On November 11, Shivin Samarkand, Director of the Indian Space Agency, arrived in Moscow with his country’s foreign affairs team.

Yuri Borisov, director of the Lucia Space Agency (RKA), personally went to the airport to greet him, with a smile that made his face full of dissatisfaction.

After the Alliance TMA-17M accident, Yuri relied on his cheating behavior in China to win subsequent lunar cooperation and retained his position as director.

The current situation of Lucia is better than that of the original world line. In addition to the economic recovery that started in 2014, the space race between the other two companies is also an important factor.

In the eyes of most people, Lucia, who inherited the Federation's legacy, although her aerospace technology was still advanced, did not have enough funds to participate, so she was excluded from the competition.

But Lucia is a blessing in disguise. Both China and Europe and the United States are wooing her intentionally or unintentionally. After all, if Lucia joins any party, it will be a huge advantage.

When the two powers compete, fish and shrimp profit. Under the olive branches of both sides, Lucia's economy has not been blocked but has been frequently shown good. The economic development situation is quite good.

Other second-rate aerospace countries that want to follow the trend, such as island countries and India, are actively seeking Lucia's help.

Economically, the economy was promising, and Europe was also focusing its energy on space rather than Lucia. Pu Ding was still in a good mood, and gradually began to have some ideas for independent exploration of the moon.

But he also knew that even if the economy continued to improve, Lucia would not be able to organize the moon landing independently, so cooperation must be required, and the partner must be well deceived and have sufficient funds, so that there is even the slightest possibility.

Yuri was called over to talk for a long time before the Indian Space Agency delegation set off, and he knew exactly how much money he wanted to get from the third brother.

According to RKA's internal calculations, if the Yenisey/Don heavy rocket is to be used to complete the moon landing plan, at least four rockets will need to be launched until the first manned moon landing, costing about US$1.5 billion, or about 10 billion yuan.

This number is very small. Compared with the other two companies, the savings are excessive. Because Lucia’s current domestic salary level is not high, labor costs are small, and the technical reserves are relatively rich, so it does not cost much.

But converted into rubles, it is still close to 100 billion rubles. It is very difficult for Lucia to withdraw this funds.

Yuri also knows that these are just numbers for the above. The future has entered the era of recyclable rockets, and RKA must also develop recyclable rockets. However, recyclable rockets require extremely high electronic technology. For Lucia, is a big trouble.

If Lucia's aerospace technology is to keep up with the development of the world, then the total investment in the next five years should preferably exceed US$20 billion, of which the lunar project will require more than US$10 billion, almost doubling the annual space funding.

Yuri Borisov, who was worried about the future of Lucia Spaceflight, was interrupted by the opening of the plane door. He immediately stepped forward and offered his most sincere greetings to his Indian friends.

"Xu Jiayin: Evergrande will invest 50 billion yuan in Stellar Aerospace."

In August, Blue Sword Aerospace’s Qinglong 2 marked that China’s civil aerospace industry was on the right track and had medium-sized launch capabilities. Other companies were not to be outdone and followed suit.

Because the Aviation Development Commission brought in these private enterprises in advance when they were established and signed an anti-vicious competition treaty, the situation of duplication of construction everywhere in the original world line no longer occurred.

In the previous world line, the domestic private aerospace companies that were hastily established under the stimulation of specaX kept copying the Falcon 9. The various rockets were basically different versions of the Falcon 9, which was simply impossible to look at.

Things are much better now. Instead of rushing in like headless flies when they see an opportunity, companies have begun to specialize in labor.

Some are focusing on launch vehicles, some are preparing to develop aerospace aircraft, some are preparing to go astray and develop near-space airships, and some are focusing on space technology. They are all looking for projects with their own advantages.

Of course, there are also companies that are not short of money, such as Evergrande. Shortly after the establishment of Evergrande Aerospace, the board of directors felt that it was not space-friendly enough, so it changed its name to Stellar Aerospace. It also spent 50 billion to build a large base, rockets, satellites and spacecraft.

Chairman Xu Jiayin even made a bold statement: "Take real estate into space!"

The plan announced by Stellar Aerospace is to build a space hotel in space by 2018 and a permanent asset space villa by 2030.

In addition, Hengxing Aerospace has reached a cooperation with Lanjian. The former is preparing to study a 15-ton small space shuttle and build a near-Earth tourist flight with Qinglong 2, becoming the second powerful space tourism company in China.

Stellar Aerospace's first space shuttle is named "Tianma 1" and can carry 8 people. The estimated price per seat is 59.9 million yuan, excluding training costs. It is more expensive than Steadfast and much cheaper than Unity.

Tianma-1 is expected to make its first flight in October 2018 and begin formal commercial operations in December.

In order to realize the dream of the Tianma-1 space shuttle, Hengxing Aerospace spent money to recruit people at home and abroad to form a team, acquire small and medium-sized companies and... purchase components.

At the C-level base, Lu Huisheng, the leader of the main design team of Hengxing Aerospace, looked at the advanced and clean factory buildings with envy and lamented the technological progress of the motherland.

I don’t know if it was inspired by Xinyuan, but Hengxing Aerospace spent a lot of money to recruit Lu Huisheng, an active aerospace technology engineer at NACA.

Lu Huisheng is a second-generation Chinese. His grandfather took his father to flee to Ami, and he received Ami education since he was a child. However, because of his family’s strong hometown complex, he is very good at Chinese and still has feelings for his mother country.

His position was originally higher than that of Guo Shen, but due to the two-year loyalty investigation, he was constantly sidelined and was finally poached by Hengxing Aerospace.

When he got the design task of Tianma-1, he was very excited and wanted to do something big, but he also chose the shortcut path very pragmatically.

Lu Huisheng: "Manager Hu, why don't you sell the first generation of insulation tiles? I thought you didn't want to share advanced technology."

Hu Bo: "Xinyuan also has a supportive attitude towards local domestic enterprises. How can we let you waste your money?"

Hengxing Aerospace has acquired a small domestic aircraft factory with jet manufacturing qualifications, so the design and manufacturing of Tianma-1's body is not a big problem. The main difficulty lies in the insulation tiles and some internal equipment.

Others can be purchased everywhere, but for the time being, only Xinyuan can supply insulation tiles.

The insulation tiles originally used by H1 had a three-flight lifespan, but when Stellar Aerospace came to the door, Xinyuan said that it could sell a new model with a five-flight lifespan, and the price was relatively favorable. The customized quotation posted on Tianma 1 was 1.2 About 100 million yuan, a single flight costs 24 million, which Lu Huisheng thinks is very cheap.

Although the area alone is more expensive than the Aramco space shuttle, the reusability divided by five is immediately very cost-effective, which makes him have to lament the rapid progress of domestic technology and the openness of ideas.

Of course Hu Bo knew that this was Xinyuan's intention to stimulate the development of the domestic aerospace industry, and for Xinyuan, which had mastered the overall insulation tile technology, the cost of a generation of insulation tiles was not high, and the profit from the sale was considerable, but Xinyuan wanted to Earn more money.

Hu Bo: "Our Tianma-1 configuration seems to be relatively traditional, and the space utilization rate is not too high. Do you want to buy our solution? The kind that teaches you step by step."

"Is this... okay?"

"Of course, as long as you pay a little money and sign some confidentiality agreements, Tianma 1 should be different from H1 in order to compete with it, right?"

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