There are only more than 2,000 Kirin 959s in the first batch, so the unit price is also very high, but it does not matter mainly for testing use, and the cost of large-scale mass production will only go up a little.

Compared with the previous generation flagship mate9, the power consumption of the all-ternary mate10 is slightly higher, but it is acceptable.

The system based on the XOS3.2 optimization package is named HarmonyOS (HarmonOS) and is already available for use.

There were already four assembled prototypes in the laboratory. There was nothing much to say about their appearance. Yu Chendong picked up one and smoothly put it on the desktop.

XOS is perfect but not bloated, and is smoother than the current Android 7. Of course, this is also related to the powerful processing capabilities given by Kirin 959. Now Huaxin internally believes that 28nm ternary integrated circuits should be compatible with the 14nm mainstream process, and 950 only uses it. TSMC 16nm.

Although most of the Kirin 959 directly translates the design of the 950 chip, according to the guidance provided by Huanghe Semiconductor, HiSilicon designed a small AI module, which is the first attempt to use the characteristics of ternary to support AI operations on hardware.

They named it NPU (neuron processing unit) and plan to use it to support smart voice assistants and camera algorithm tuning.

After comprehensive evaluation, the laboratory believes that the performance of Kirin 959 has surpassed Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 by about 6%, and it should now be the first.

The amazing "Qiongqi" conversational artificial intelligence on the Great Wall G1X laptop equipped with X32115 at the delivery ceremony of the previous show of muscle shocked domestic digital manufacturers. Xiaomi, Oppo, LeTV and other manufacturers have announced We need to develop corresponding conversational artificial intelligence ourselves.

Huawei is no exception. They have had the idea of ​​a voice assistant before, and the difficulty of upgrading it to artificial intelligence is not small at all. The laboratory believes that in order for the mobile phone to reach the level of "Qiongqi", it will take at least one feed. With more than 20 years of data, the NPU is specially tuned for it and is expected to be released in 2018.

The Mate 10, which is expected to be released in January, does not have this feature for the time being, but it should be available after subsequent upgrades.

What needs to be solved now is application.

In 2016, the ecosystem of commonly used mobile phone software has not expanded so rapidly.

QQ, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu, Douyin and other commonly used community software Huanghe Semiconductor has teamed up with domestic manufacturers to come to our door and directly translate them instead of completely new development. These APPs do not have high performance requirements. They should be upgraded first and then specially developed and optimized later. .

The rest are games. King of Pesticide has been online for nearly a year. It is too big and too troublesome to translate directly. Penguin has taken over the re-coding work and plans to complete it in 4 to 6 months.

Lin Ju knows that the number of software will explode with the ultra-high share of 4G after 2017, so Wang Minjiang has been vigorously promoting the teaching of X language and ternary circuit basic design during this period, and reserving talents in various universities in advance.

Manufacturers across software and hardware output, united around Huanghe Semiconductor, are also actively promoting the establishment of a new ternary semiconductor alliance under the active promotion of the Science and Technology Commission, preparing to support downstream software vendors.

Yu Chendong recorded some future work priorities on the memo for testing the prototype. The operating logic of Hongmeng OS is similar to that of ordinary Android, and there is almost no difference.

It is enough for common use, but in as early as four months, mainstream game developers will complete the adaptation to the XOS environment and need to fully utilize the potential of the SOC as much as possible, so there will be no shortage of optimization patches.

"I will run I will climb I will soar..."

Yu Chendong's personal cell phone rang, it was the Science and Technology Commission.

"Oh, leader...ah? 500 units? No problem, no problem. The office software must be available, the documents are all supported, and Kingsoft has also joined. Okay, I'll prepare right away."

The research director of the laboratory had a good relationship with Lao Yu. He stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong? Someone wants to purchase 500 mobile phones?"

Yu Chendong: "The Science and Technology Commission suddenly needs to customize a batch of Mate10 for confidential use. It should be that ZTE and Unisoc are not as fast as us, so they approached us. They will have them installed in mid-December."

"Tsk, the ternary system is indeed confidential enough. We have to use special conversion chips to access the Internet and make phone calls. Outsiders can't use any means."

Yu Chendong: "Not necessarily. The teaching materials of X language and basic ternary integrated circuit design have been mandatory in colleges and universities. They are basically semi-public. Don't underestimate foreigners."

"Then what's the point? We are already at the forefront. Even though we are still able to use the ternary system but are not proficient in it, we are still far ahead of our peers, whether it is hardware or software."

Yu Chendong: "You can't have Huanghe Semiconductor among our peers. They are said to be launching three series of consumer-grade desktop processors and two server chips in one go. They are the inventors of the ternary computer, and they don't understand the whole world.

Hey, we also need to develop servers and big data. The future is the world of AI. It is impossible without these. Mobile phones are just one of many businesses. "

After speaking, he raised the mate10 prototype in his hand. The heavy weight made people feel very solid.

"But computers are another matter. I will hold it like this when I hold a press conference at the end of December. Anyway, in the field of mobile phones, this is truly far ahead!"

Santa Clara, California.

This is the location of Intel's global headquarters. In the Intel product testing laboratory at this time, a group of executives and more than a dozen Chinese/American engineers gathered together to study three books on the table:

"Basic Design of X Language Programming (Editor-in-Chief: Wang Minjiang)"

"Integrated Circuits: Ternary System"

"The Third State and Artificial Intelligence"

After the Semiconductor Summit, the Science and Technology Commission organized companies and colleges in the industry to carry out technical research and did not forget to cultivate the basic base. It compiled three basic textbooks as quickly as possible and distributed them to some colleges and universities. Teaching is carried out in the Department of Computer Science and Microelectronics.

The compilation of teaching materials is not complicated and the content is also very simple, because although the classes have started in the new semester, the teachers have to go to nearby technology battles to participate in corporate learning before handing them over to students.

Therefore, the textbook content is for introductory purposes only, and more textbooks are being compiled.

However, because the teaching materials are all written by practitioners (mainly Huanghe Semiconductor), these basic ternary software and hardware teaching materials will be rare and good teaching materials in the domestic education system that can connect with the forefront of the industry. The teaching materials will not seriously lag behind. Apply actual conditions.

The foreign giants who were frustrated at the summit were not idle either, and immediately obtained these three textbooks:

The president of Huaguo District directly bribed the cleaning staff of the university, stole three books during the break between classes, and then flew them to Amei overnight.

Although X language supports both Chinese and English, the syntax is still quite different, and it is written by all local practitioners, making it difficult for foreigners.

Pat Kissinger organized the Chinese engineers at the headquarters to study hard for more than a month, and finally they were able to test the performance of the ternary chip in their own way.

They turned a 32116 chip removed from a Xin'an car into a computer through various complicated methods, and then completed various performance tests using the crude system they initially wrote.

Gordon Moore: "How is it? What level has 32116 reached?"

Chinese engineer: "We have deciphered the peripheral environment of a small number of Xin'an machines and tried to get as close to their performance release as possible. If we want to make a metaphor, 32116 can roughly reach the computing power of E5 2689 V4, but it is more biased towards graphics processors. working method, with both rendering and AI deep learning capabilities.

In particular, the latter has extremely high potential. The third state of the symmetric ternary system gives AI more flexible thinking capabilities and lower computing latency. In general, it combines the functions of mainstream professional processors and computing cards. Special emphasis is placed on the AI ​​part. "

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