Fortunately, his B+ level skills were not limited, and Guo Shen quickly came up with a fast and stable plan:

"The four H240s are slightly separated, and an H80 engine is inserted in the middle. Under normal circumstances, it is blocked by four large nozzles and cannot be started. During recovery, the four H240s are opened to the maximum, and then the 80-ton hydrogen-oxygen engine H80 in the middle Start the recovery process."

After a few drawings on the tablet with X32035 installed, a feasible solution was presented to Lin Ju, who nodded with satisfaction:

"How long will it take to complete this secondary modification?"

"It will be ready for use next month. There are not many changes. Now we have manufactured six second stages. The axial module that launches the two Advances has used up two of them and there is no time to modify them. The rest of them can be used."

"What's this?"

A voice came from next to the two of them, and then stretched out the big man's gray hair.

The boss was nervously watching the recovery process of the Xinyuan-3 first stage, full of expectations for this unprecedented recovery of a heavy-duty rocket.

Unlike the previous recoveries, Xinyuan-3's engines on the inside and outside of the three circles were constantly igniting intermittently. It seemed irregular, but it made the rocket's attitude extremely stable.

Most of the credit is due to its own weight. The 19 bottom engines make the rocket's center of gravity too downward and ordinary wind cannot blow it.

The Xinyuan-3 first-stage rocket, which looks like a Xinyuan-2 first-stage PLUS, had an equally smooth recovery process and was also gently hung on the recovery tower.

There is no surprise at all when a 77-meter-tall rocket is hung on a recovery tower more than 100 meters away. It is more stable than hanging a spoon on a wall nail.

Such technical power is both reasonable and unexpected.

The general public only felt very shocked, while aerospace practitioners could not believe that this was something that humans could do.

How could such a complicated rocket and such a complicated recovery procedure be successful in one go?

This is so fucking unscientific!

The boss was already numb and accustomed to it. He was just surprised by Lin Ju and Guo Shen's dull expressions and wanted to see what they were discussing. They were so uninterested in being number one in the world.

"Recycle the second level? Then you can recover at least 80% of the cost, right?"

Lin Ju shook his head: "Not that much, maybe 75%. Liquid hydrogen is too expensive, and storage and transportation are troublesome. The performance is good for secondary use, but the fuel cost is not low."

In fact, the cost of reconditioning and launching Xinyuan 3 without recovering the second stage is about 500 million yuan, which is nearly four times that of Xinyuan 2.

Recycling the second level can save at least 110 million and reduce the cost by more than 20%. It is indeed not low. It is already at the same level as Xinyuan No. 2A. It is obviously more cost-effective and can save one recycling station.

As for the three-stage rocket, it is really impossible to recover it. The third stage was shot to the moon, and it is obviously unlikely to fly back again.

Boss: "How long will it take for the No. 3 rocket to be re-arranged and launched again?"

"About half a month. This rocket is too big, and it takes up a lot of staff."

Half a month, half a month.

The Long March 10 rocket and space agency can produce one rocket in eight months, and if the cost is not considered, it may be able to produce one rocket in six months. In the last century, Aramco and the United States were able to manufacture the Saturn V nationwide, and they could produce almost two rockets a year.

Now, the giant rocket Xinyuan-3, which has 100 tons more transport capacity than these two rockets, can be launched once every half a month.

In other words, a rocket can be launched 24 times in a year, projecting more than 5,000 tons of mass into space!

This gap is simply unimaginable.

It is no exaggeration to say that with a single launch of Xinyuan-3, the orbital mass will exceed the total mass of the world last year.

Big bosses are increasingly looking forward to the Long March 9, the new Long March 5 and the Long March 15.

After the successful launch of Xinyuan-3, it immediately aroused strong repercussions in the world.

“The rocket with the world’s largest diameter and strongest carrying capacity successfully made its first flight at the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site”

"Multiple units in parallel are the future! The N1 curse will be broken."

"Why was Xinyuan-3 born?"

"Ma Yilong: The starship will complete the iteration from SSN-2 to SSN-9 within five months, and the combination will achieve its first flight next year."

"The director of the Lucia Space Agency, Yuri, declared: China's aerospace industry is already number one in the world."

"NACA congratulated the successful launch of Xinyuan-3 and said that the SLS rocket is about to fly for the first time and that human space industry is entering a new era."

“The scores of these majors at Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics exceed those of Peking University and Tsinghua University!”

There seems to be something weird mixed in, especially the last one.

Theoretically speaking, it is normal for the application scores of various majors in universities to be different. Some universities have special advantages in a certain major, and many of them surpass Peking University and Tsinghua University.

But Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is different. The entire college, that is, the College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has an exaggerated admission score for each major under its jurisdiction, far exceeding the school's rankings.

In fact, not only here, but also in several other colleges and universities, there are several majors with particularly high scores.

The reason is naturally very simple. These are majors that are highly cooperating with Xinyuan Aerospace Power.

Since Lin Ju announced free "flying" last fall, these related majors have become popular based on this alone.

Another year of college entrance examination has passed and it’s time to fill in the applications. Prospective college students who have been stimulated by countless flying VLOGs from their seniors are very happy to apply. What’s more, it’s local. How great.

The Xinyuan-3 rocket made its first flight again. Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and several other universities posted their personnel involved, and even gave these majors bonuses.

After nearly a year of cooperation, Xinyuan has cooperated very closely with these institutions. Many of the teaching materials taught by students were written by engineers at the base. The technical specifications and design points are all for Xinyuan Aerospace.

I often take students to visit B-level bases or C-level bases. From time to time, An-1250 and Il-76 fly overhead. Sometimes I can even fly with instructors under special permission, from the huge base of Xinyuan Company. Flying over.

In the future that Lin Ju described to them, they would learn Xinyuan's aerospace technology completely in college, and they could fly for free in their free time, and even more directly become astronauts.

One day in the future, you might be able to sit in your own spaceship and go to work in space!

This kind of treatment, let alone the ordinary 985 and 211, can even Peking University and Tsinghua University provide it?

Therefore, even if Lin Ju did not ask for a compulsory employment agreement, these college students could not drive them away and were willing to sign a contract of betrayal.

Naturally, these majors are getting better and better, and the quality of teaching is high, and almost all of them include distribution. You can't find it in the world's top manufacturing companies, right?

The school leaders boldly raised the score line, which made many students complain and the senior seniors were thankful.

However, there were still a large number of applicants and the requirements were still met, which made the leaders sigh that they finally got a good source of students.

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