September 1st is close to the start of the semester for most colleges and universities across the country.

For Xinyuan college students, they all arrived at school early and then gathered at Xinyuan's B-level base.

For most people, they are not unfamiliar here, but since the flight school moved to Hushan Airport, few people can come here.

There are still nearly two kilometers away from the base, and the students on the bus can see the two behemoths on the airport in the distance.

The first two aircraft of the An-1250, B4043 and B4143, were parked at the airport together. From a distance, they saw two hills, showing their appearance in an exaggerated way.

Most of the students on the bus were flight school students, and of course they had seen these two planes more than once, but never in the air.

Every time the An-1250 takes off, the surrounding airspace must be cleared. If any aircraft approaches without opening its eyes and eats the wake of the An-1250, it will be blown off course if it is lucky, or it will stall and fall if it is unlucky. This is no joke.

More than 70 buses drove all the way into the airport, and then the trainees who had undergone paramilitary training gathered into a group very smoothly. Then, under the guidance of the base staff, they began to enter the belly of this giant beast through the wide nose of the An-1250. inside.

These two An-1250s have been specially modified and will be used to transport them to Qiongzhou, where they will stay for two days and watch the two launches of the Xinyuan-2 rocket as a welcome ceremony for the new students and the senior class.

The old way was to fly, and it took two flights to transport everything at once.

The internal cargo hold dimensions of the An 1250 are 7.5 meters wide, 6.9 meters high and 100 meters long.

Its cabin floor and bulkheads are evenly distributed with screw holes for fixing cargo when transporting cargo, which are just enough for use.

The cabin floor has 72 rows of seats arranged in a layout of 3 on each side and 4 in the middle. An additional partition was added in the middle of the cargo hold to arrange 72 more rows, with up to 1,440 seats on two levels.

The seats are made of simple steel pipe tarps, and the partitions are just a layer of composite panels. The installation took a day and a night. There are ready-made fixing screw holes for installation and removal very quickly.

The two planes have a total of 2,880 seats, and the total number of students and related teachers is only more than 2,700, all transported at one time.

There were only simple commodes on the plane, and there were no flight attendants, but the flight time was only more than two hours, so I was able to get there after a while.

Xinyuan was very low-key about this trainee flight operation. It only disclosed chartered flights to transport people, but it did not dare to say that it would use a transport plane to transport more than a thousand people, otherwise it would be afraid that parents would form a group to protest.

However, the students didn't care. They had all entered flight school. Except for the freshmen, they all had beginner's flight qualification certificates. They didn't think there was any problem with being squeezed into the belly of this giant beast, but they were extremely excited.

The same is true for freshmen. Due to the skyrocketing scores of majors that cooperate with Xinyuan Company, the number of students enrolled has also dropped significantly, but the admission experience tells them that it is really worth it!

Which school-enterprise cooperation can take you on a transport plane to see the Big Rocket before the start of school? And they are all made by themselves, which is very satisfying.

Although online communication was prohibited during the flight, the cabin was still in chaos, and it took more than half an hour to get more than a thousand people to their seats.

As for the great Mr. Lin, he will also go to Qiongzhou with them, but he will just take his own ARJ21 (ultimate enhanced version) instead of going to An 1250.

In order to protect the lives and breathing of more than a thousand people, the two aircraft specially strengthened the air circulation system and provided maximum power for ventilation throughout the entire process. The cargo compartment of the An-1250, which is famous for its quietness and stability, was full of noise, and it was a bit painful to squeeze in.

After more than half a year of construction, the three axial compartments of the Qianjin space station are finally completed.

These cabin sections directly set new heights in human aerospace technology.

Two of the giant cabin sections with a diameter of 14 meters have a mass of 100 tons, directly surpassing the 70-ton mass of Aramco's "Sky" laboratory in the last century, becoming the largest single cabin section.

Needless to say, it is difficult to manufacture, and the most important thing is the numerous equipment it carries. As the core of the space station, no one can live here when the Advance rotates to generate gravity, but it has to assume the control and propulsion of the entire space station. The cost is Far exceeded expectations.

When Androv originally conceived it, he thought it would cost 80 million to 100 million, but the actual manufacturing price was - 390 million.

It exceeds a full 300 million, but most of them are research funds needed for technological breakthroughs in giant cabins. In addition, some instruments are purchased from outside. One unit costs tens of millions, and the output is small. They are basically customized products, and the price Naturally expensive.

And a lot of outsourced equipment has to wait, otherwise the simple cabin manufacturing would be very fast.

Fortunately, the control computer uses thousands of X32035 chips. The potential of SC09 is almost maximized. It is definitely the flight computer with the strongest computing power in space.

This saves a lot of money. Otherwise, the price of thousands of aerospace-grade chips that are resistant to radiation and interference that can be used in deep space environments would make people cry to death.

With such a large mass as the Advance, and in a vacuum, the center of gravity must be changing all the time when it rotates and does not coincide with the center of gravity. We can only rely on the powerful SC09 to use the Hall thruster on the future service module to continuously make corrections to avoid yaw.

These three axial modules: node module, pilot module, and functional module have a mass of 220 tons when launched, which is similar to the "Hilla" space station. The manned space stations currently operated by humans in orbit: Tiangong, Hila, ISS, and Qianjin Together, the mass exceeds a thousand tons.

The largest is still the 400-ton ISS, but basically 80% of the quality of the remaining three are manufactured by Xinyuan Company, which has surpassed the ISS.

The three cabin sections were shipped to Qiongzhou a week ago and were directly installed on the two Xinyuan-3 missiles.

The pilot module and node module were installed on Xinyuan-3, which flew together for the first time. However, they were not docked and fixed. Instead, they were fixed on the rocket through a strong truss of more than ten tons, and were released for docking when they arrived in orbit.

Otherwise, the vibration during rocket launch may damage the connection. Anyway, Xinyuan-3's low-Earth orbit transport capacity is 247 tons. The two cabin sections plus the truss only weigh more than 130 tons, which is trivial.

Another Xinyuan-2 is launched for the first time, and it has to carry an expensive functional module for launch. It is unparalleled in the world...

The two rockets were launched on September 2 and 3 respectively, and were not announced until August 30.

Although the plan for the Advance space station had been announced to the public a long time ago, the launch of the module section started so quickly, a few months later, still caused a sensation.

NACA was still immersed in the joy of China Aerospace's three consecutive defeats some time ago, and then saw the news that three modules that matched the data on the PPT were about to be launched.

While waiting for September 1st, someone briefly drove past the assembly building at Station 4 of the Qiongzhou Launch Site and was photographed. The super-large fairing on the Xinyuan-3 rocket was 3 meters wider than the diameter of the rocket body. There’s no way it’s fake, it’s obvious that the launch is imminent.

Claire's brief good mood ended again.

I went out with my family yesterday. I may not have time to type in the past two days. For the time being, I will save 6K of manuscripts per day ()

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