Serev has appeared in the Aviation Development Committee a lot, showing his extraordinary talents and leadership abilities.

Although it is not difficult to accept the emergence of a super genius, many people at the space agency have a strange feeling when they get along with Serev: every time they get along with him, they always have the illusion of getting along with their peers.

You must know that most of the senior scientists and leaders of the Aviation Development Commission are over 50 years old, and there is no generation gap when they communicate. Serev's style of speaking and doing is also quite classical.

In addition, the name is a bit of a combination of Chinese and Western. If the family were not all pure Chinese, I would have thought that a bald alliance expert was working here.

Serev suddenly proposed a launch plan for the alliance era, which made the leaders of the Aerospace Development Committee seem to have returned to that era, an era when aerospace technology was primitive, sophisticated, and full of violence.

Academician She suddenly thought of something and nodded fiercely:

"The project funding for the Tianwen-1 plan is 1.2 billion. If we build a universal platform for Mars landing and detection based on Tianwen-1, we can reduce a lot of costs. It would be good to launch more. Maybe 2 billion yuan can make three Four, even Tianwen No. 1 came out."

The others also thought for a while, and finally someone said:

"In order to complete the basic environment exploration of Mars as quickly and efficiently as possible, we must solve the communication problem. Three high-power geosynchronous orbit communication satellites and two or three resource exploration satellites are best deployed at once."

"There is also weather! The dust on Mars is rich in ferrite. Once a storm blows up, it will interfere with communications. Two or three weather satellites are required to provide accurate weather forecasts and work plans for the landing site."

"Can the resource exploration satellite take a break? Water on Mars is much easier to find than on the moon. The focus should be on the ground patrol. It must be a large patrol. It can run fast and far. Has the follow-up fuel synthesis equipment arrived? Transfer of law.”


Everyone said something to each other, and a complete Mars exploration plan gradually took shape.

When they had finished talking, Lin Ju and Serev also talked about the support Xinyuan could provide:

Serev: "Next year we will launch a very large Mars orbiting probe, weighing about 10 tons, equipped with a nuclear reactor, which will provide communication and navigation support in the Mars orbit, and also has very good optical detection capabilities, which can use its own Hall thruster. It can be maneuvered into orbit and can be launched in about January.

This is part of the "Xingxiu" solar system deep space exploration network plan. The internal name of the Mars mission is temporarily: Lihuo. "

Academician She: "..."

other people:"……"

"Mr. Xie, for a large detector weighing 10 tons, you don't have a rocket with such capacity, right?"

Serev: "The detector and the power part are transported separately. The detector, which contains optical precision components, is launched on a space shuttle, and then a propulsion part of about 5 tons is added. Well, the basic model of Xinyuan 5 polished rod is enough. After docking with the Earth orbit and then going to Mars, it will be very fast and can reach Mars in 4 to 5 months without occupying the heavy rocket launch site."

Lin Ju: "A lot of the quality of the fire detector is given to the ultra-high-power communication system. Under ideal conditions, the transmission bandwidth will reach an extremely high level. In addition, Xinyuan has the ability to provide high-power RTG isotope nuclear batteries, or to envision the future The lunar mobile nuclear electric vehicle has also been sent to Mars to provide large-scale detection capabilities.

Including rockets, the Long March 7 and Xinyuan 2 are both usable heavy-lift rockets, and we do not lack launch capabilities. "

The boss made careful calculations and found that the scale and quality of the plan could be improved a lot after bringing in Xinyuan, and he felt much more at ease.

There are still 18 months left, that’s enough. It’s enough to accumulate a few satellites and detectors.

"Then, the Aerospace Development Commission will immediately carry out an assessment of the selection of Mars landing sites and resource exploration missions, and will come up with a specific plan in December, and then look at NACA's actions to determine the scale of the mission."

"Hang Liandong Liang (H202), Hang Liandong Liang, the airspace is safe and you can take off."

"Two holes, two received!"

At the B-level base, Deng Lei was wearing a spacesuit customized for the space shuttle mission. He confirmed that the power pipelines were connected to the four turbofan engines attached to the tail of the aircraft. He used his index finger to open the switch cover of the wheel brake and gently pushed the throttle. .

On the co-pilot's side, in front of Zhang Zhiguang, apart from the same rudder, there is a large screen above, and a circle of flat buttons around the screen.

The main mission of H2M is to complete the construction of the Advance space station. According to the plan, it will take 8 to 12 launches to complete the construction of the space station. This is undoubtedly an extremely high frequency.

H2M plans to build a total of 4 crews, each with 5 people, with a lineup of 10 people from Xinyuan + 10 people from the space agency.

The crew of Crew 1 will carry out the first manned mission and accumulate experience for the construction of a large space station in space. They are all composed of experienced astronauts.

In the first ground aerodynamic flight of the Glorious, the two pilots were Deng Lei and Zhang Zhiguang, the chief and deputy commanders of Crew 1.

In the original world line, due to the high cost of manned space launches and the small number of missions, the crews who had gone to space gave up opportunities to newcomers as much as possible in addition to "old and new", but this does not exist now.

Both the Tiangong Space Station and tourist flights have created a large number of launch missions, and with the high-frequency launches of Xinyuan-5B, the main force of tourist flights, the manufacturing and R\u0026D costs of the rocket have long been recovered, and only a little fuel money is enough. .

Starting in July, Unity, Steadfast, and Progress carried out seven manned launches within four months, directly setting a historical record.

The reserve astronauts of the space agency and Xin Yuan who had never been in space were quickly "eradicated", and the interval between missions was shortened from a few years to a few months.

In particular, tourist flights are a way to quickly accumulate the number of astronauts. Free-riding is cheaper within the space agency than for rich people. The money for a Shenzhou spacecraft launch can make dozens of people fly into space on H1, which will make them cry.

As a winner of the title of Aerospace Hero, Zhang Zhiguang did not quit space missions and work in the second line. Instead, he relied on good physical fitness to stay active and accumulated a lot of experience in the remote control landing of the H2 simulator and the Ulan Hasan verification aircraft.

If the Pioneer completes its 24-hour orbit without incident on November 30 and returns safely, the Glory will be immediately transported to Qiongzhou for its first manned launch on December 11.

However, in fact, because H2M revolutionary uses full-life insulation tiles, which are theoretically the same as the aircraft body, the maintenance time is also surprisingly short. In theory, it can complete inspection and maintenance within a week and launch again.

However, the first manned mission of the Pioneer is still scheduled for the end of January next year. The first three spoke cabins and part of the trusses of the Advance have been manufactured. The Pioneer carries the spoke cabins, the Glory carries the trusses, and the two space shuttles have 10 people. The astronauts will perform a 15-day installation work and return to prepare for the next mission after spending the New Year in space.

Zhang Zhiguang knows that he must be among them, and is looking forward to the first space New Year.

At this time, the Glorious had loosened its wheels and started to accelerate and roll. On the left, a Meteor high-education aircraft piloted by Air Force representatives and Xinyuan backup astronauts flew by at low altitude to accompany the Glorious on its first flight in the atmosphere.

There are still two chapters left. I will edit them a little and release them at noon.

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