I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 189 Frustration of Smart Agricultural Machinery

The last two days before departure are reserved for astronauts to reunite with their relatives and friends, because humans are too fragile for space and the risks cannot be underestimated at any time.

Of course Li Wei was accompanying his wife and children. Hu Dong had been married a long time ago and their children were eight years old.

Lin Ju, Lin Ju has no relatives, and has not contacted his past friends for a long time, so he can only wander around in his own base.

He didn't think there was anything wrong. To be honest, the engineers at the base might be more reliable than their relatives and friends.

In the morning, as usual, Lin Ju should go to the hangar first, pick out a Feilong training aircraft that had just been completed, and fly around the base several times.

But today he walked to the hangar and turned back because it was risky.

Although the Feilong training aircraft purchased the latest version of Lucia's ejection seat, an emergency ejection may cause fractures, so there is no need to fly. There will be plenty of time to fly in the future.

[Qingyang Smart Agriculture Demonstration Base]

"Welcome, Director Lin!"

The person in charge of the base warmly entertained Lin Ju, who just curiously observed a large area of ​​neat farmland behind.

When developing the XW151 intelligent driving system, engineers said that this system would have very good results when applied to planting operations, so Lin Jute approved a team to develop intelligent agricultural machinery.

So a large aerospace company like Xinyuan Aerospace Power actually signed an agreement with the local town government and contracted hundreds of acres of land to carry out comprehensive smart agricultural construction.

The output here is not necessarily very high, but the labor cost and time cost must be reduced to a minimum so that it can be used as a template to be sold to the outside world in the future.

The person in charge of the base, Luo Han, and Lin Ju had just walked into the base when a black shadow passed over their heads with a buzzing sound.

"Ah, it's a Harrier drone."

Lin Ju looked up and saw an eight-axis propeller drone with a large plastic bucket hanging below it.

Rohan: "Every day we plan the time and amount of pesticide spraying based on weather conditions and air humidity. This is completely done automatically by the computer. Humans only need to dilute the pesticide and fill the barrel according to the prompts, and the drone will spray according to the plan."

Lin Ju: “Why not achieve full automation?”

Rohan: "It's too expensive, and it only takes one person a little time to do it. It's actually very easy."

While walking, Rohan continued to introduce:

"We have installed 120 precise positioning measurement points in this 1,000-acre area. We can accurately divide the work area using automatic identification of ground base stations, satellites and software. The work route is also planned based on this information. Manual work only needs to be carried out on the machine. Intervene in situations that are difficult to identify.

There are only four people in the Qingyang base including me, but in fact as long as there is no problem with the machine, we only need to watch the monitoring in the air-conditioned room to complete all the planting processes, as you can see there. "

Following the direction of Rohan, Lin Ju crossed the cornfield and saw a large expanse of golden color.

It was early rice. The plump ears were knotted at the tip of the rice. They were big and tight. It looked like a harvest.

"How many acres of rice have you planted? How many pounds can you produce?"

Lin Ju brushed his hands over the rice grains and could feel the joy of these crops.

Rohan: "According to satellite infrared remote sensing data, this year's pests and rainy weather have been well controlled through various means. Coupled with the precise use of a large amount of chemical fertilizers, based on the rice seeds we use, we can achieve a yield of 1,600 per mu. Jin, that is, 800 kilograms.

The total planting area is 300 acres, which is 20 hectares. Boss, how long do you think it will take us to harvest these 20 hectares? We only have one rice harvester. "

Lin Ju: "Only one? Only 5 or 6 acres of land per hour, about 50 hours?"

Rohan: "Yes, we only have one rice harvester, but it is completely enough. Automation allows it to harvest 24 hours a day and night. There is no difference between day and night under the infrared camera. It only takes 48 hours to complete the harvest." ;

The truck that follows the harvester is also fully automatic. It returns to the factory regularly and dumps it into the automatic production line for threshing. The chaff is beaten into feed, and the rice is sorted by the machine and bagged. It can be wholesaled directly. However, we will not sell these crops. "

Lin Ju thought for a while and immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

"That's really unfortunate."

Rohan heard a muttering but didn't react, and Lin Ju didn't explain.

If it had been a little later, maybe I could have eaten home-grown food.


A loud siren startled the two of them, and they realized that a strange-shaped pickup truck had parked behind them. There were many devices installed on the front and rear of the truck, and there was a rotating lidar above the head.

In its cargo compartment was an extra-long mechanical part that looked like it was for agricultural machinery.

Lin Ju looked at the cab...it was empty.

Rohan first led Lin Ju back and made way for the pickup truck, which flashed its high beam and drove past them silently.

"Uh... I'm sorry, boss. The corn harvester's cutter head needs to be replaced. This car was modified by us without any trouble. It uses spare parts in stock. We usually just run around the base. Today... uh, actually It’s also a small road with few people, and there are very few outside vehicles on the roads around the base.”

Lin Ju roughly understood what he meant. The base must have used the intelligent driving system of agricultural machinery to build a pickup truck that can drive automatically. Moreover, this pickup truck seemed to be modified from some kind of car, and even the driving mode was changed to electric power.

And judging from Rohan's attitude, it was obviously not the first time he had done this.

Forget it...it's a small matter, I can only say that the engineers are very innovative.

Luo rarely felt relieved that his boss would not pursue him, and continued to talk about the achievements of the base:

“Now we have a total of 8 machines of various types, which are the minimum requirements for managing these 1,000 acres of land and 6 types of crops. We have achieved universal use for most of them and can ensure that they are all harvested within the optimal harvesting time.

In fact, the larger the farm, the less machinery is required per acre of land. But even now, we even use airplanes, and the cost is already lower than that of farms using traditional mechanized planting and harvesting, and the efficiency is extremely high. . "

"Has it been promoted to the north?"

Hearing Lin Ju's question, Rohan, who was still very excited, got stuck and sighed.

This smart agricultural machinery system is prepared for large-scale plain farming. The target market is naturally the north. The hilly areas and paddy fields in the south are not conducive to mechanized farming. At most, micro-tillers are used, and it is not cost-effective to use large-scale automated machinery.

In other words, there is a little plain in the core area of ​​Shuchuan, which is not bad. It can be designated as an area for them to conduct experiments.

"It's not good. The north... the region is indeed very suitable, but they are not willing to purchase this system. You know the boss, many large farms are state-owned."

Lin Ju understood. The biggest advantage of smart agricultural machinery is the cutting personnel. Private farmers will definitely be happy, but it is hard to say that state-owned farmers will be happy.

"But it's okay. There are many private farms now, and the market is still huge. If we can export, the prospects are actually the best."


The most suitable place is either Ami or Da Mao Er Mao, but it may be very difficult to install a large number of base stations that can connect to other countries' satellites and network-controlled machinery on your own land.

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