I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 188 The mysterious commander

After multiple investigations and specialized team analysis, they finally discovered a strange point:

All Xinyuan employees, including the janitor and cleaning staff, are all employed in the internal research institute? ?

Of course they are aware of Xinyuan's research institute model, which is to bring people from different departments and disciplines into a unified scientific research institution, hoping to produce results through the collision of ideas.

However, the cleaning lady and the security guard are not the same, right?

Of course, this doesn’t make sense. Maybe they can ask questions about their experience or life? But the problem is that after new employees take up positions at the institute, they love learning more than before, and they feel they have improved every once in a while.

This is simply unimaginable, the whole company is doing it!

That was several thousand people, and now there are almost 4,000 people!

With 4,000 employees who love work and learning, internal management is efficient and concise, and the boss boldly delegates power, this situation is probably only a little short of the highest ideal.

If you can’t figure it out, just don’t think about it.

This is an instruction from a superior. Since no specific reason can be found, maybe it is a combination of multiple factors?

Now Beijing is brewing a system reform, and the term "Xinyuan Model" has appeared in internal documents.

Learning has always been the strength of the Chinese people. They should summarize the successful experience of Xinyuan, and then make slight adjustments according to the actual situation and promote it on a large scale.

This all shows the importance of Lin Ju. Such a heavyweight must never let anything happen to him. The value of his life is the greatest.

In order to ensure Lin Ju's absolute safety, his superiors made a personnel appointment that was highly objectionable.

"Press left rudder, okay, okay, correct the direction to the right, okay, push the accelerator a little more...very good, your talent is so good Xiaolin, you are now a fully qualified driver."

"Don't beat me up, Captain Li. I know how much I weigh. My higher education aircraft has only flown 120 hours, which is not even a fraction of yours."

Li Wei smiled and reset the simulation program.

They are now in the H1 simulator in Ulan Hashan, and Lin Ju is simulating the landing procedure in an emergency.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, Xiao Lin. The deputy commander is Hu Dong, and the commander is me. Even if something happens to both of us, there are still ground remote control and automatic driving systems, so it won't be your turn to drive anyway."

Li Wei's subtext was not spoken, but Lin Ju knew what it meant.

What a terrible situation it would be if both human pilots could no longer control it, the ground could not control it remotely, and the space shuttle's SC09 driving system was also down.

Let alone whether he is still alive at this time, even if he can move, what is the use?

So it is better to leave it to the professionals with confidence.

That's right, the commander of the space agency is none other than aerospace hero Li Wei. He will return to space after 13 years, and together with Lin Ju.

This also highlights the importance the official attaches to Lin Ju. Letting the first person in aerospace accompany him is an absolute guarantee of safety!

Li Wei still remembers that it was April, when he was undergoing routine training, and he learned that someone from above had taken away his training records of the past year and recent physical examination forms.

A week later, the Manned Spaceflight Office suddenly came over and asked him if the current one could still go to space.

Li Wei said yes. He has been in reserve status for thirteen years and has maintained his physical function at all times. Of course he has confidence in God.

Then Institute 507 arranged several higher-intensity training tasks for him. Li Wei seemed to feel something about it and passed them all with excellent performance.

Then, there was no more news, just him training as usual.

He looked at the launch missions of Unity and Steadfast, saw professional astronauts, payload experts and tourists going to heaven, and also saw that the space training program was sending scientists to heaven.

On June 22, Li Wei, who had just celebrated his 51st birthday, was called to his superiors and said that a very important task would be entrusted to him:

Accompanying Lin Ju during the space mission in July, spending 7 to 15 days on the space station before returning to Earth to ensure that there are no accidents on the way and everyone's safety.

Li Wei chose to accept it without hesitation, because he knew that this might be the closest he got to heaven, and there would be no better opportunity.

Two heavyweights ascending to the sky together just reflects their confidence in this mission!

The next day, Lin and Hu, who were waiting for the space agency crew at Ulan Hashan Airport for tacit training, met their companions.

Lin Ju was extremely shocked at the time. Of course he knew the significance of Li Wei's appearance, but he didn't say much and just continued to strengthen his training.

The 24-year-old Lin Ju is at his physical peak, and after only one year of training, his physical fitness is fully qualified. Needless to say, Deng Lei and Li Wei, although much older, are physically stronger than Lin Ju.

At least Lin Jufei didn't dare to pull too much overload when he was flying a high-tech aircraft, unlike Deng Lei who did somersaults and rolls like playing.

In July, Lin Ju began to hide from the public again, and the outside world speculated when Director Lin would go to heaven.

The Tiangong Space Station was specially cleaned up. They knew that two super heavyweight missions were coming up, so they made a lot of preparations.

For example, the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft, which is used as a utility room and power supply room, has been emptied inside and restored to a state where people can board it. If the space shuttle is in danger of an accident, the spacecraft can be taken back.

The Shenzhou spacecraft is expensive, conservative and technologically advanced, but the space agency guarantees that as long as the spacecraft enters the atmosphere, there will be a hundred ways for people to land safely.

In addition, Steadfast and Unity are on standby in Qiongzhou, and the two backup rescue space shuttles have done the best possible safety work.

The specific launch time is also earlier than people thought, on July 6.

July 6, 2016 in the Gregorian calendar is the third day of the sixth lunar month, the year of Bingshen, the month of Jiawu, and the day of Jichou (Monkey).

It is suitable to meet relatives and friends, travel, clean, move, get married and engaged, move to a new house, make an alliance, break ground, pray for blessings, install beds, and install machinery.

This date was determined by multiple informed departments and handed over to superiors, and then the space agency boss made suggestions to Lin Ju.

Of course the latter didn't want it, and he didn't care about the metaphysical issues involved.

Although he didn't believe it, it would make people feel more at ease if they calculated this kind of thing. July 6th was very auspicious, and I felt very comfortable on that day. What's more important is that the date is close!

The three Xinyuan-2 rocket-H1 space shuttle combinations have been ready since half a month ago and are actually ready to go at any time.

The reason why Xinyuan No. 2 is used is because there is more redundancy, which means there are more opportunities for adjustment. It is not because it is too troublesome to recover the five rocket bodies of Xinyuan No. 5 and B.

There are still two days before the launch, but there is no news from the outside world. We only know that Director Lin will go to heaven in July, and he feels that it is already the middle of the month.

On the evening of July 2nd, Lin Ju officially ended the training. The three of them are now in good condition and have met the conditions for heaven. The remaining three days are used to relax and say goodbye to family and friends.

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