"We...are going to interfere with the supplier?"

Is it considered a step-change to include parts suppliers in the production plan management of the base? Suppliers are not subordinate companies either.

Serev: “I have read most of the parts catalogues, and the parts produced outsourced are relatively uncomplicated, and the main core components are produced at the base.

Therefore, it is possible to urge suppliers, mainly within the base. If computers can be used to manage all production, the efficiency can be increased by at least 20%. I am confident that the first H2M will fly in November instead of December. . "

Lin Ju thought to himself, who said that Lao Maozi's computer technology was poor? The goal of the OGAS system planned by the alliance back then was to bring all factories in the country under computer management and automatically issue production instructions. This is called the future!

He had no problem with Serev wanting to resurrect OGAS in Xinyuan. After all, Serev was now a legendary scientist of the system, and he chose to trust it unconditionally.

"Then, both bases will be handed over to you."

Serev accepted Lin Ju's commission calmly and said at the same time:

"I also hope to expand the base and increase the number of personnel. The number of formal employees will reach about 8,000."

For Xinyuan, which has achieved full CNC processing and high automation, 8,000 people is obviously very crazy, but fortunately the base is still enough to accommodate so many people, but the accommodation issue may be a bit troublesome.

The B-level base has its own dormitories. If there are more dormitories, they will either have to commute or need to be expanded, but these are minor matters.

None of these will have a negative impact on Xinyuan's current production plan, and the production capacity is more than sufficient.

Also on this day, the remaining two axial modules of the Qianjin space station were produced, but they will not be shipped out for launch until around the end of August.

Because there are quite a lot of equipment installed in these two cabins, it will take almost half a month to install and debug them. It is no longer as simple as a simple tourist cabin.

At the same time, there are two 45-ton large-scale experimental cabins in another factory, which are the space agency's "Wentian" and "Mengtian" experimental cabins. These two scientific properties are heavier and more expensive, and they will also be launched into China in September. Space station, by then the Tiangong Space Station will surpass the Hila Space Station with a mass of 240 tons, becoming the world's second largest orbiting space station.

After that, the remaining 12 centrifugal cabin sections, 6 spoke cabins, and 12 connecting cabins of the Qianjin space station will also be built one after another. It is initially decided to use the full production capacity of the two bases to complete these 30 cabins in one year. Construction and launch of the cabin.

In the first half of 2018, the Qianjin space station will officially enter operation, which is almost exactly two years, so fast.

On July 24, the An-1250 space shuttle Mecca landed at the airport of the B-level base. The space shuttle was sent back to the factory for maintenance and repair, and then sent to Mukala almost after August 20 for the next step. A manned launch mission.

Since both the space shuttle and the rocket are owned by Arbor, they only need to pay a little freight and maintenance costs of just over US$100 million each time.

Although it is more expensive than launching in Qiongzhou, and only a little cheaper than the Alliance spacecraft, are the big dogs the ones who are short of such a few dollars?

In fact, Hamand is very high-spirited now, and the Shira Space Station and the Mukara Space Launch Site have brought unimaginable huge benefits to Arbor.

You must know that there are two factions that believe in God. The two representative countries of the two factions are Abel and Persia.

The two parties have been competing for the market of believers. Abel has more money, but Persia has done quite well in industry in recent years, so each has its own victory or defeat.

Things are different now. Arbor jumped directly into the dragon's gate and became the fourth country after Aramco, Lucia and China to "independently" send astronauts into space.

Although the outside world has doubts about this matter, just tell me whether it was launched in Aber, and who owns the Mecca in the contract.

So Hamand waved his hand and did something that the alliance had done during the Xunzong period decades ago:

Send two astronauts from each country that believes in Allah into space and into the space station. Free training and free launch. And no matter which faction you belong to, as long as you send people over, everything will be arranged by the space shuttle.

In addition to the three countries participating in the Hila space station, seven countries immediately responded to Hamand's call. 14 astronauts have completed the pre-selection and will be sent to Arbor... and then transfer to China for training.

Therefore, many more countries in the world have astronauts entering space.

Aramco is extremely dissatisfied with Aberdeen's move to win over people's hearts. Several environmental organizations have announced that the location of the Mukala Space Launch Site is not good and may cause extinction harm to marine life. However, no one dares to go to the demonstration. They can only hold demonstrations in various countries. The Arbor embassy protested.

Aramco, Kennedy Space Center.

The local high school was organizing a tour here, and then the screeching sound of jet engines was heard outside.

A somewhat shabby-looking Boeing 747 landed at the airport outside, carrying NACA engineers and Boeing technicians with it.

Boeing actually wants to complain about the new FATS plan.

The Congressmen thought they could save money and time by refitting the old Endeavor. This was completely wishful thinking on their part.

It is true that Endeavor is the latest space shuttle to enter service, but its current condition is not good.

In 2011, all space shuttles were grounded and retired from active service, and then the three expensive RS-25 engines at the end of Endeavor were removed and replaced with three models for display.

Of course, the purpose of dismantling them is not to sell them for scrap, but Aramco’s main space plan at that time was the “Constellation Plan” proposed by Xiaobu. The planned “Ares V” rocket also used the RS25 engine. After the space shuttle plan, there were still 16 units left. The RS25 engine was saved for future rockets, and the SLS only appeared later.

The Endeavor had not been overhauled in five years, the engines had been dismantled, and the internal pipelines were not paid much attention to at that time. Who knows what it was like?

Before using a Boeing 747 to pull the Endeavor back to the factory, engineers from Boeing and NACA drove away the obstructive middle school students and then lowered the Endeavor, which was suspended by a steel cable. A dozen engineers took a quick look at the status of the Endeavor. .

Christopher Douglas, Boeing's FATS project leader, entered the open door first and immediately smelled a smell of decay.

Endeavor's internal instruments and facilities are still in good condition, and it also conducted a demonstration flight in Chicago in 2012, but is it in good condition...

Douglas pushed open the cab floor and saw the moldy wiring harness underneath.

He turned to look at the NACA engineer:

"Gentlemen, the Endeavor is in terrible condition. Although the main structure is still intact, I'm afraid its electrical system and control system will have to be completely replaced. This will be more troublesome than building another one. Quite a few parts are obsolete and need to be replaced. , redesigning the layout is a hassle;

Just to restore the Endeavor body to a usable state... I think it will cost at least 300 to 500 million US dollars. At least 60% of the parts need to be replaced, and the load-bearing capacity test needs to be re-tested. "

"Douglas, the funding is considered by the Senate, and it is also their request to renovate the Endeavor, and there may be Atlantis and Discovery next."

"Gosh, I can't imagine renovating those old ones. I'd rather design another one."

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