"Sergey Korolev?"

Lin Ju, who was no stranger to history, trembled in his heart when he heard this name. He instantly thought of that thunderous name and the legend who created the R7 intercontinental missile, Vostok, and Voskhod spacecraft. He was ranked alongside Qian Lao, the British The man who revolutionized Alliance spaceflight died young.

On the system panel, the institute has indeed undergone different changes.

[Personnel: A+ (Legendary Edition) Scientist*1: Serev (Sergey Korolev)

Leadership base: B level*1, C level*1

Attribute bonus: overall scientific research ability gain: 15%, management gain: 15%, base personnel belief gain: 18%, legendary ability: when sending civilian astronauts into space, the success rate is increased by 5%.

Professional direction: All-round aerospace, all-round engineering management.

Learning ability: super

Additional conditions: Industry average 500% treatment and high freedom of authority are required]

The system also briefly explained how Korolev became Serev, and explained that the current Serev is actually Korolev, but he has reached an agreement with the system to work for Lin Ju.

Lin Ju didn't expect the system to be so powerful. That was Korolev, whose status was equal to that of Mr. Qian. Being able to recruit such a big aerospace boss was like getting a humanoid wishing machine.

It is simply unimaginable what achievements Korolev, who is only 24 years old, can achieve by combining the bases and research institutes provided by the system and the power of the world's largest industrial country.

This kind of scientist is truly a living legend, and no amount of preferential treatment can be exaggerated.

"Quick, get him on the phone. Is he at the base?"

"Yes, he is right here."

On the other end of the phone, Guo Shen handed the phone to Serev, who looked younger than him, with a respectful attitude that Lin Ju had never seen before. The latter spoke to the phone in fluent Chinese with the help of his time-travel memories:

"Hello, Mr. President, my name is Serev. Korolev is my former name, but now my identity is a native Harbinger from China. I graduated last year."

Serev's voice sounded like a young man's, but Lin Ju could hear the vicissitudes of history in it, as if he was talking to people from the past, and every word was stirring.

"Thank you, Serev, you are now the first vice president and director of the Aerospace Power Department of Xinyuan Aerospace Power. Let Guo Shen be your assistant and deputy director. From now on, the entire B-level and C-level bases will be fully managed by you. , do it boldly, I believe the base can play a greater role in your hands."

With the speakerphone on, Guo Shen heard the news that he had been demoted, but he was not dissatisfied at all, but rather happy.

Because it was Korolev who took over his position, is it embarrassing to be Korolev’s assistant? It’s not a shame, but an honor.

A+ level also has the title of legend, which is two levels higher than B+, okay?

Serev: "Thank you for your trust. I believe that when you come back, you will see a different Xinyuan."

Serev did not refuse. This was his job. His talent was worthy of the entire base revolving around him. Only in this way can the potential here be fully utilized.

Lin Ju then talked to Serev for more than half an hour until the plane landed in Beijing. Only then did Serev return the phone to Guo Shen with his sore hands.

Looking back, Androv, Chen Xuan and other B-level and above senior engineers were all crowded here.

Serev's identity was revealed when Guo Shen came over to personally confirm the authenticity of the contract. Most of the senior management already knew about it and they all rushed over to pay their respects to this true legend.

Androv looked at this face that was very different from history and murmured:

"Mr. Korolev, with your leadership, I think H2 will be completed earlier than expected."

Serev: "This is not necessarily true. I think there are still some problems in the management of the base, including when I came in and found that some places were not done very well."

Guo Shen: "Director Lin is not here, you are the owner here and have the power to make any changes."

"Congratulations, Xiaolin, how does it feel to come back from space?"

“Awesome, I’ll go there next time.”

In response to the superior's inquiry, Lin Juyan expressed his attitude concisely and concisely.

It was already 21 o'clock in the middle of the night, and he had just gotten off the plane, but it was still normal working hours for his superiors, so he just had time to talk.

Lin Ju returned on the 21st, and the Semiconductor Summit opened on the 22nd. There were not many coincidences.

Xinyuan's ternary system, which could no longer be hidden, had fully demonstrated its potential. His superiors immediately decided to promote it, and Lin Ju also tacitly separated more than half of the microelectronics department into an independent company.

The ternary system is an exaggeratedly huge industrial chain. If we want to truly realize our potential and catch up with or even surpass the tradition, we must have strong market support.

From the last century to the present, there have been only two countries that have the ability to sustain themselves and function well. Now there is only one country. Only it has enough population, supporting industries, strong demand and complete industries to promote it to continue.

All Xinyuan needs is a small part of it.

The superior got straight to the point and asked very straightforwardly:

"Experts from the Science and Technology Commission said that there are ternary chips and ternary systems. In addition to the alliance's systematic research in the last century, it has been interrupted for decades and has completely missed the golden development period of chip technology;

They wanted to know where such advanced technology came from, and even joked that it came from aliens. "

Lin Ju: "..."

Such a frank attitude made it difficult for him to answer. He hid his uneasiness by drinking water, and then said slowly:

"It is not that no one is researching the ternary system. Chip experts from the Committee of Science and Technology should also know that the ternary system is theoretically more efficient than the binary system, so there have always been many people studying it, but most of them have been developing it as a hobby.

After the alliance disintegrated, a group of enthusiasts gathered together, including chip practitioners in cutting-edge industries. They slowly promoted the ternary system until 2014, and achieved considerable results. Wang Minjiang is one of these enthusiasts. .

He obtained the permission of most Chinese researchers and brought these technologies back. Some of them also came to Xinyuan, and then designed the first ternary chip, which is the X32115. "

Superior: "Well... no wonder so many overseas Chinese chip practitioners have joined your company. It turns out they are organized."

Lin Ju didn't dare to speak to avoid being exposed. The enthusiasts were naturally making it up. The reason why there were many overseas Chinese affairs was simply because there were so many Chinese working in the foreign chip industry, so they were naturally the first to be poached.

But the superiors obviously recognized this statement. It is normal for scientists to have their own small circles. There are so many talented people in overseas Chinese, so it is understandable that they are willing to use private hands to send these technologies back.

In fact, because of these patriotic "Chinese", various countries are now actively sending intelligence personnel to focus on any Chinese living overseas, but unfortunately there have been no results.

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