I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 186 This is the distortion of human nature

“Jingwei Information Technology was included in the entity sanctions list.”

“Many of Jingwei Xintong’s products have been accused of violating human rights.”

"The International Telecommunication Union IEE refuses to issue a license for the Jingwei Smart Satellite Network. Hundreds of thousands of terminals may be operating illegally or will be forcibly destroyed."

"The Jingwei smart network will cause serious harm to low-Earth orbiters. The International Space Station has planned to change its orbit twice to avoid collisions with its satellites."

"Former IEE official warns Xinan car owners across the United States: Your privacy is being stolen!"


In mid-to-late June, as a series of international conferences were convened as usual in previous years, Ami performed a set of silky combos, and Lin Ju finally felt what it was like to be familiar with Ami.

He doesn't care at all about international sanctions. There is only one way in which international sanctions are effective: if they can really be managed.

How to manage satellite operations in space? What to do with it? Should we let Aramco AirForce shoot it down with missiles? I'm afraid I don't want to fight a world war.

The ground receiving terminal can't control it, unless you want to take back these cars one by one and destroy them centrally, but the sanctity of private property is no joke.

It is not feasible to block the signal. Those are the only commercial communication frequency bands. If the Jingwei Smart Network is blocked, the others cannot be used normally.

Neither can we impose sanctions on parts and components. The crucial chips are produced in China!

Foundries Huaxin International, Magic City Huahong, and Ziguang Semiconductor are fully capable of supplying the chips Xinyuan needs, and they can gather all parts manufacturers in China.

Market sanctions are even more of a joke. Sitting in the world's largest consumer market, Lin Ju has no intention of going out. Just being a part of the country is enough to support him.

Jingwei Information and Communications and the Science and Technology Commission jointly established a large database, which will be included in the "Skynet" in the future. The Ministry of Public Security has to pay a large fee for this every year, and other applications for the use of the database are also charged.

What international standards govern domestic operations? In China, it is not that Xinyuan changes its own standards, but that the country will introduce new standards for Xinyuan~

"Six astronauts from four countries, headed by Reyana Alkari, successfully arrived at the Shira space station on the Mecca space shuttle"

“The world’s second largest space station received its first human visit after its completion, and the number of visits reached 6 people.”

“Arbor has become one of the world’s top aerospace powers and may surpass the island nation.”

"Crown Prince Hamand responded to external questions: The Shira Space Station will be opened to MSL around the world, and Abel will send an astronaut into space for every country that believes in Allah."

“This year’s Eid al-Adha is special to Aber”

On June 28, under the attention of the whole world, six astronauts from the four member countries of the Shira Space Station were launched from the Abu Mukala Space Launch Site.

Of course, the Xinyuan-2 rocket used this time is not the one on the 26th. Since Aber requested two launches within three days, Xinyuan moved a Xinyuan-2 rocket two months in advance and flew it over for execution. for this launch mission.

In fact, Xinyuan internally discussed a plan at that time. Using the An-1250 was still a bit slow. In order to avoid failure, Xinyuan 2 could fly over by itself.

Is it okay to let Xinyuan-2 fly by itself? It seems really possible.

The first stage of Xinyuan-2 was filled with fuel and launched from Qiongzhou. It did not fly in a normal orbit, but adjusted its attitude to fly over the trajectory of a long-range ballistic missile.

It is almost 6,000 kilometers, which is trivial for the empty Xinyuan-2 first stage, and then the recovery process will be carried out at the Mukala Space Launch Site.

The An-1250 takes nearly 10 hours to fly, while the ballistic flight of Xinyuan-2 takes less than 20 minutes.

And it is technically highly feasible. 6,000 kilometers is a long distance on the ground, but in space at an altitude of more than 100 kilometers, a slight offset is enough.

The reason why this plan was abandoned was that it was considered too risky by the outside world. After all, the trajectory of Xinyuan-2 is basically that of a medium- and long-range missile. If it loses control and crashes down, it will be the end of the world;

And after passing through too many countries, they may not be happy with such a big rocket flying over their heads, even if they can only protest.

The two second-stage rockets also need to be transported by plane. The overall flying strength and recovery plan are not feasible. It is better to let the An-1250 be transported in one trip.

Although this plan was finally abandoned, Lin Ju was intrigued and suddenly thought of Lao Ma's starship for a two-hour quick trip around the world.

To put it bluntly, it uses the characteristics of rockets to reach anywhere in the world in two hours or even one hour. However, it does not look very good on the radars of other countries. It flies around like a ballistic missile at any time, and it is extremely heavy. If it loses control, it may not be powerful. Not small.

But if we only consider efficiency, it is indeed quite tempting to travel around the world in one hour. Then think about the fact that the superiors do not take a special plane when they go out, but take a special arrow and land at the venue...forget it, they are afraid of being targeted.

Anyway, since the Mecca space shuttle successfully completed its first manned flight with this Xinyuan 2, it caught up with the space station and successfully docked with it 2 hours after launch.

Then... During the live broadcast, countless viewers saw 6 astronauts praying in space?

The middle cabin "Hashim" of the H-shaped space station is decorated with many religious items, but also has a lot of space equipment. The ultimate combination of technology and religious belief makes people feel unbelievable and absurd.

There is even a small chapel specially set up in the cabin of the "Hashim", with two special portholes behind it, where you can recite the Quran and pray to Allah in front of the starry sky?


An elderly blond Twitter user commented on the photo information released by the Arbor Space Agency.

Also feeling the same as him was Claire, the director of NACA.

They strongly invited Abel to cooperate with them and operate the Shira space station together. Isn't this more interesting than playing by yourself?

Although Xinyuan's 2.5m square port is technically difficult and they cannot dock it, the 0.9m round port used for the space shuttle is obviously no problem. Alenia Aerospace obtained the relevant technology when it manufactured the docking port for Unity. , it is a very common general-purpose round port, and they can completely manufacture cabin sections with the same docking port.

When the time comes to launch two or three scientific experiment modules, it will become an ISS International Space Station substation. Wouldn't it be good to station 15 more astronauts at will?

But Abo has always firmly refused. He has wasted such a huge cabin, but he still uses it for prayer?

Claire logged on to Twitter and left a message directly under the content released by the Arbor Space Agency:

“Using the crystallization of the highest technology of all mankind to carry out primitive worship activities thousands of years ago, is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

What organization would be willing to allow such an insult to scientific development to occur in space? "

"Some organizations have sold the soul of freedom for money and tainted science..."

Claire was about to post another one, but suddenly found that the last comment she posted was missing. She immediately understood that it must be Ivan Williams who had received black money from the big dog, so he cursed and threw away the phone.

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