“The laser lab does a great job.”

Lin Ju honestly evaluated Zhao Xiaowen's achievements. Although the cost is extremely high, laser technology, especially ultra-high-power laser technology, is obviously the key direction in the future.

A B+ laser expert is making good progress under the help of the institute, but what about the nuclear propulsion team that has invested more power?

When Cheng Nankai saw his boss turning his eyes towards him, he quickly reported the progress:

"The system information is very complete, and NAPE's technology is all ready-made. In theory, it can be used directly. However, because many supporting materials and processes are currently beyond our reach or not involved, it will take time to overcome.

In fact, I am now confident that I will start building a small-volume sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor. I am just waiting for the nuclear base to be completed. We have to wait for some equipment. "

Lin Ju knew that this was the truth. The nuclear base was not his own B-level base, and the system could be built quickly. A considerable amount of equipment and materials depended on the country.

Moreover, it is not that there are many things that we cannot do, but that we cannot do them. Xinyuan does not have the qualifications of those leading companies with Chinese characters. If it is discovered, it will be illegal and cannot plead for mercy.

But China Power Investment Corporation and China Broadcasting Corporation Nuclear Power have indeed tried their best to help build the nuclear base as quickly as possible.

Lin Ju: "The H2M project has been slightly delayed by about 2 months, but I still hope that the A100 will be built as scheduled. The application of this type of engine may encounter some difficulties."

Although the A100 nuclear thermal engine is suitable for deep space, it is a nuclear component after all. It is estimated that it will require a long period of inspection and multiple inspections before launch.

And because it has a nuclear reactor, the A100 is not designed to have extremely low radiation like NAPE. It must not be started or crash in the atmosphere, otherwise the pollution will be too serious, which will be a huge blow to Xinyuan's reputation.

The second batch of H2 (nuclear-powered) space shuttles will be carried out after the first batch of H2M (conventional version of methane engine). Since there are no rockets to occupy the production capacity, the speed will be much faster. Up to three can be produced at the same time, each with only It takes four months.

A100 was originally scheduled to produce the official version around April 2017. This time is a bit tight, preferably February or March.

"What about the others? Has the NAPE program been extended?"

Cheng Nankai: "No, we are just replicating the success of others. As long as the production progress keeps up, there will be no delays. In 48 months, boss, maybe you can go to the moon and ride on the XN90 spacecraft."

Lin Ju took advantage of this compliment. How could his footsteps just stop at low-Earth orbit? Go to the moon and Mars!

At this time, the movie had finished playing and the three of them left the conference room, but Lin Ju couldn't sleep.

Even though as a system-bound plug-in, he inserted a hugely influential Xinyuan Company into the timeline and sent more than two digits of people into space, his life actually didn't change much.

There was no time to spend the day and night, nor to travel around the world to enjoy the beautiful scenery. If I was not doing flight training, I would be flying back and forth between the capital and having meetings with a bunch of older people.


At this moment, Lin Ju suddenly felt like Jack Ma. He found that his happiest time was actually sitting at a table at a roadside food stall on an ordinary night in college, smelling the smell of frying and the mixed smell of sewers. Taste, eating fried rice noodles with optional side dishes for 10 yuan.

After emozing alone in the refreshing night for a long time, the frustrated Director Lin went to his garage, drove out the hand-customized gold-plated sports car given by Crown Prince Hamand, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the base gate.

At the same time, among the hundreds of people in plain clothes outside the base, a middle-aged man and a "rookie" sat in a car and stopped at a hidden intersection like an ordinary self-driving vehicle.

The "Old Bird" indifferently enjoyed the fried rice noodles that Director Lin wanted to eat, but he obviously didn't think it was delicious and was just supplementing necessary nutrients.

The rookie was swaying in the passenger seat, and there was a strong smell of smoke lingering in the car.

A voice came from the headset: "Attention all units, Target No. 3 left home in a vehicle. Please follow the plan as planned to ensure safety. Over!"

The "experienced bird" rolled down the window and threw out the half-eaten fried rice noodles in dissatisfaction. Without waking up the "rookie", he suddenly jumped out of the car in 2nd gear, causing the latter who was not wearing a seat belt to almost hit him. to the windshield.

The "rookie" subconsciously wanted to curse, and then heard the "veteran" complain:

"Damn it, the big boss is the big boss, even if he is interested in racing at night."

"A global limited edition sports car suddenly appeared on the streets of a small town. It is reported that the owner of the car is suspected to be Factory Director Lin"

“Driving a hand-customized luxury sports car worth over 100 million yuan and buying rice noodles with meat and eggs, the happiness of the rich is so simple and unpretentious”

"Stall owner: I have never met such awesome customers in my life."

“Xinyuan City traffic police seized the world’s most expensive sports car”

"Director Lin was arrested because of it"


Late-night emo Lin Ju finally paid the price for his willfulness. After buying fried rice noodles, he was intercepted by the traffic police who bombed the street after being reported by the masses.

Then the car was impounded on the grounds that the third party liability insurance was not taken out, the entry time was more than three months, and the declaration was not made...

According to eyewitnesses at the time, because the chassis was too low, the sports car was hoisted onto the trailer and was not driven directly onto it.

Afterwards, Director Lin was able to escape with the rice noodles at night at the traffic police brigade after completing the paperwork and paying the fine. It was the system engineer who drove over to pick him up.

Of course, Lin Ju could actually use his mobile phone to directly ask his CS75 with a full set of SC09 to pick him up, but I am afraid that this driverless car will be detained once it reaches the place, so it is better to be safer.

On the other hand, his popularity has once again become a hot search topic. The whole network is discussing the incident of Director Lin driving a sports car to buy pho and his car was impounded. At the same time, he also praised the traffic police for not being afraid of power and enforcing the law impartially.

But the fact is: when Lin Ju came to pick up the car the next day and tow it back for people to go through the formalities, he found that the trailer that towed the sports car yesterday had not unloaded the car, and several people were sitting there eating breakfast and watching.

When Lin Ju came to pick up the car, he completed the procedures as quickly as throwing away a hot potato, loosened the straps holding the sports car and ran away.

After all, when they issued the ticket, they also searched the price of this car online. They were shocked when they saw it: global limited edition, hand-made, full carbon fiber and gold-plated components.

Even if it is polished, it will be airlifted and repaired by the original factory. We will customize the production of accessories and the repair price will definitely start in 8 figures.

You can't offend if you can't afford it. The team videotaped the whole process to preserve evidence. It would be quite troublesome if they were blackmailed.

At the same time, they are also secretly complaining: If you have money, why don't you buy rice noodles? You can even ask the state banquet chef to come to your door and cook it for you 24 hours a day.

Also unhappy is the canteen chef. He is deeply doubting his skills. The canteen also provides late-night snacks at night. Is it because they are not delicious or because the factory director has a taboo and doesn't eat them at the base?

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