"Centrifugal, centrifugal space station..."

Claire flipped through the information on the Advance Space Station on the official website of Xinyuan Aerospace Power, and at the same time started writing and drawing on the paper.

Every astronaut is familiar with the centrifugal space station, but it is too troublesome to build. If nothing else, just to launch a mass of several hundred tons into low-Earth orbit for assembly, two conditions must be met:

Heavy rockets, space shuttles.

The former launches the cabin section, and the latter installs the truss.

The rotation of such a heavy space station is a severe challenge for the docking interface. Even if it is a completely closed-loop link like Xinyuan, it must be attached with an external steel structure truss to be used with confidence.

space shuttle? The three remaining STS are already being restarted. Although they are in poor condition, they are still usable. The huge amount of money spent on manufacturing them was not in vain. If the cost was not too high, the space shuttle would really be able to fly for 100 times. , the impact will not be too big after a few years.

What about heavy rockets? In order to save costs and speed up, it is best to reuse, which is also readily available, such as the specaX Heavy Falcon.

It can carry a load of more than 40 tons when reused, and a 3.4-meter-diameter rocket body can hit a cabin section with a diameter of about 5 meters. Therefore, the transport capacity is sufficient, and it can also be launched at high frequencies.

It is absolutely possible to rotate two heavy Falcons once a month, and transportation capacity is not an obstacle.

There is no need to have as many 12 centrifuge cabins as the Qianjin. There is one cabin in the center. Four to six centrifuge cabins are enough. They do not need to be connected to each other. The mass of about 250 tons to 350 tons is enough, and the trusses are also included. No more than 400 tons.

It is the weight of an ISS, but it can also carry about 8 astronauts to perform missions.

What tasks are performed? Landing on Mars, of course!

Although Lin Ju claims that the Advance Space Station is just a simple space station, serving as a permanent testing site for personnel in low-Earth orbit, he would be deceived if he really believed it.

A huge amount of energy was expended, including the installation of space shuttles for at least 20 giant rocket launch missions, just for this? Only a ghost can believe it!

It must be the government's instruction to land on Mars or even other planets before they are willing to invest such a large amount of resources, absolutely!

Then NACA will undoubtedly follow up, and the Forward space station will definitely be put into use in 2018 or before. In other words, after China announces the realization of the manned moon landing, it will take at most two years to prepare, and it will definitely start in 2020. We need to plan a manned landing on Mars!

Think about it, if they really go as fast as possible and launch an unmanned probe to Mars in 2018 and launch preparatory materials for manned landing in 2020, they will be able to carry out a manned mission to Mars in 2022.

At that time, the Advance space station had been in practical use for four years, and there was enough time for testing and improvement. As long as the propulsion module was added, it would be a qualified spacecraft!

In other words, NACA will immediately launch a manned mission to the moon when the SLS is expected to carry out the first manned mission to the moon? !


So if NACA wants to build its own centrifugal space station, it must be completed before 2020, and planning should start almost from now.

Claire casually estimated that the expenditure would be another US$10 billion.

Although she feels that the funding is not enough every day, Claire also knows that Congress cannot invest endlessly in space, and must still try to reduce expenditures.

Then, we have to see if private aerospace companies can do anything.

NACA immediately issued an internal announcement to solicit space station designs that can provide gravity from major giant companies.

"Is the kerosene here produced in China?"

"Yes, the thousands of tons of fuel refueled for Xinyuan-3 are all refined and produced by Karamay Petrochemical, which is our only domestic aerospace kerosene manufacturer."

With the development of the YF100 project, domestic research on high-purity aerospace kerosene began. Although there is no low-sulfur oil field directly discovered by the alliance, due to the advancement of refining technology, high-purity aerospace kerosene technology has been easily developed.

This was originally used for the Long March 5, but in fact the first rocket to use it to fly into the sky was Xinyuan 1. Karamay Petrochemical is also an old partner of Xinyuan, and a lot of aviation fuel was obtained cheaply from them. and gasoline.

As Serev listened to the staff's answers, he seemed to be able to smell the smell of kerosene through the rocket body.

Liquid oxygen methane, liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen, and liquid oxygen kerosene, the three main engines are so clean. Why should we stick to those toxic, polluting and expensive fuels?

Serev recalled that in his previous life, he and Chelomei were competing for the moon landing plan. He gave him the design of N1, and Chelomei came up with the UR700 giant rocket.

The UR700 is known as "Chelome's big baby". It is a super poisonous engine. Its first-level engine is 9 magical RD270 engines.

The main fuel and oxidizer of the RD270 are dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide, with a specific impulse of 301 seconds and a thrust of 640 tons. It also has a single combustion chamber and full-flow staged combustion, which is much ahead of Musk's later Raptor engine.

It is even expected to be used when landing on Venus, where it can be launched in the nightmare atmosphere of Venus where sulfuric acid rains all year round.

The UR700 has a low-Earth orbit carrying capacity of more than 150 tons and a take-off mass of more than 4,900 tons. It is a giant rocket, but Serev and Korolev are extremely disgusted.

In addition to personal vendettas, the RD270 combustion chamber also produces cyanide! That's a real poison. Releasing it in the atmosphere is really crazy.

However, due to the fact that it only had the NK33 engine from the OKB-276 Design Bureau at the time, the N1, a violent rocket using 30 150-ton kerosene engines, ultimately failed.

However, Xinyuan-3, which uses 19 400-ton liquid oxygen and kerosene engines, has made up for his shortcomings. This rocket with a take-off mass of 5,900 tons is regarded by him as the spiritual inheritance of N1. It is environmentally friendly and reliable, how good it is.

As for Xinyuan 4, it is a typical American thinking. A core-level hydrogen and oxygen machine plus solid boost is too expensive, and Serev does not like it very much.

Standing in a separately designated priority viewing area with thousands of students, young Serev did not attract anyone's attention. No one noticed that Xinyuan's second-in-command was standing here, but looked expectantly at Xinyuan's ethereal spirit. Far No. 3.

To be precise, the two rockets this time should be called Xinyuan-3A, because they are both two-stage configurations, which simply and crudely remove the third stage. Anyway, they have sufficient transport capacity.

What was launched today was the pilot module and the node module. The two modules plus the fairing allowed the height of Xinyuan-3 to exceed 160 meters, nearly 170 meters high.

In addition, the 14-meter diameter of the cabin is larger than the 11-meter diameter of the rocket body. It looks extremely tall and strong. When converted into a skyscraper, based on a floor height of 3.2 meters, it is fifty stories high!

At this time, the actual weight of Xinyuan-3 with the payload has exceeded 6,000 tons, setting a new record for human rockets every minute and every second.

When the 19 engines were ignited in sequence, the flames from the 7,700 tons of thrust instantly filled the diversion trough and sprayed out from the diagonally upward channel, covering an area of ​​nearly one kilometer around the launch station.

Hundreds of freshmen who entered the school truly felt the power they would have in the future.

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