"Of course, X32116 is mainly for automotive use and is definitely biased toward GPU optimization. We also studied X322115, which has a more complex design, so X32116 should be a castrated version of X32115.

X32115 is more comprehensive. If it is to be used as a personal computer, then one chip can unify the CPU and GPU functions. "

Gordon Moore listened patiently, then flipped through some test data, and finally focused on the handmade DIY motherboard with 32116 installed.

On the workbench, there are several chips of different origins. Because the packaged appearance is different in different application scenarios, a series of tests have been carried out.

"At 28nm, the performance is directly catching up with the mainstream 16nm and 14nm advanced processes, and it even achieves functional integration. The potential of ternary chips is really amazing."

Moore sighed in the air, thinking of the Science and Technology Commission's attitude towards ternary technology.

While mobilizing domestic forces to try to build a mature ternary software and hardware industry chain in a short period of time, it is unwilling to say a word to foreign semiconductor manufacturers and just maintains existing trade.

Although everyone knows that the ecological market that has been operating for decades with traditional architectures such as X86 and ARM cannot be swept away, but if China is determined to promote it, it can support the ternary system by relying on its strong domestic demand. , forming its own unique system.

There is no need to defeat the binary, as long as it can make sanctions lose their power, this will give them the most active say.

Pat Kissinger: "Should we... be more proactive, such as making the licensing scope of the X86 architecture wider and selling some XQ processors for supercomputing? In exchange for them giving up development Trinary or open to us a part.”

"No, that's useless."

Gordon Moore: "With such strong potential and low process manufacturing requirements, 28nm is much cheaper than 14nm. If it were me, I would definitely continue to develop it. If their 28nm process is the same as ours, then the price of X32115 will be Only one-half the size of our equivalent processors.

Hmm... let me think about it, they previously released a laptop with Y1601, which is X32115, right? "

Pat Kissinger: "Yes."

Gordon Moore: "It was a government purchase order, but they didn't ask Lenovo to do it. They chose GreatWall."

"Um..." Pat: "But GreatWall is a state-owned enterprise and is directly managed by the capital."

Gordon Moore shook his head. With Lenovo's huge influence, how could it be possible to easily give up the qualification for the first nationally produced high-performance notebook? There is a reason for this.

"Go and ask, does Lenovo have any plans to produce computers equipped with domestic chips? I don't think so."

"You mean..."

"Maybe there is a breakthrough here. Although the ternary system has broad prospects, it has just developed. Appropriate pressure is useful. In addition, it is in their interests to contact the jackals on Wall Street."


King Hamand left with Aberdeen's huge visiting fleet. He visited 8 cities for 12 days and witnessed the conclusion of 144 agreements with a total value of US$54 billion.

Hamand only went to the B-level base for half a day to visit his good friends, but he still signed a six-year, US$3.5 billion contract and expanded some lunar cooperation content.

At the same time, he placed an order in advance to customize a C832 ultra-luxury version as one of his own special aircraft, which is expected to be delivered in 2018.

The Aber mission was to travel around the world one after another, spreading money everywhere. The itinerary was relatively compact, but it still brought the total value of the trade contracts signed by China to a terrifying figure.

Hamand was still very sorry when he left. He wanted to wait until the 30th to watch the first flight of the Pioneer, but he really didn't have time.

When Lin Ju saw off Hamand, he also flew to Qiongzhou to see his space shuttle.

On the plane, he played with the mate10 three-body joint model in his hand.

Mate 9 was released at the end of October, but Huawei decided to release mate 10 at the end of December, naturally not to impact its own products.

Mate10 has a full ternary architecture and many programs cannot be used. The focus of promotion is on high-end confidential business mobile phones and the entire machine is made in China.

After all, the system confidentiality of the ternary structure is indeed worth bragging about. It is said that there is not much stocking, just to compete for the reputation of the first domestically produced ternary mobile phone.

Moreover, they also contacted an electrician named Liu, took advantage of the popularity of Trisolaris and produced a joint commemorative edition, and sent a dozen units to Yellow River Semiconductor and Xinyuan in advance.

Lin Ju took it in his hand and tried it. It felt good, but he didn't plan to use it.

The B-level base used one month's production capacity to specially produce a batch of low-power chips and communication basebands, and assembled a thousand confidential mobile phones regardless of cost. They were directly connected to the Jingwei satellite network for exclusive use. They were encrypted from the bottom of the hardware to ensure the absolute security of the data. .

Xinyuan has finally completed internal drawing, simulation, modeling, finite element analysis software such as CAD and CAM that can run on XOS. It is initially possible to use base computers in industrial design, greatly increasing convenience.

These software are not used by the base itself. The nearby 611 Institute, 132 Factory and Commercial Aviation are also very interested. They mainly use Dassault's CATIA series tools and are also willing to support Xinyuan's ternary system.

When Lin Ju landed at the Xinyuan launch site in his plane, he saw the brightly lit launch tower from a distance.

It is the evening of November 26th, four days before launch.

Just a few days ago, Dream Chaser B1 completed its second full-state unmanned test launch using a Falcon 9 rocket, and returned after staying in space for 33 hours.

Judging from the smile of the NACA project leader facing the camera, the slimmed-down version of the Dream Chaser space shuttle is basically ready, and it can take over the launch mission of the ISS after a manned flight.

The large and heavy Pioneer spent half a month conducting joint drills with Xinyuan No. 2A, including tonight.

Because the core stage has been strengthened and lengthened (part of the fuel has been added), the Xinyuan-2A, which is specially used to launch H2, has been modified and is written as X-2AG according to domestic customs.

Serev walked faster than Lin Ju and got off the plane first. He smiled in the dark and looked at the Pioneer, which was wider than the X-2AG rocket under the light.

"Boss, why not name the third H2M Baikal? When I saw the Pioneer, I was reminded of the Buran. If she had been well maintained and not damaged by the factory, she should be able to fly now."

Lin Ju: "..."

I don't have any objections, but now Lake Baikal is Lucia's land. Doesn't this seem too ambitious?

Lin Ju, who was an aerospace enthusiast in his previous life, naturally knew that in addition to the first Buran, the second and third Alliance space shuttles were planned to be called "Baikal" and "Storm" respectively.

"Corvo, actually I think the third one can be named after you, and the Serev is also quite good."

Serev: "Huh? No, I want the name of the XN90 spacecraft."


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