"To make such a chip, the first thing is accumulation. The former alliance once made a ternary computer, but soon stopped researching it. It is impossible to suddenly develop to what it is now!

Looking at the results of the polishing analysis, these field effect transistors were obviously drawn using mature EDA software. This is almost like walking the path of binary semiconductors all over again. Who has such energy?

I can't imagine... I believe this is a product of human beings, but do you know the significance of the X321 series? Any IC engineer who sees it will probably suspect that he is dreaming. "

Fu Weiwu kept talking and talked about all the questions he had accumulated over the past few days. The leader of the Science and Technology Commission's expression became more and more serious. After finally waiting for him to finish speaking, he suddenly asked a question:

"I don't know much about microelectronics, but the question I'm most concerned about is, can the ternary chip of the 28nm process surpass the binary chip of the 14nm process?"

Fu Weiwu was stunned for a moment, then found a thick stack of A4 paper:

"Evaluation report on X321 series chips and ternary-based intelligent system"

"XW161 is too closed. We have almost no means to deal with a system that is completely unfamiliar to us. However, XW151 is better. It can be seen that it is rough... I can only say, but in terms of performance, the ternary system based on ternary chips is The efficiency seems to be very high, even higher than the current mainstream level.

It is true that the industry says that ternary computers are stronger, but the conditions are very harsh. The X321 series did it, and it was very successful, proving that the superiority of this system can even surpass the manufacturing process. Therefore, that's why I said this is impossible. , the advantages of the ternary system are fully realized, which represents too many things..."

When the leader of the Science and Technology Commission heard the answer he was most concerned about, his serious expression finally relaxed. He straightened his clothes and stood up, putting the report written by Fu Weiwu in his briefcase.

"Academician Fu, I am not the National Security Bureau, nor do I care about aliens. I only care about the technological development of our country. Even if it is an alien, as long as it is willing to open up its technology, I will attract investment."

He even made a joke, which was far less serious than his previous application.

Fu Weiwu finally understood that the leaders did not care about the source of technology at all. As long as there were results and they could be produced domestically, what else could they ask for?

Just like if Fu Weiwu could be the super-powerful 007, go to the Netherlands to move photolithography machines, go to the island country Shin-Etsu Chemical to get raw materials, and TSMC's reactance production line, the leaders would give you big red flowers.

As for technology, it’s already in the hands of the Chinese, can it still grow wings and fly?

Arbor, above Riyadh Airport.

An 1250 was hovering in the sky. The pilot who had switched to the third unit accurately operated the joystick and roared past the airport at low altitude for the second consecutive lap.

Fortunately, the time was coming soon. An-1250 aimed at the runway, lowered the flaps and began to dive towards the runway with the setting sun behind it.

Many flights at Riyadh Airport today went to the alternate airport, and a large area of ​​​​space was vacated on the apron to give space to the An1250.

Under the arrangement of the prince and others, An-1250 arrived at the same time as Mud Salah. However, due to the adjustment of the flight route, they were a few minutes early, so they made an extra circle.

When the dense crowds on both sides began to salute, two rows of 26 landing gears and 52 wheels touched the ground one after another. The smoke generated by friction looked like tobacco burning in the setting sun.

An 1250 will have a fierce collision with the air every meter it advances. The eight engines will start reverse thrust appropriately, and the working sound is loud and powerful.

"(Praise be to Allah)!"

As the An 1250 gradually stopped on a large red carpet area under the precise control of the driver, praises continued to ring out from the crowd. Crown Prince Hamand accompanied the dying old King Alert and felt the overwhelming cheers.

Alert was in poor health, but he still managed to smile, a sincere smile.

When he was king, Abel had his own rockets and space shuttles. He united with brother countries to build a very large space station, and would also use his own space shuttle to send Abel people into space!

Allah will remember this, and the people of Arabia will remember this.

He knew very well that the "Hira" space station was not God's palace, but in the face of death, he became more and more convinced that God was watching him, that God was watching the earth in its palace, and that God felt his efforts.

Surrounded by members of the royal family, the king and the crown prince slowly walked towards the An 1250, which was slowly opening its nose. The huge nose cast a huge shadow in the evening sun, almost blocking the sun.

In the cargo hold, Prince Sweetan and others stood under the seven tail nozzles of Xinyuan 2. The nozzles shone with dark blue light.

Alert was carefully helped into the cabin, caressed the painted scripture under the camera, and read out softly:

“Whoever insults the peaceful coexistence of the infidels insults the Messenger (of Muhammad)”

The Crown Prince felt that these words were very appropriate. He felt the force of the old king's arm and turned him around to face the well-behaved Xinyuan engineer who was standing in order to avoid causing trouble.

Alert: "The Lord said that friends in the East are worthy of trust. More than 2,000 years ago, we did business with people in the East and brought back silk and tea on camels." He gently raised his hand and pointed to the cabin above his head:

"Now, planes bring rockets and space shuttles. These are the most precious things in every era. Abel remembers these friendships."

After talking to Xinyuan engineers, Alert hugged Prince Sweetan again and called him "the hero of the Arbor people". The reason was naturally the moon landing plan, which meant that Arbor could also compete for the moon.

Even for an inconspicuous little player, putting a hand on this table is already a treatment that countless countries dream of.

Celebrities from all walks of life in Aber took turns to worship in the narrow passages on both sides of the cabin like ants, reciting the scriptures on the rocket body. They were all impressed by the size of the rocket.

Then the clergy came up and prayed and blessed in the cabin. This process lasted for 12 hours and was a real physical job.

If it weren't for the rush, I'm afraid Abo would have wanted to unload the rocket and space shuttle for display for a few days before shipping them, instead of flying to Mukala early tomorrow morning.

There are also a lot of people gathered at the Mukala Space Launch Site. This place, which was originally an ordinary port, has built a city that is still almost completed and a very high-standard space launch site.

Abo announced that when the No. 5 module is launched on June 26, the Mukala Space Launch Site will serve as a second holy place, where believers can go to worship and pray for God’s palace.

Multiple large screens will be erected in the holy city of Mecca to broadcast the launch in real time.

I fell asleep, I have been too busy these days...

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