
A+ level legendary scientist!

Lin Ju has always been eager for higher-level engineers, but unfortunately the system's B-level upgrade card has limitations, and can only upgrade engineers to B+ at most.

Guo Shen and Lin Ju have been to the Secrecy Research Institute several times. The former only said that he has seen one person who should be stronger than him, who should be A level. The others are B+ at most, and most of them are B and C level.

A+ grade, it was also labeled as "Legendary Edition" and was specially emphasized by the system, which is enough to prove how powerful the scientist on this character card is.

In the past, Lin Ju and system engineers had discussed what an A-level engineer and above should look like. Although the engineers had different opinions at that time, they all agreed that the great master of the human aerospace industry: von Braun should be able to count. S level.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky theoretically gave birth to aerospace. Tsiolkovsky's formula is the fundamental principle that any rocket type spacecraft can leave the earth's surface.

Von Braun developed the world's first practical rocket, the V2 missile. The starting point for the aerospace industry of all the world's major powers came from the V2.

Including China Aerospace, the origin of Dongfeng-1 is also an imitation of the Soviet-made P2 missile, and the P2 missile is an imitation of the V2.

Therefore, it is absolutely undisputed to rank von Braun in the S level. Tsiolkovsky is not rated as a theoretical pioneer because he was too early.

Now you can see the value of A+ grade, right? What's more, it's the legendary version, which is probably infinitely close to S-class.

However, in the eyes of others, this joy of harvesting everyone's talents is due to the excitement of entering space.

"03, how do you feel?"

Li Wei's voice brought Lin Ju's spirit out of the system and back to reality. The latter silently used the character card in his mind before responding:

"It's great. Tsiolkovsky said that the earth is the cradle of mankind, but I feel that it is really like a cradle in a state of weightlessness."

Perhaps because he was excited and his heartbeat was a little faster, Lin Ju's face tended to be congested, and because there was no gravity in space, his face looked red and slightly swollen.

This is really what Lin Ju feels from the bottom of his heart. Although in theory, the weightlessness in space is no different from the weightlessness in aircraft dive training on earth, it is in space that he truly feels free from all constraints.

The disappearance of gravity brings not only physical feelings, but also a great impact on people's thinking. It's hard to explain, but Lin Ju feels that he is not opposed to it.

Now, all the force acting on the body has disappeared, and the unloading chair is still moving lightly. The force is not small. If it were not for the restraint of the seat belt, he would have floated out.

Lin Ju's words also attracted the approval of Hu Dong and Li Wei. The latter said with emotion:

"The earth is indeed our cradle, but in terms of physical feeling, there is probably no place that is more suitable for the word cradle than space."

At this time, a voice from the ground came from the headset: "The live broadcast will last about three minutes. Do you want to say anything more?"

Lin Ju: "01, can you show me your flight manual and pen?"

Li Wei unbuckled his seat belt simply, clipped the pen to the flight manual, and gently threw it in Lin Ju's direction.

The force on the flight manual and its own center of gravity were irregular. It did not stabilize its attitude under the influence of gravity like it was thrown on the earth, but rolled and flew over quickly.

Lin Ju subconsciously tried to catch it with his hands. Although he successfully grabbed the flight manual, because of the excessive force, his whole body tended to fly forward to the left. Then he was pulled back by the X-shaped safety belt. Under the influence of the force, it repeatedly collided with the back of the chair.

Such an embarrassing scene made everyone in the launch center and audiences around the world laugh easily.

Inside the International Space Station, astronaut Tim laughed out loud, pointing at the screen and laughing:

"(Translation) When I first came here, I encountered people throwing things at me and I couldn't control the intensity. If I used too much force, it would fly out by itself. If it was too small, it would be carried away. I bet that if it weren't for the Hua Guolin Department, If you don't wear the seat belt, you will definitely roll forward!"

Although this scene was a bit funny, it also greatly shortened the distance between Lin Ju and ordinary people. Many people also discovered that Lin Ju, the leader of space technology, was nothing more than that, and his performance was far inferior to that of professional astronauts.

Lin Ju himself was a little embarrassed, but he quickly stabilized his posture and continued his actions.

He put the flight manual on his lap, then picked up the special pencil and took it off his chest. After confirming that it had not fallen, he lightly touched the end.

Under the action of the torque, the pencil began to rotate irregularly and flew towards the middle of the crew cabin. Then Lin Ju banged again, and the pencil roughly rolled in the opposite direction.

Facing the camera, Lin Ju showed an innocent smile:

"I have always envied astronauts when I was a child. What I wanted most was to play with pens like them. Now I can do it."

At 9:10:04 on the morning of July 6, the Space Shuttle Progress entered low-Earth orbit with its three crew members safely and safely, and is expected to dock with the Tiangong Space Station around 12:20.

After the live broadcast ended at 9:15, the video aroused widespread heated discussion.

Whether it is Li Wei or Lin Ju, their experience in space is destined to be of great significance.

In particular, Lin Ju mentioned the cradle twice, which made people have a stronger yearning for space.

The 10 XC4 owners who were lucky enough to be qualified to enter space last year have attracted more attention. They are scheduled to "share planes" with wealthy people who have purchased 24-hour space tours next month and complete their space journeys in two stages.

Several major official and private space agencies on the ground also expressed congratulations on the success of the launch mission. Hammand, the current king of Arabia, extended an invitation to Lin Ju as the main member of the Hilla Space Station and welcomed the latter's visit to the Hilla Space Station.

Lin Ju, who was waiting for docking in the sky, directly dialed the real satellite phone and had a video call between heaven and earth with Hamand. In addition to making Hamand envious, he once again declined the other party's kind invitation.

After all, because the Shira Space Station is completely aligned with the four countries surrounding Abel, the atmosphere of Allah is too strong. Lin Ju came to space to relax, not to go to church to experience the gospel of Allah.

Instead, he invited the crew of the Shira Space Station to visit the Tiangong Space Station when they were free. Since the fuel of the Mecca could support this operation, Hamand also smiled and expressed his agreement, thinking that he could try it if he had the opportunity in the future.

This interaction is not completely confidential. The outside world knows that the interfaces and bus standards of Tiangong Space Station and Shira Space Station are the same, and door-to-door operations can really be realized.

On the contrary, the ISS International Space Station does not work. The interfaces are incompatible. If you want to communicate with people, you may have to go out of the cabin.

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