"Prince Sweetan, Director of the Arbor Space Agency: The Mecca is in good condition and can go to the Tiangong Space Station at any time."

The Self-Mecca is still docked on the "Hira" space station, but according to King Hamand's instructions, if Abel's old friend Lin Ju needs any help, the Self-Mecca must immediately and unconditionally provide any help it can. .

At the same time, Lucia and ISS also stated that two Soyuz spacecraft are on standby for the Progress Ya6 launch mission.

Including Xinyuan itself and the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft of the Tiangong Space Station, there are a total of three space shuttles and three spacecrafts from four countries/organizations that can carry out rescue operations for the Progress...

This may set a record for the world's most luxurious launch lineup. At least Lin Ju himself didn't realize that his trio attracted so much attention.

In fact, Lao Ma originally wanted to send it, but after thinking about it, he decided against it.

The second-generation Crew Dragon spacecraft is still not up to standard. The first-generation Crew Dragon spacecraft that was urgently renovated last time was a desperate choice, so it would be embarrassing not to use it.

NACA has long noticed the three space shuttles on standby at the Qiongzhou launch site. Does this need help from others?

The Chinese Space Administration has no such plan. After the launch of Shenzhou 11, they did not follow the usual practice of manufacturing the Shenzhou 12 spacecraft. It is too expensive. It is better to use the Long March 7 to build a new spacecraft in the future.

It was already 8:30, and the backend statistics of the number of people watching the launch through TV and online platforms exceeded 100 million. Most of them were not for Lin Ju, but for Commander Li Wei.

Many people who watched the live broadcast of the Shenzhou-5 launch shed tears of excitement when they saw Li Wei once again wearing a white spacesuit.

But the latter had no time to think so much at this time. His strong psychological quality allowed Li Wei to quickly press the switch and complete the last combined self-check before takeoff.

"01 report, self-inspection passed."

"02 report, all indicators are normal, and the space suit is in normal condition."

"Yuanwang-2 radar is normal."

"Jingwei Smart Network measurement and control is normal."


While listening to the reports from many parties, Guo Shen stared at the various data on the screen. In his mind was the current status of each part of the rocket. After listening, he lowered his head and said:

"Crew, you can pull down your mask."

In the crew cabin, Lin Ju touched the handle connected to the mask with his hand, pulled it down hard, and then rotated the locking mechanism under his ears after hearing a "stuck" sound.

The other ear without the headset immediately felt the sound isolation, and at the same time a capable and clear female voice sounded from the spacesuit:

"The space suit has been sealed and the inspection passed!"

The voice is not very nice, but it is fast and clear, and the timbre can quickly attract attention.

For the remaining 30 minutes, Lin Ju turned off the screen and stopped accepting external information other than the launch control center. He closed his eyes for two or three seconds and then opened them, looking at the earth and ocean outside the porthole.

He doesn't know how many people in this world have been reborn, but he should be considered one of the earlier ones to be able to enter space after rebirth, right?

Regardless of money, reputation, or status, they all seem so powerless in the face of space.

"Zhuangzi": "The sun and the moon, holding the universe together, make it fit." At this time, "Yu" refers to all space, and "Cosmos" refers to all time.

2,300 years ago, Zhuangzi's understanding of the universe was the combination of time and space. He already had the concept of time and space, which is in line with today's scientific understanding of the universe.

Then there is "Zhizi": "The four directions above and below are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe." "Wenzi·Natural" also says: "The past and present are called the universe, and the four directions up and down are called the universe."

Universe, the name alone makes people feel ethereal.

Lin Ju suddenly remembered his long-standing memory. When the Xinyuan Tractor Factory was first established, it built the first local self-produced 40-horsepower crawler tractor to adapt to the local environment. At that time, he was carried by the master onto the tractor with red flowers tied on it. Together we drove onto the dirt road outside the factory.

Progress was also built on the site of the original tractor factory, and its body has inherited genes.

Scenes from the past flashed through my mind, some from a long time ago and some that just happened.

By the time he came to his senses, it was only three minutes before launch.

Each of the seven engines swayed slightly under the camera a few times to confirm that all control mechanisms were OK.

Hundreds of millions of people watched this live broadcast on the beach, in front of the TV, in front of the mobile phone, and in front of the computer.

Lin Ju and Li Wei were lying on what looked like a C-shaped unloading chair. They were shown close-ups from time to time, but neither of them had much expression on their faces.

The former was actually counting the time silently in his mind. Lin Ju learned a useful skill during astronaut training: estimating time with a small error.

When he counted to thirteen seconds, he knew he was counting too fast.

"Countdown, fifteen seconds!"

The announcer's voice was clearly transmitted to the ears, and also flew to the world behind outside the transmitting tower through the current.

In the International Space Station, 13 astronauts from various countries also gathered to watch the launch.


When Lin Ju shouted out this number in a small voice, there were 260,000 people on the beach outside the launch site, and hundreds of millions of people in front of the media terminal shouted out together.

At the same time, hundreds of tons of water began to spray towards the rear of the rocket, rushing through the engine nozzle and flowing into the guide groove.

"Nine, eight, seven, six, start lighting the fire."

The six liquid oxygen methane engines in the outer ring began to ignite in pairs. Even through the water curtain, people could see the red light coming from behind. When they were all ignited, the countdown just counted to one.

"...One, engine No. 1 is ignited!"

In the picture of the camera pointed at the launch pad, everything was shrouded in a suddenly brightening white light, and then the live broadcast screen switched to the launch tower.

Driven by seven liquid oxygen methane engines with a maximum ground thrust of 227KN, ​​the rocket body of Xinyuan-2 began to tremble, and the four connectors connecting the rocket body detached at the same time and quickly recovered.

The vibrations of the rocket were transmitted to the crew cabin. Lin Ju felt goosebumps all over his body as the rocket trembled. More than once, he looked at Li Wei who was diagonally above him. The other person just put his hands flat on the armrests and could not see the front.

The overloads experienced in a centrifuge are applied to the body, but blood still flows smoothly as the suit automatically begins to pressurize and the legs are mechanically compressed.

The thrust-to-weight ratio of Xinyuan-2 is relatively low, only about 1.2, which will make the acceleration phase slower and the overload experience longer. However, the advantage is that the load coefficient is relatively high, reaching 3.5% in reusable conditions.

And not just Xinyuan 2, but all Xinyuan rockets are designed to maintain high transport capacity and low thrust weight even when they are recyclable, in exchange for a larger, longer, and more powerful launch scene.

Three kilometers away, a CBS correspondent held a microphone and stood sideways in front of the camera, revealing the Shinyuan-2 rocket glowing behind him.

"and lifted off the X2! Two of the world's most important humans have left the surface and are ascending into space! go ahead!)"

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