I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 197 The cradle left its mother

"Yuanwang-2, radar tracking is normal."

"Dongfeng, optical USB radar tracking is normal."

"Longitude and latitude tracking telemetry is normal."

"Procedural turn!"

The commands were transmitted to Lin Ju's ears through the radio. These were familiar instructions that he had heard dozens of times, and had even participated in them personally.

Even if he didn't think about it deliberately, when these words came into his mind, he could imagine the posture and position of the rocket.

The seven liquid oxygen methane engines can eject about 6 tons of fuel per second. After about a minute, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the rocket exceeded 1.5. After that, the fuel in the first stage became less and less, but the acceleration increased. high.

At this time, the ground could already see the obvious sonic boom cloud in the middle of the rocket body after Xinyuan 2 broke through the sound barrier. It was like a garland wrapped around the rocket body. The Progress nose diverted the air and surged along the streamlined joints. The sonic boom cloud then spreads out into a ring, like a bullet fired into water.

In the live broadcast, the three people in the Progress crew cabin all looked calm, but their faces were slightly deformed by overload.

The most calm one is still Li Wei. He is always confident and calm. At this time, he still keeps his identity as commander in mind and is ready to deal with unexpected situations at any time.

Time passed little by little, and when it was almost three minutes, instructions came from the ground. The first stage of the Xinyuan-2 rocket began to reduce thrust, and then the explosive bolt detonated. The live broadcast screen was transferred to the interstage camera, and the first stage rocket was seen tilting back. The scene of lying away.

Aramco, District of Columbia.

NACA Director Claire left her chair in disappointment. The first-stage rocket has successfully lifted Progress out of the atmosphere. This launch has been successful.

Even if an accident occurs to the second-stage rocket, the remaining safety measures are enough to ensure the safety of the space shuttle.

Although from the perspective of astronauts, we should respect any manned launch in the world, but unfortunately, the pressure placed on them by Xinyuan is too great.

The Xinyuan-2A and Xinyuan-3 rockets are like sharp thorns, deeply piercing the Artemis project. They are Claire’s nightmare that keeps her awake.

In particular, both rockets are edible and require only 40 days to prepare. It is simply unimaginable that rockets of this level have such a launch frequency.

If NACA could use these two rockets, it would dare to complete the entire Artemis project within one year!

As long as Lin Ju dies, Xinyuan Company's huge and complex structure will be in chaos for a long time due to the loss of its leader, and the Artemis Project will definitely face much less pressure.

Claire knew that some people had thought about using certain means to create an "accident", but from the perspective of Li Wei as the commander-in-chief, China's attitude was very clear. This was almost impossible, and the chance of exposure was too high.

Of course, the crew of the Progress did not know that someone was intending to do harm to them, but even if they knew, it might not matter. This kind of brazenness has never happened even in the Cold War, and it is still far from that point.

On the space shuttle at this time, as the first stage was separated, Lin Ju felt his body light up instantly. All the loads that had been on his body disappeared. The still tight unloading chair and pressurized spacesuit made him slightly uncomfortable and uncomfortable. .

However, the life support system did not move because the second-stage rocket assembly was slightly correcting its direction at this time.

In these few seconds, Lin Ju still took the time to say:

"Mother Earth has rocked the cradle a few more times, and now the cradle is no longer in her arms."

Although Lin Ju could no longer speak because the second-level H50 engine started to apply load again, many people still reacted.

Lin Ju is probably talking about the strong vibration caused by the acceleration of the first-stage rocket when the rocket is launched. If this is compared to a cradle... it can only be said that Mother Earth is indeed very powerful.

Obviously, this sentence will become a classic.

The acceleration of the second-stage rocket lasted about 5 minutes, because the take-off mass of Progress was only half of the LEO load of Xinyuan-2, so it was faster.

The lonely and expensive H50 hydrogen-oxygen engine finally pushed Progress hard, followed the path of the first-stage rocket, and fell into the atmosphere.

It took Progress about 9 minutes to successfully enter low-Earth orbit at an altitude of 390km. It is expected to catch up with the Tiangong Space Station and dock with it in 3 hours.

In the passenger cabin, the pressure on the body and the restraints on the legs slowly dissipated. Lin Ju suddenly felt something like a billiard ball rolling around on the back and legs of the chair - exactly like a massage chair.

Don’t get me wrong, this is the special function of the unloading chair. It can relax the meridians and activate the meridians, reduce the discomfort caused by the sudden disappearance of the load, enhance blood flow, and reduce lactic acid produced due to muscle tension.

At the same time, greetings from the ground came into the headset.

"01, this is Qiongzhou, please report your physical condition."

Li Wei looked at the camera with a smile and said the classic words: "I feel good and I am proud of my motherland."

The words repeated after thirteen years caused fierce applause in the control room. The boss had tears in his eyes, remembering the glory of the launch of Shenzhou 5 that year.

In front of the TV, many elderly people were awakened to their first memories, as if they had returned to that year.

Also moved was Xiao Gangtian, who was less than thirty years old at that time. When he saw Li Wei flying into space on an Asian spaceship as a representative of Asians, he made up his mind to achieve success in aerospace. From then on, he Strengthened confidence.

He also believes that this launch can make all islanders believe that the hope of Asians lies in China, and only Asiaticism can revitalize the glory of Asians!

And in the sky, a voice suddenly sounded in Lin Rongguang Ju's mind.

[It was monitored that the rocket and space shuttle manufactured by the host utilized the system base to complete a space mission and entered the low-Earth orbit of the terrestrial planet No. 1149527514, with two crew members, an orbital altitude of 390KM, and a total spacecraft mass of 21.65 tons. Technology Rating: C grade.

Achievement achieved: Open your eyes to see the world (As a leader of a space company, how can you not see space with your own eyes?)

Obtain the honorary title: Junior Adventurer (obtained by using primitive and dangerous rockets to break out of the atmosphere of Jupiter) Obtained the medal: Gold Star Medal (worn by Brezhnev, will be sent to the system inventory, unlock more medals to obtain' You drop the title of Xunzong!')

Congratulations on completing an important hidden mission. The host's performance has proven his courage and belief in going to space. Special rewards will be given:

A+ level (legendary version) character card*1

Note: This mission card is a special item that can summon legendary characters. The characters are randomly drawn from different timelines. They need to be given an industry average treatment of 500% and high freedom of permission. It also takes a long time to resolve the identity (no longer than 15 days).

Note that the B-level base can only accommodate 1 A+ level legendary scientist]

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