Lao Ma...well, Lao Ma has actually planned to go to China many times, but it was difficult to arrange his schedule before, and now he can't go.

Now SpecaX is an important partner of the Artemis program, and the Falcon Heavy rocket is responsible for half of the lunar missions. NACA and the space agency are still in the competition!

It would be bad if Lao Ma also comes to Tonghuamen. If SpecaX is censored, the Artemis project will definitely be delayed, and we can't go.

In July, the Earth OL space camp was refreshed.

The Aber camp has received epic enhancements. It has its own space shuttle, its own big rocket, and its own world's second largest space station.

Strictly speaking, Arbor is now number one in the world. The improved cabin space of the five XS-62s is amazingly large.

Of course, these spaces are not wasted. Apart from some scientific research equipment, they are mainly used for enjoyment and prayer.

The Shira Space Station started live broadcasting for three consecutive days and, among other things, conducted a series of religious activities.

Believers of God around the world must accurately calculate the coincidence time of the five-hour prayer and the Shira space station passing above them every day, so that they can pray to God who is resting on time. An astronomy student at Abbots University made a simple timetable for various places. , Level 1 recorded a video on how to estimate ephemeris using the traditional Arbor method.

The video quickly had over 10 million views and also set off a wave of astronomy craze. In order to accurately observe the space station, they supplemented their astronomical knowledge, in order to receive the gospel of Allah (referring to the astronauts reciting scriptures), they set up satellite antennas, in order to obtain the most accurate information. The best observation period is to understand the weather.

The global sales of astronomical telescopes have reached a small peak. After all, seeing with the naked eye is too demanding for both the human eye and the weather. Buy the cheapest astronomical telescope and you can see clearly.

Every day, a huge number of believers follow the Shira Space Station through the Internet, TV, and radio, and call it the "Mecca in Heaven."

They attribute these achievements to the old king Alert and the heroic Crown Prince Hamand. Alert received millions of letters of condolences in the last six hours of his life.

Alert was already at the end of his game when the last module was launched on June 26. On the 26th, 27th, and 28th, Alert, who had maintained a good spirit for three days, gave a speech, arranged domestic affairs, and personally presided over It carried out two launch missions and received dignitaries from various countries.

But his body was actually deteriorating rapidly. When the first chant came from the Shira space station, Alert could no longer stand up.

With the prestige accumulated from the two launches and the space station, Alert smoothly handed over the power to Crown Prince Hamand, and then went to see God.

On the way to transfer Alert's body from the hospital to the temple, more than 1 million people marched in the streets, crowded crazily, just to tear off a piece of the shroud as a faith.

At the same time, believers from all over the world once again set off a wave of donations. Crown Prince Hamand...The king immediately announced that he would use the money to establish a fund specifically for the development of the Arab Space Agency to make more contributions to spreading the gospel of God.

On the evening of July 1, Hamand, who had already greeted countless leaders, finally had time to make a video call with Lin Ju.

"Ha! My friend, long time no see!"

"Your Royal Highness, you speak Chinese very well."

Hamand was slightly unhappy: "We are friends, Lin. Our friendship does not require these titles that represent power. Do you want to call me Hamand, or Lao Ha?"

Lin Ju was a little ashamed, not because he felt flattered, but because Hamand, who had been trained in Institute 507 for so long, now spoke with a Beijing tone. Just by listening to his voice, he couldn't tell that he was a foreigner.

"Harmand, then I have to say sorry, I may have to go into space before you."

"Oh...yeah, but trust me, I'll be quick too."

Hamand was a little frustrated when he said this. He thought that once the old king left, no one would be able to stop him from wanting to go to heaven.

As a result, when I first took over power, I discovered that it was not easy to maintain the past foreign policy and stabilize the domestic situation. Many people wanted to take advantage of the change of power to cause trouble.

Although Hamand's position is definitely stable with the support of a group of princes, so many games still need to be handled personally. It will probably take 2017 to finish all these troublesome matters.

Stabilizing power for half a year is considered fast, but finding time to go to heaven during this period is a bit difficult.

There are also many conservatives who believe that it is not easy to find a crown prince with good character and skills. If he disappears, where can he find him? If Hamand gets on the rocket, they will be killed in the palace.

He envied Lin Ju that he could do whatever he wanted without having to think too much.


Lin Ju: Of course not.

Regarding the issue of Lin Ju going to heaven, in fact, everyone's first attitude, whether inside or outside the company, is to oppose it.

For example, Guo Shen and Androv, what did these two bastards tell Lin Ju?

"If we lose the boss, we will have to spend some money to rebuild B+. If you lose Xinyuan's huge foundation, it will be gone. There is no way for the prince to inherit it."

"That's right, why don't you get married first, raise a successor, and then you can take over as he pleases when he is able."

Listen, what nonsense is this?

You have to raise a child until he is able to take over. How can this not start in 20 years?

Therefore, Lin Ju would rather speak out wild words and blast it on social media to build momentum for himself to prevent the rebels below from having other ideas, and on the other hand, start working as soon as possible.

The space shuttle carrying out this mission is Progress, but it has not been made public.

Progress, Unity, and Steadfast have all completed maintenance in Qiongzhou, and they are maintained separately. Except for their own people, no one knows which space shuttle it is before refueling, and it is highly confidential.

The general public may have to confirm before launch to reduce risks as much as possible.

The crew has also been confirmed, three people, two old and one new.

The space agency appointed an experienced astronaut to serve as the commander, Xinyuan's second-most senior astronaut Hu Dong served as the deputy commander, and Lin Ju was in charge of sitting.

Two executives, Guo Shen and Androv, now personally lead an absolutely reliable team composed of system engineers to carefully inspect the launched rockets, space shuttles and life support facilities.

It is difficult for outsiders to approach, and there are special instructions from superiors. Screening operations have been carried out around the launch site with increasing frequency since the day Lin Ju made the announcement.

Although Lin Ju's own technical level is only average, and he doesn't necessarily have anything extraordinary, he is such a person, and he has broken through almost the upper limit of private enterprises.

Engineers who were little-known but extremely capable were willing to defect to him and steal a large amount of research data from his old employer.

Domestic fringe scientific researchers and ordinary university professors magically transformed themselves when they arrived at Xinyuan, becoming smarter and more honest, just like a different person.

The superiors once deeply doubted whether this was the legendary leadership bonus, especially the latter. How could an ordinary mid- to downstream engineer be able to assume a major responsibility and make extraordinary achievements at Xinyuan?

This must be a hoof quality problem!

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