

One can imagine how many people will be ready to take action once it is implemented.

But Academician She has a different opinion:

"The rocket is only a small part, and the big part is the moon project he mentioned. But, does the moon really have development value? Or, in the short term, does it?"

This sentence made the boss deep in thought.

Does the moon have value? Of course it does, but these values ​​must be realized to be called value!

For example, everyone knows that there is a large amount of aluminum, iron, and the most valuable rare metals on the surface of the moon, and that vacuum smelting is easy and has high purity. But is there a large-scale transportation capability now?

It seems to have.

The boss and Academician She thought of the A-100 nuclear thermal engine at the same time.

This thing has a high specific impact. The H2 space shuttle can carry 30 tons of cargo at a time, but a trip between near-lunar orbit and low-Earth orbit consumes less than 20 tons of fuel.

What can these 30 tons be loaded with? If it is refined metal rhenium, which is mainly used in aircraft engine manufacturing, and costs 17,000 yuan per kilogram, then it is worth about 510 million yuan.

How much would it cost to transport 30 tons of rhenium metal from the lunar surface to low-Earth orbit and then drop it down? How much energy does it take?

The gravity of the moon is low, and the rocket's carrying coefficient can be as high as 60%. To lift a 30-ton load into the sky, the take-off weight of the rocket required is less than 50 tons, and the engine thrust is 30 tons.

In just three minutes, the engine can push a 50-ton rocket and launch a 30-ton payload into the lunar orbit. If the moon can produce its own fuel and perform recycling and maintenance, the price will be quite cheap or even negligible.

The world needs at least 50 tons of rhenium metal every year, and as resources increase, consumption will also increase. It is still profitable to get these 30 tons of rhenium from mining, smelting, and transportation at a cost of 300 million.

But it would be great to change to another one. For example, metal iridium, the current international price is about 630 yuan per gram, which is 630,000 yuan per kilogram. The current global output is about 7 tons/year, and the reserves are about 5,000 tons, and the global demand is about About 15 tons, it is a very expensive and important rare metal.

The most recent use is in rocket engine nozzles, as well as high-temperature alloys, the most corrosion-resistant, etc.

If it could transport 30 tons, it would be so valuable. The market price is 19 billion. The initial investment for the moon landing was recouped in just a few times.

But this is an ideal situation. Even if one transportation is completed within a year, it means that the production of metal iridium has surged four times. Although the demand will definitely rise simultaneously, the price will definitely drop a lot, but even if it drops to 200,000 per kilogram, One ton is also 200 million, and one transportation is 6 billion.

Mining, it has a future!

Of course, this premise is to use the ridiculously high specific impulse of nuclear engines for transportation, and to establish smelters and mines in space in the early stage that can refine and produce at least 30 tons of rare metals a year.

The power required by the smelting furnace alone must be 1500KW. To supply personnel, mining equipment, etc., power stations, etc., you must first have a 10MW power station before you dare to build it. The equipment required for mines and smelters is at least 300 to 500 tons.

Projecting 500 tons of mass onto the lunar surface? Academician She shook his head, laughing at himself for his wild thoughts.

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