After coming out of the Qingyang base, Lin Ju, who originally wanted to see the crops and relax, was a little depressed.

The smart agricultural machinery project is successful both technically and economically, but it obviously does not take into account the market's acceptance capacity.

There is a lot of land suitable for large-scale mechanization in China, but it is very important relative to the huge demand for food, and most of it is in the hands of the government.

This is also for food security considerations. The disadvantage is that the introduction of smart agriculture will greatly reduce the staffing. The resistance in this can be imagined.

Lin Ju felt that it would be better to regard this project as a failed investment. Anyway, he would not lose a lot of money, and it was not without technical gains.

Smart agriculture is a comprehensive system covering many aspects such as satellites, weather, disaster prevention, market fluctuations, etc. It is not a simple integration of intelligent systems.

The people and horses of this system can be used for unmanned construction on the moon or Mars in the future, but there will be no human interference factors.

It's just that lunar rice or Mars rice may not be able to be sold back to the earth on a large scale. It should mainly be supplied to astronauts.

Lin Ju has already experienced extraterrestrial food in advance. When Steadfast returned from its first manned commercial flight, it brought a lot of space crops that were certified as edible. In fact, the taste is not much different from that on earth.

"Francis is dead, he, he is still out there..."

In the evening, Lin Ju and the engineers watched a movie in a small conference room. He originally wanted to go to the cinema, but he was almost surrounded because he was not good at disguises and was exposed two or three times. He was able to escape only with the heroic protection of the security guards who followed him.

Now Lin Ju's status in China is called Donglin Xima, which means that he is the most outstanding figure in the private aerospace field of both countries, and "Donglin" is even better, but his net worth should not be as high as Lao Ma.

Lin Ju's current net worth is a mystery. Xinan Automobile's shares are now worth at least tens of billions. Xinyuan Company is highly closed and has not been listed. It is difficult to estimate, but the industry believes that once listed, the market value will easily exceed one trillion (RMB).

Of course, he is far from the richest man in the country, but this level can no longer be measured in terms of money. After all, the death of a richest man in real estate may cause inheritance disputes. If Lin Ju dies, he will represent an extremely large aerospace industry chain and comprehensive talent system. A crash would have a much greater impact.

Therefore, Lin Ju has actually received a lot of public attention, and everyone knows that Factory Director Lin likes to keep a low profile and specializes in staying at snack stalls or late-night snack stalls. The latter has been caught several times.

In order to avoid another trouble, Lin Ju simply watched movies in the company. The large touch screen worth tens of thousands of dollars was not bad at showing PPT and watching movies.

The movie is "2001: A Space Odyssey", released in 1968, and is an absolute classic in the history of science fiction.

Androv and Guo Shen were in Qiongzhou, and accompanying Lin Ju were Zhao Xiaowen and Cheng Nankai who happened to be at the base.

Lin Ju watched the movie and listened to the progress of the two people.

In more than 6 months, under the leadership of Zhao Xiaowen, a B+ professional laser engineer, the number of personnel in the semi-underground laser laboratory has exceeded 80, and each one is C+ or above.

During this period, they have burned 1.6 billion yuan in funding, but Zhao Xiaowen said that they only determined the direction.

“There are many types of lasers, such as gas excitation, solid excitation, liquid excitation, semiconductor, etc., there are so many. We finally determined two directions: gas lasers and free electron lasers;

Using pulsed lasers, the power of free electron lasers can be very high, but the size is larger. Gas lasers are slightly smaller, but the upper power limit is not as high as free electron lasers. "

"Have you ever done any experiments?"

Zhao Xiaowen shook his head.

"The movement on the ground is too great, at least it cannot be tested at the base. Ultra-high-power lasers are easy to associate with people, so I think if we want to carry out ground tests, it is best to move them to the nuclear base in Laocheng, with the cover of a nuclear power plant.

Of course, the best thing is to launch a laser satellite test, which is very hidden. You just have to wait, maybe one year, and try to use another year to complete the principle prototype to decide which method to use for the first generation of megawatt lasers. .

This time is not too late, capacitor design will take a long time. "

Lin Ju understood what he meant. The first-generation laser satellites could not continuously output megawatt-level laser power. They had to use solar panels or reactors to charge the capacitors, and then use the capacitors to discharge ultra-high power.

Of course, the requirements for this kind of capacitor are extremely high, including fast charging, long life, and high discharge power. The laser laboratory spends most of its energy on this.

We have to wait until the second and third generations, when the size, cost, and heat dissipation problems of nuclear reactors are solved, and there is no need to charge the capacitor before we can continue to carry out laser attacks like the Grim Reaper.

By then, there will no longer be any need to worry about the impact risk of large spacecraft traveling in deep space. Meteorites that are not too large will be directly destroyed, and the earth's orbit and space stations can also be protected.

Zhao Xiaowen: "Although it will take time to develop lasers for large targets, next year I can first make a practical small laser for detectors or lunar surface bases, using gas excitation and pulse type."

Cheng Nankai: "Fighting micro meteorites? The power is not high. The power of next year's nuclear power train can be maintained. Is 30 kilowatts enough? As long as the laser does not overheat, the reactor can maintain this power.

But the power should fluctuate, right? It can be overloaded by 50% in a short period of time, which should be enough."

Zhao Xiaowen, also an engineer at the Systems Research Institute, did not doubt Cheng Nankai’s guarantee, so he nodded:

"Lasers of this level can be used in scientific research to ablate rocks or minerals for material analysis; small micrometeorites can also be quickly evaporated. The weight... I will try to make it 900 kilograms."

With a mass of 900 kilograms and an output power of 30kw, Lin Ju is very satisfied with this indicator.

The laser technology exchanged from the desert base was already of a relatively advanced type, and relying on the unscientific power of the Systems Research Institute, it quickly became the best in the world.

After all, if we take the loitering missile/drone attack laser vehicles currently sold in the international market as an example, the laser power of the entire vehicle is only 3 to 6 kilowatts.

900 kilograms and 30 kilowatts is almost seven or eight times the advantage. Of course, there must be better laser technology that is even close to this level in secret laboratories in various countries.

Now it is 30 kilowatts. Will 3,000 kilowatts, or 3 megawatts, be far behind?

If the power can reach megawatt level, a meteorite weighing about 500 kilograms can cause complete destruction in only about 1.5 seconds.

Even if it doesn't completely evaporate, its trajectory can be changed so that it no longer poses a threat.

Lin Ju imagined the scene of hundreds of such laser satellites orbiting the earth. It was simply not too beautiful.

From now on, Ma Yilong doesn’t have to object to Starlink Xinyuan. If he goes up to the sky and shines the laser for 0.1 seconds secretly, the space junk will be +1.

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