Of course, it is not big news in China that several colleges and universities have raised their score lines.

The real big news is the question asked by the media and the aerospace industry in various countries: What does Xianyuan 3 do?

Logically speaking, the transportation capacity of Xinyuan 2 and Xinyuan 2A has fully met the needs of the space station and lunar missions. Even if Xinyuan's public moon landing plan is in place, Xinyuan 3 does not need to be in such a hurry.

Would it look good to build it a few years in advance and then put it there? Obviously, the aerospace industry in various countries does not believe it.

In this regard, Xinyuan Aerospace Power announced that it will hold a press conference on the afternoon of the second day of the launch, and broke the news that President Lin Ju will be present to answer questions in person.

This aroused the interest of the media. Lin Ju has kept a very low profile since he sent a man into space for the first time last year. Unlike Ma Yilong, he rarely appears in public.

Of course, this is also in line with the characteristics of domestic bigwigs. They all like to hide and make big moves secretly.

This is my first time being interviewed by a reporter at a press conference.

On the afternoon of June 25, in the temporary venue arranged in Qiongzhou, Lin Ju took a deep breath, strode in, and looked around at the media in the audience.

CCAV, CN, BBC, RT... Playboy? Well, they are all quite famous magazines anyway. Reporters from various countries sat obediently and became restless when they saw Lin Ju.

Lin Ju, who has seen a lot of the world and met with countless senior leaders, has no stage fright at all. He is wearing gray casual pants and a shirt and looks ordinary.

However, being immersed in the circle closest to the core for a long time still gave him, who is less than 25 years old, an inexplicable sense of stability and dignity.

After saying hello with a smile, Lin Ju spoke first:

"Many people are curious about what Xinyuan Aerospace Power is doing to build such a large rocket. Before answering this matter, I want to say something first."

All the media in the audience took out their notebooks and listened carefully. This was a chicken soup session, a must-have for celebrities. They had to write it down so they could publish a book.

Lin Ju cleared his throat and turned on the cook mode:

“More than half a century ago, the two sides of the Cold War engaged in a space race of staggering scale. In the process of moving towards the stars, two roads appeared in front of people:

First, the planetary colonization faction represented by the Apollo program sent humans to other planets, and envisioned establishing extraterrestrial colonies in the future to develop planetary resources;

Second, colonizing space itself, the space station is the product of this kind of thinking. Zero gravity itself also has huge development value. Just the radiant energy of the sun can provide amazing energy, as well as processing and planting, all of which have unexpected benefits. .

And I don't think these two paths conflict. "

Lin Ju turned around, picked up the remote control in his hand and pressed it a few times. The large screen behind him lit up, showing a ring-shaped structure.

Facing reporters and cameras, Lin Ju opened his hands:

"This is what I call, a path that can lead both ways at the same time. It is also our first step towards the stars, the 'forward' centrifugal low-gravity space station!"

There were many people related to the aerospace field among the reporters, and those who came to interview had a basic understanding of it. They instantly understood what it was. The dazzling white light of the flash and the "clicking" sound kept appearing, but Lin Ju remained calm-faced. Introduce the parameters of the forward space station.

"The radius of rotation is 60 meters...the empty weight is 1,540 tons...the diameter of the circular cabin is 14 meters, and the width of the square cabin is 11.8 meters...the movable space is 32,000 cubic meters, and can accommodate up to 50 crew members..."

The numbers came out of Lin Ju's mouth calmly, but the reporters in the audience opened their mouths.

If this was not an official press conference of Xinyuan Aerospace Power, they would probably think it was on the filming set of Cameron's latest science fiction movie!

"...the Forward space station may also be equipped with a nuclear power module, including nuclear engines and nuclear power reactors, to carry out interstellar travel within the solar system in the future. The construction of this space will start this year and will be completed in 2018 at the latest. It will participate in Moon mission.”

Lin Ju finished what he said and then indicated that he could ask questions.

In the expected thicket of arms, Lin Ju pointed accurately at the American Playboy magazine... and CNN next to it.

A middle-aged woman with freckles stood up immediately: "Mr. Lin, the goal of advancing to the space station is very ambitious. Is this part of the Chinese-American Space Race?"

“There’s always competition, and we’re all accelerating for the betterment of humanity.”

"Can your company's financial resources support such a huge project?"

"Including the 'Forward' space station, all plans have been accurately reviewed for funding. Next."

In China Aerospace Daily, a man wearing glasses stood up, looked at the manuscript in his hand and asked:

"What economic benefits does the Qianjin space station have? What kind of help can it bring to Xinyuan?"

Lin Ju: "We are a commercial company, but that does not mean that all plans are for making money. The Qianjin space station will broaden the path for mankind to advance in space and officially open the dawn of galaxy development. It is one of Zheng He's fleets that sailed to the West. A simple boat, but enough for a long journey.

Next person. "

From the island country Asahi Shimbun, a female reporter with protruding gums asked in a strange but fluent Chinese accent:

"Xinyuan Company has hired many senior engineers from my country, including former H3 chief designer Masashi Okada. Are they involved in these projects?"

Lin Ju: "First of all, I have to correct one thing. Now his name is Mr. Xiao Gangtian. Any project of Xinyuan Company requires the participation of all members. Minister Xiao Gangtian is not directly involved in the 'Forward' plan, but he is working on another project." Preparations are being made for a plan that is as good as, or even better than, the forward space station.”

"Won't your company exclude Mr. Okada because of his identity? What kind of work is he doing?"

"Xiao Gangtian is from the Naxi ethnic group and a Chinese citizen. We have no reason to exclude him. Besides, he has done a very good job and is one of the only technical department executives and vice president at the top of the company.

As for what he is doing, I can’t say for the time being, but I can say responsibly that his work is very important and will be made public soon. The next one. "

Perhaps because he was a little dazed by the flash, Lin Ju's hand accurately pointed at the Playboy magazine reporter who was just trying to make up the numbers and was playing with his nails.

As soon as Lin Ju pointed at it, he felt something was wrong. He was subconsciously going there, but it was too late to stop.

The white man who looked obscene stood up like a spring and said loudly:

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you collected Kardashian's nude magazines when you were in college, including our weekly. Is this information true?"

Lin Ju blushed and spoke decisively in English:

"Of course not!"

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