January 14, 1966, First Affiliated Hospital of Moscow State Medical University.

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev underwent surgery here after discovering intestinal polyps.

Although the removal of intestinal polyps is only a trivial operation, as the undisputed soul of the Alliance's aerospace industry, Korolev's operation was performed in the best hospital and by the best surgeon.

In 1926, 20-year-old Korolev entered the Bauman Higher Technical School in Moscow and became a student of Tupolev.

In 1929, he became a student of Tsiolkovsky and participated in the establishment of a rocket jet propulsion research group.

Three years later, he published his first book "Rocket Engine", and the following year he published his book "Rocket Flight".

Judging from these qualifications alone, Korolev's growth is legendary and he is destined to become an extremely important figure in the alliance's aerospace industry.

But in 1937, the great purges carried out by his loving father exiled him and his teacher Tupolev to Siberia to do hard labor. Although they were soon recalled to work in the aircraft factory, this exile experience took a toll on Korolev's body. had a serious impact.

Entering 1957, with the launch of the Alliance's first R7 intercontinental missile, the space race began in full swing. After his loving father passed away in 1953, Korolev was continuously entrusted with important responsibilities and worked overtime for a long time to accelerate the Alliance's aerospace development. career development.

Korolev sent the first intercontinental missile, the first artificial satellite, and the first astronaut Gagarin into space. Not long ago, he also built the "Voskhov-2" spacecraft in a competition with Aramco, which made Korolev Alexey Leonov became the first person to complete a spacewalk.

For such a legendary figure, even if it is a minor operation, there are many senior officials of OKB Design Bureau and military generals waiting outside the operating room.

The operation lasted about 40 minutes. Korolev's assistant Vasily Mishin, who would later inherit the N1 project, saw the door of the operating room being pushed open and the surgeon hurriedly ran out.

In less than a minute, two cardiac surgery experts rushed into the operating room.

Vasily was very confused. It was just an operation for intestinal polyps, so why did he need a cardiac surgeon?

The accident in the operating room brought an ominous premonition to everyone, and after the operation lasted for a full four hours, the chief surgeon announced the results of the operation:

The foreign object in Korolev's intestine was not a polyp, but a tumor.

It was easy to treat just the tumor, and it was a piece of cake for the doctors here. But no one expected that due to his youthful exile experience and long-term heavy work, Korolev's heart developed arteriosclerosis, which occurred during the operation. An accident.

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev died on the same day at the age of 59 because his heart could not bear the burden of the operation. He had just celebrated his birthday on the 12th.

While there was sadness outside the operating room, a group of consciousness was carried through the hospital and flew to an invisible height.

Modu, Modu Microelectronics Company.

Many companies such as Huaxin International, Modu Huahong, and Ziguang Semiconductor are blocking here and putting pressure on Modu Microelectronics.

The world's four largest photolithography machine manufacturers: ASML of the Netherlands, Canon and Nikon of the island country, and Modu Microelectronics.

Currently, Modu Microelectronics is able to mass-produce 90nm lithography machines, but after multiple exposures it can produce 28nm chips, and even theoretically the limit range can reach 22.5nm.

However, the yield rate of multiple exposures is somewhat low, so Modu Microelectronics is developing the next generation 65nm lithography machine to produce 28nm or 22nm process chips with a much higher yield rate.

The higher the yield, the lower the cost, and the better the performance. This is the basic idea of ​​the famous Moore's Law. The more advanced the process, the better the performance will actually be at the same cost.

The main reason why several domestic semiconductor companies are urging Modu Microelectronics to develop 65nm lithography machines is Xinyuan's X321, X322 series and other supporting dynamic memory businesses.

Now the cost of using a 90nm lithography machine to produce 28nm through multiple exposures is too high. If a 65nm lithography machine is used to produce a 28nm process through multiple exposures, the cost is only one-third of that of a 90nm lithography machine.

One chip can generate nearly 2,000 yuan more profit!

To be honest, even the current price of 28nm ternary chips is far higher than the cost of the same process from TSMC or Samsung. If Xinan Automobile is not used in cars, it can accept the high cost and is willing to support domestic manufacturers. 90nm has been exposed to 28nm many times. These semiconductor manufacturers don't even want to make low yields.

In fact, even the 28nm process has moisture. Each X321/322 series chip is a hybrid process of 45nm and 28nm. The 28nm process area is reduced to make the yield rate barely acceptable.

The person behind Xin'an is Lin Ju. Why is Lin Ju willing to complain about spending high costs to buy chips? Isn't it just to stimulate domestic semiconductor manufacturers to upgrade?

65nm is a hurdle. If you go beyond the 65nm lithography machine and go a little further, you will enter the field of 28nm lithography machine.

What can a 28nm lithography machine do? This allows the production of 7nm and 5nm chips through multiple exposures, which were the mainstream until Lin Ju crossed over.

Even 14nm and 10nm can fully meet the needs of the consumer market.

Now, semiconductor manufacturers that have made a lot of money indirectly through Xinan Automobile have begun to invest money in Modu Microelectronics to accelerate the development of 65nm lithography machines and subsequent mid-range DUV lithography machines.

But in fact, there are also factors promoted by the Science and Technology Commission.

Huaxin International, Ziguang, and Huahong are all state-owned enterprises. They are willing to join forces with Modu Microelectronics. There is also internal information:

The country is preparing to build a ternary computer system!

Only a few people knew about this news, and the truth or falsehood is unknown. However, the state-owned power behind the three semiconductor companies began to promote Modu Microelectronics to develop supporting systems for higher processes, striving to expand production and reduce costs.

The information that the ternary chip developed by Xinyuan Company in silence can match or even slightly surpass the 14nm process of the mainstream x86 architecture with the backward 28nm process has been repeatedly verified by the superiors in the past few months by semiconductor experts.

Although the latter were deeply shocked by the sudden appearance of the ternary system and urged to find out the whole story and solve this unscientific mystery, their superiors could no longer control so much.

check? Check what?

Due to the beginning of the space race, although economic exchanges with Aramco are still increasing year by year, the blockade has become more and more severe, which can be felt by the top leaders of both companies.

Now China's semiconductor industry, which has been lagging behind for more than 20 years, actually has an opportunity to overtake in a corner, so it must be seized.

According to the report of the Science and Technology Commission, 14nm technology will soon become obsolete. In the next few years, it will enter the era of less than 10nm. However, the country cannot keep up with this speed. In the short term, only 28nm can gradually mature and improve the yield rate.

Therefore, we cannot lose this good opportunity to overtake in corners, and we must implement the ternary system as soon as possible!

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