After walking out of the launch center, the stretch from the gate to the bus parked at the intersection was lined with reporters and media occupying almost all the available seats. Only the passage surrounded by guardrails in the middle was accessible.

This short 20-meter walk only lasted more than ten seconds, but Lin Ju felt that the sounds in his ears had become noisy and blurry, like background sounds that were moving away from him at a very high speed.

He thought that it should be the first cosmic speed.

Although the trio in the camera were all smiling, holding a small air conditioner in one hand, and saying hello to both sides with the other hand, Lin Ju knew that his steps had begun to become lighter.

We boarded the electric bus at the venue - it was sponsored by China Southern Motor and Xin'an Automobile. It uses the latest generation of batteries and comprehensive chassis control technology. It is very comfortable and smooth, and you can't even feel it when passing a speed bump.

Nearly 80 years ago, Howard Hughes, the founder of the Hughes Aircraft Company, asked his driver to control the speed over a speed bump due to his obsessive-compulsive disorder because he believed that violent bumps might destroy his lover's breast shape.

But this electric bus can use the heavy adaptive chassis to pass speed bumps at 50 kilometers per hour without feeling it, and people can't even feel that they are riding in the bus.

Lin Ju leaned against the window and saw people on both sides wearing work clothes, with the Xinyuan Company logo on their chests.

More than 200 Xinyuan engineers and related personnel in Qiongzhou came here early to see him off. In fact, more people wanted to come but were declined by the latter.

In just a few minutes, the bus arrived at the launch tower with the crew and staff. It was now 6.40, and the sun had fully risen, reflecting the sparkling sea with a fiery red color.

Lin Ju took one last look at the seaside, took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to tremble in his legs, and followed Hu Dong and Li Wei to the elevator.

The height of the Xinyuan-2-Progress combination is about 90 meters, and it takes one minute for the elevator to go up, which is an extremely long minute.

The elevator in the launch tower was semi-open, and Lin Ju was facing the white rocket.

He was quite familiar with Xinyuan 2, starting from the engine and going up all the way, past the first stage, the second stage, the rectifier connection escaper, and then to the dark belly of the Progress.

The Progress's silver-gray insulation tiles shine in the scattered sunlight, and colorful patterns can be seen in the dark blue portholes.

The three people's feet sank and the elevator stopped.

Li Wei walked towards the corridor. The corridor was completely enclosed, but the vibration caused by stepping lightly told them that they were hundreds of meters above the ground.

Hu Dong and Lin Ju followed closely behind. After watching Li Wei and Hu Dong climb in first with the help of the staff, Lin Ju also bent down and asked the staff to remove his small air conditioner, and carefully grasped the inside of the Progress. Temporary fixed bracket.

He barely moved. The staff who had rehearsed many times placed Lin Ju perfectly on the seat. After confirming that the three people were in an upright position, they connected the life support system pipelines, quickly packed up their things, and climbed out. the crew compartment.

Lin Ju couldn't see the back at all... or to be precise, the situation below. Sitting facing up like this made him feel a little uncomfortable and wanted to raise his head. As soon as he made a move, the seat began to track his behavior and raised his head as well. A little bit.

The two C-shaped structures holding the legs began to tighten, tightly pressing the spacesuit and Lin Ju's legs. Although this fixation was to assist with load resistance, it made Lin Ju feel much more at ease.


The hatch of the Progress was closed from the outside. The staff pulled down the manual valve in the open operating port. After the indicator light turned green, they carefully closed the operating port. After confirming that it was seamless, they made an OK gesture behind them.

After everyone exited the passage, the steel structure corridor slowly retracted and moved away, leaving only three wiring harness connectors for controlling the rocket attached to each stage of the rocket and the space shuttle.

The screen in front of Lin Ju and behind Hu Dong lit up. He saw Guo Shen, Androv, the boss, and many people from the Space Administration, Sichuan Provincial and Municipal Government, and cooperative schools standing in front of the console. Lin Ju waved.

There were so many old acquaintances that Lin Ju couldn't say hello to them all, so he could only wave and smile.

Guo Shen: "Boss, how about the space suit we made? The version for this mission has been improved again. It is 7% lighter and fits better. No sweating, right?"

"No, I feel very good. You can ask 01 and 02 how they are doing."

"01 Report: Feeling fine, nothing abnormal."

"02 report, I feel good too."

Boss: "01, how does it feel to fly again? The live broadcast hasn't started yet, you can tell me."

Li Wei: "I have 600 hours of flight experience in the H1 simulator, but I still have to say that it is very good to sit in the Progress. I feel like I am really flying a spaceship now, like in cartoons. Just push it." You can fly into the sky just by pressing the accelerator."

Several chuckles rang out from the launch control center, and Androv stepped forward:

"Captain Li, the Progress-Xinyuan-2 combination can indeed be launched manually in special emergencies, but I don't recommend you do this. Maybe in the future you can actually fly such a spacecraft from the ground to space."

"Haha, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day."

Li Wei rarely laughed at himself, and the others only thought that Androv was joking. As long as Lin Ju and the others knew, it was not a joke.

The XN-90 spacecraft design work has been ongoing. Androv has almost completed the original design of the spacecraft and is about to enter the specific design stage.

The design work is ready to be completed in less than a year, followed by about another year to build the spacecraft.

The XN-90 spacecraft... I don’t know if Li Wei and the people present will still remember what happened today on the day it really appears in front of the world. Li Wei must be invited to come and witness it in person.

Then Lin Ju said a few words to his old acquaintances, and at 7.30, the news live broadcast and the online live broadcast started at the same time.

The launch is expected at 9 o'clock, still an hour and a half away.

Li Wei remembers this special time. 12 years, 10 months and 10 days ago, it was also at this time that he took the Shenzhou 5 into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

Nearly thirteen years have passed, and the excitement in my heart has not diminished at all.

He gently held the rudder, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his heart rate barely changing.

The screen in front of Lin Ju changed its influence. This time the signal came from the sky.

The second batch of six crew members of the Tiangong Space Station connected to the Progress, and Lin Ju saw system engineers Ke Yun and Deng Lei.

After the three of them greeted each other, Deng Lei floated to the camera alone and fixed his position skillfully.

"Boss, actually when I came here I felt a little regretful when I heard that you would come here in July. If I had known earlier, I would have waited for you and I would be the driver."

Lin Ju: If the corners of your mouth weren’t about to burst, I would have believed your lies!

Who was the one who missed the Nth blind date in excitement when he heard that he would be stationed in space for a long time?

Netizens who had flocked to the live broadcast on the online platform also issued the same condemnation as Lin Ju, criticizing this rebellious wage earner.

The anti-bone boy was gently pulled to the back, and the front of the camera was replaced by Liu Ming. He picked up the camera in his hand and pointed the screen at the camera.

"Progress crew, this is a photo I took when I passed over our country 10 minutes ago. I saw Qiongzhou, and I hope to share this scenery with you right away."

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