"What do you think about future computer and chip technology?"

Lin Ju: "I don't know much about this, so I asked Wang Minjiang to take the microelectronics department out and work alone. Moreover, Huanghe Semiconductor will be held by multiple shareholders, leaving the entire semiconductor industry to think about it."

Superior: "But your opinion is very important. You are not an expert in aerospace, but Xinyuan Aerospace Power has done a very good job."

Speaking of this, Lin Ju no longer shied away and expressed his thoughts:

“First of all, we need to know the advantages of advancing ternary technology:

First, ternary technology is brand new and does not have the patent barriers that foreign countries have built for decades. As long as we are fast enough, we can completely establish our authority; second, when the process technology is backward, if the software and hardware are coordinated properly, The performance advantages of ternary chips can exceed those of mainstream supported binary chips. "

The superior nodded in agreement: "Yes, the Science and Technology Commission said that this is a really good opportunity to overtake in corners."

Lin Ju: “However, in order to achieve these goals, ternary technology needs to be quickly rolled out in a short period of time, from computer teaching, software development, ecological construction, EDA design, wafer manufacturing, packaging technology and other aspects. Reshuffle;

This is a brand new system. If we fully adapt to it, we will establish an industrial chain that is completely different from the current semiconductor industry in the world. By then, there may be no difference on the surface and on the Internet, but the underlying applications will be completely incompatible. "

Superior: "In some ways, it's not a bad thing."

China can support the ternary system. If it is fully applied, it is most likely that foreign manufacturers will find ways to adapt to this system instead of leaving. Such a huge market cannot be given up easily.

"Then, I think we can take this opportunity to abandon everything we have and start anew to rebuild the industrial chain cleanly, give full play to our traditional advantages, and quickly occupy the market. As long as we can get one-third of the market, victory will be achieved. It belongs to us.”

Traditional advantage? The superior thought for a while and roughly understood.

"Our large semiconductor companies are basically state-owned enterprises, so... a battle, a semiconductor battle?"

“Yes, we have relatively mature technology, built a supporting system around it, quickly rolled out the new standard system through the participation of a large number of people and institutions, and stabilized our position.

And it’s not difficult, the starting point is already quite high. "

Superior: "So, how much do you think the country should invest in this?"

Lin Ju: "The initial support must be at least 300 billion, and then we should be able to make profits through the market."

"If this is true, then Huanghe Semiconductor will become China's Intel and Nvidia."

Lin Ju: "Then I can just collect the dividends and patent fees."

On July 22, the Semiconductor Summit was officially held. Although all participants were state-owned enterprises, they basically covered all aspects of software and hardware companies in the computer industry. It can be said that it is a self-contained system.

The summit will be held for seven consecutive days. Lin Ju showed up on the first day, and then Wang Minjiang took the lead and made arrangements with the Science and Technology Committee.

The summit was a completely closed-door meeting, with almost no information disclosed to the outside world. As a result, the outside world did not know what happened, but such actions are definitely not normal.

On July 23, the second day after the summit, Lin Ju returned to the base impatiently.

Semiconductors are naturally done by professionals and have mature ternary software and hardware technical support, so there should be no major problems.

Instead, he wanted to communicate with Serev and wanted to know what such a legendary scientist had done in the past two days.

Serev has certainly not been idle in the past two days. He had officially served as the first vice president and director of the Aerospace Power Department the day before, becoming the veritable first person.

No one in the entire base was dissatisfied with the fact that such a young man in his 20s was in charge of technical work.

Because anyone who is a member of the institute knows who Serev is and will never question him.

Serev had just taken over the power and was not in a hurry to carry out reforms. Instead, he was slowly getting familiar with the entire base's operating procedures and project plans. When Lin Ju returned to the base in the evening, Serev was still working.

When he saw the boss, Serev just stood up and saluted politely.

"Boss, nice to meet you."

"I should be the one to say that, Serev, this is my first time meeting a living legend."

"That's all in the past. Now I am Serev and I am working hard for the company."

Serev turned around and turned to the computer screen. Above was the database of the company's intranet. It contained all the secrets of Xinyuan. It was monitored by the Xingchen No. 1 computer and "Shanhai" at all times. The anti-theft measures inside and outside were extremely strict. To access it, you also need complicated methods. formalities.

"First of all, I want to say that the advanced level and quantity of Xinyuan's reserve technologies amazes me. These technologies can almost support the exploration of the entire solar system, which is quite good.

However, there are many problems, the first of which is production efficiency. "


The question raised by Serev was something that Lin Ju had never thought about. Xinyuan's production efficiency base was astonishingly fast. The highly industrialized production and the simplified design work of the institute were beyond the imagination of many aerospace agencies.

If nothing else, the construction of two H2Ms at the same time and the ability to complete the 130-ton space shuttle in 6 months were difficult to achieve even in NACA's heyday.

Is there anything else you don’t like about this production efficiency?

Serev: "I learned that Shanhai is derived from SC09, an artificial intelligence that can complete high-precision control, and has very powerful processing capabilities. It is too wasteful for such artificial intelligence to be used only for calculations and internal network management. Let it intervene Production can bring out the greatest value.

But I don’t mean to let artificial intelligence control the airport. The current CNC processing equipment is already high enough, and there is no need to save this bit of manpower.

We should use computers to plan the production process for each product, from the initial processing of raw materials to the final product, using minutes as precise units to divide the time and processing sequence of each process to maximize the efficiency of the production line in a short time. "

Lin Ju spent a lot of time chewing carefully to understand Serev's intention, which was not to let artificial intelligence take over production, but to use artificial intelligence to formulate the most efficient production plan, sorting according to different parts processing characteristics, to achieve the most time-saving cost. the goal of.

This reminded him of OGAS. Both had similar ideas, but Lin Ju had some different opinions.

"However, Xinyuan relies on suppliers, and the B-level base has strong production capacity now. An important factor is that we rely on China's mature and comprehensive industrial chain to outsource many parts. A considerable number of parts need to be produced by them."

Serev: "Then they must also accept our production plan, adjust the best time between their own production capacity and our products, and supply parts in a timely manner with as little interference as possible to our products."

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