Li Wei, Lin Ju, Jeff Bezos, Ma Yilong.

The four people's time in space was compressed to less than one year, and they are all heavyweights in the aerospace industry of their country and the world.

People only feel that the space race has entered a white-hot stage. Leaders of private spaceflight are going to space one by one, and the space agencies of major countries are also preparing to send important leaders and scientists into space.

The gap between this and a few decades ago is not just a matter of courage, but shows a trend: since the era of Yuri Gagarin, the risks of manned space flight have gradually been reduced to a controllable level, and safety Sex has improved tremendously.

In the 1960s, in order to compete for the position of the first man in space, how did the former alliance buy time?

Soyuz rockets built 4 rockets at a time. As long as there are two consecutive unmanned launches, astronauts will be shot up. Each launch is like Russian roulette. No one knows whether they will explode.

However, as the space industry continues to develop and mature, and based on the strictness of space launch inspections, the success rate of rocket launches may be higher than that of aircraft.

July 6, five o'clock in the morning.

At Station 1 of the Qiongzhou Space Launch Center, the Progress-Xinyuan 2 combination rolled out of the final assembly building and arrived at the launch site.

Based on repeated calculations by multiple meteorological experts and cloud images updated in real time by satellites, the weather today is good with minimal cloud cover and minimal risk of lightning strikes, making it the best time to launch.

The fuel has been added, but Lin Ju, who had been unable to sleep for several days, had a peaceful sleep last night. He was just woken up and was enjoying breakfast with Li Wei and Hu Dong.

Li Wei, wearing a green coat, went back to 13 years ago in a daze.

There seemed to be no difference between him this time and that year. The closer the time was to the launch, the faster it seemed to pass, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Even though he knew he was about to enter the sky again, he ate his food naturally, showing calmness everywhere.

Deputy Commander Hu Dong was a little nervous. Deng Lei was still in the Tiangong Space Station at this time and would not come down until September or October, so he cooperated with Li Weiyi as the primary and deputy commander.

He already had twice the energy to fly and was not afraid, but the two people on the same plane were too important. He had been rehearsing various emergency situations these days.

As various possibilities flashed through his mind, Hu Dong, who had always been confident, suddenly felt that this flight was full of risks and felt that it should not be carried out.

Lin Ju was very relaxed. At the same table were Guo Shen and Androv, who personally led the maintenance of the three space shuttles.

Lin Ju has unconditional trust in the system and engineers, and he believes that this launch will be as perfect as in the past.

He was even joking with Androv:

"I won't write a suicide note. If I, the boss, die, I will watch from the sky as you two fight to divide the company's inheritance, and then come down and stay with me."

Guo Shen: "Boss, actually we can accompany you right away."

Lin Ju:?

Androv took out an in-cabin spacesuit helmet from somewhere and placed it on the table.

"The Unity is also on standby. How about you change your mind now and postpone it for five hours, so the five of us can board the Unity?"

Before Lin Ju could answer, Li Wei, who was originally calm, almost choked on his food and waved his hands repeatedly:

"No, no, you haven't done any training, and the space launch mission cannot be changed..."

"It's okay, they were joking."

Lin Ju spoke up in time to interrupt Li Wei's worries, and pointed to the helmet on the table with a smile:

"Do you think his big head can fit into this helmet? I'm afraid he won't be able to turn his head. It must be customized."

There was a burst of laughter in the room. The little prank planned by the two system engineers successfully relaxed the atmosphere. The three of them laughed and ended the rich but barely touched breakfast. Only the plate with dumplings was obviously missing by half. Press The customary glass was raised.

After drinking 5 ml of wine, Lin Ju frowned and looked at the wine glass with only a light purple color left, deeply doubting whether his sense of taste had deteriorated.

The alcohol content of this 5 ml wine is probably as much as that of a Dali Garden egg yolk pie. No wonder Li Wei drank it before he went to heaven for the first time. Not to mention that this amount of alcohol has an impact on people, he can't even savor it for one second.

Fortunately, he is not an alcoholic. It is just a complaint and there is no unfinished meaning.

The three of them got into the commercial vehicle that had been waiting for them downstairs and arrived at the launch center, where they would change their spacesuits.

As soon as he entered the dressing room, Lin Ju, who was wearing a jumpsuit, saw the space agency boss and several leaders of the launch management center.

He was not surprised, and the other party also greeted him with a smile:

"Three of you, on behalf of the Space Administration and the Launch Management Center, I promise you that the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site's launch on July 6 will be in excellent condition with good weather. We make a 100% guarantee that the launch and measurement and control system is absolutely safe, absolutely reliable, and absolutely Keep you safe."

From what the boss said, Lin Ju could already imagine how they checked the supporting facilities over and over again. I'm afraid they even checked the sand at the launch site.

Li Wei saluted and shouted loudly: "The crew of the Progress Yao-6 launch mission are in good condition and can carry out manned missions!"

Lin Ju also became more serious, and first said to the boss: "Although I am also a crew member, I still say here that the H1 series has withstood many tests. On behalf of Xinyuan Company, I guarantee that the Progress is absolutely reliable, and it is also 100% Confidence.

Director Huang," he turned to look at the Director of the Launch Administration who was about to become the fire chief:

"This new distant rocket should not set the trees on fire here."

Director Huang: "If burning a few trees can ensure a successful launch, it doesn't matter even if we light all the trees here, I will do it myself."


Needless to say, if it were in other countries, this would really become a routine.

Unlike the unlucky Shepard who peed in his spacesuit, Gagarin emptied the rear tires of the bus transporting people before departure, so the crew of every subsequent Soyuz launch mission had to do this again. It has become a routine...

Lin Ju felt that there was no need to perform this kind of ritual repeatedly in China, as it felt a bit immoral.

Soon, the three people put on their spacesuits with the help of the staff.

The weight of these in-cabin spacesuits is only 14 kilograms, which does not hinder movement much when worn. On the contrary, the small air conditioner in hand weighs 6 kilograms.

The portable air conditioner continuously blows refreshing cool air into the spacesuit, making people feel less stuffy. Even the close-fitting jumpsuit and hood are breathable and very comfortable to wear.

The crew took the oath together under the flag, and there was no complicated departure ceremony.

The latter has been gradually canceled in the ever-increasing number of commercial launches. Within a year, astronauts' expedition is no longer a big deal, it is just a simple process.

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