In the early morning of June 16, about 400,000 people gathered around the Mukala launch site, far exceeding the local carrying capacity.

In order to prevent people from suffering from heat stroke, Aber urgently purchased thousands of generator cars and more air conditioners, which were placed next to the crowds of people on the roadside. The high-power air conditioners whirred to bring cool air to the crowds.

Although the low-temperature area is very limited, Aber can make up for it with money. The air conditioners on the street are placed next to each other, and they are just against the weather.

This kind of extravagance made the media from various countries who came to Mukala gasp in admiration. For the first time, they truly felt what it means to be a big dog.

Even Ami is not so arrogant!

Although today was an unmanned test launch from the Mecca, the number of people coming to the launch site was still exaggerated, and it did not decrease at all because there were no people.

Xinyuan engineers, who were in place two months in advance, had already adjusted the supporting facilities here, and the rocket was transported and the final assembly was completed smoothly.

Of course, it is claimed that Xinyuan engineers provided technical guidance and the Arber Space Agency completed the assembly, although everyone knows what happened.

On the side of the Mecca at the top of Soyuz-2, the ASPACE logo of the Arbor Space Agency is clearly visible and is constantly being taken in close-ups.

The white mist from the liquid oxygen slowly rises around the scriptures on the arrow body, adding more mystery to the Quran.

In the launch center, the royal family members and senior officials kept their eyes on the rocket and read the scriptures on it from time to time.

Rayana Alkari sat with a group of royals and discussed the flight.

Alkari is a senior astronaut who has been to the International Space Station and later went to China for training. He will serve as the commander of the launch mission on June 28 and is highly regarded.

Alkari told them what the Shira space station can do in the future, how to perform the five-hour salute in space, how often the Mecca can be launched, etc., and how likely the royal family will be to fly on the space shuttle in the future.

Don't think that religious people don't like taking risks. On the contrary, these royal members who eat and sleep all day long have always felt that life is boring because they are already at the top of the human race. Good options.

But they all know that the one with the strongest desire is Crown Prince Hamand, the future King Hamand.

Now, His Royal Highness, the Preparatory King, who wanted to go to heaven, stood in front of the microphone and shouted loudly:

"...I approve, rocket launch!"

"JAXA has reached a plan to jointly develop a new module with Northrop Grumman, which is expected to be launched using an H3 rocket, and may also be undertaken by SpecaX."

When Aber successfully launched the last module of the "Hila" space station into orbit at the Mukala Space Launch Site, it marked that the Hilla space station successfully ranked second in the world with a mass of 215 tons and the largest movable area.

The structure of the Hila Space Station is quite special, it is in the shape of an "I".

The No. 1 cabin "Hashim" has two node cabins, connecting two cabin sections on one side.

The reason for this is that if only one node cabin is used, no matter how the other four cabin sections are arranged, it will look like a cross from several angles.

By then I'm afraid the Vatican will be very excited and Prince Sweetan will be stoned.

Although this orbital space station with a size of 88*44 meters does not have a single scientific research facility, it refers to scientific research facilities worthy of going to space, not just for scraping.

But the "Hila" space station still established an unshakable position for Arbor.

Lucia repeatedly hoped to join the "Hira" space station and said that after cooperation, she could provide Arbor with a free astronaut transportation quota, but she was ruthlessly rejected.

The reason for rejection is simple. The docking port of Lucia's Alliance spacecraft is a rod-cone connection and cannot be docked.

Lucia immediately said that the interface can be changed, and Abo said that you should first go to Xinyuan to get the interface technical standard authorization...

Then the matter dragged on, and the Lucia Space Agency was preparing to convince the space agency. They also knew that the "Hira" space station had strong political factors, and there were opinions on who would join and who would not.

In addition, other countries, especially small countries, also hope to join Arbor's space program, but they can only end up with ideas.

Only the island nation, after being greatly stimulated, also wanted to build its own space station and spacecraft, and hooked up with Aramco's Northrop Grumman Company.

To be honest, Northrop Grumman's commercial rockets are not very good. The Antares rocket uses two AJ26-62 engines, which are improved from the Lucia NK33 liquid oxygen kerosene engine.

The predecessor of NK33 is NK15, which is the engine used by the N1 rocket.

The Antares rocket has a decent capacity, but it cannot be recycled. They have also developed their own "Cygnus" unmanned cargo spacecraft, and plan to carry out a replenishment mission to the International Space Station in October this year, with a replenishment mass of 2,300 kilograms.

In the turmoil caused by Masashi Okada's departure, JAXA's H3 team suffered heavy losses. The former deputy chief designer took over the task and continued research and development, while JAXA shifted its attention to space.

Originally they wanted to launch an independently operating module, but in the end they chose to dock with the ISS and become the island country module of the International Space Station.

At the same time, Northrop Grumman and JAXA will improve the "Cygnus" spacecraft and develop a new generation of manned spacecraft, which can be launched by Antares or H-series rockets to send astronauts to space.

The improved manned spacecraft can be reused, and JAXA will jointly develop the H4 (Antaris 2) rocket with Grumman, which can also be reused.

The island countries will invest approximately US$4 billion in this plan. It is expected that astronauts from the island countries will be able to board the joint manned spacecraft to the island country segment in 2020.

At the B-level base, Lin Ju sat on a chair with his head tilted and watched the speaker on the stage flipping through the PPT.

"The reusable rocket Zhuque-1 we developed will be powered by a 220-ton liquid oxygen methane engine, with vertical take-off and recovery, a take-off mass of 180 tons, and a low-Earth orbit transport capacity of 5 tons..."

"Okay, next one."

"... Hyperbola-3 has CBC potential. Two core stages of Hyperbola-1 are connected in parallel. The core stage has a diameter of 5 meters. It is equipped with 9 K120 engines. It has a low-Earth orbit transport capacity of 30 tons and a CBC configuration of 90 tons. Recovery …”

Seven private enterprises gathered in Xinyuan mainly for one thing: seeking investment, technology and products.

After Xinyuan Aerospace Power set off a storm of private rockets, many private aerospace companies were established with a large amount of capital, but then they discovered that aerospace is not that easy to do.

A year later, these private enterprises have completed preliminary financing, and basically have factories and personnel in place. It feels like they are about to start a big business, and the result is a series of disastrous failures.

Except for a private enterprise with an official background that has successfully launched several solid rocket launches, the rest of them were fooled by Lin Ju and started working on big projects. Their routes were radical, and they directly launched hundreds of tons of engines and medium and large rockets. The worst one Three bombs exploded on the launcher.

The Aviation Development Commission couldn't stand it any longer, so they discussed it. Lin Ju simply said, stop messing around and buy whatever you want from me!

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