It was the attending physician who examined Ye Changsi's body. In his opinion, it was a miracle that this patient could still wake up within 7 days after suffering severe brain damage.

Anyway, I heard that he was a professor who studied abroad in the 1990s, and he was also a very powerful person. It is a pity to lose him.

Ye Changsi cooperated with the doctor to complete the examination. At this time, his wounds had basically healed, and there seemed to be no problem with his brain, which he was most worried about. The doctor asked him to have a good rest and left.

Ye Changsi, 42 years old, studied abroad in the 1990s and worked on spacecraft design at Rolls-Royce. Two weeks ago, he was secretly recruited by Xinyuan to return to China on the pretext of visiting his parents’ graves. As a result, he accidentally fell down the stairs and injured the back of his head. , there is a risk of high paraplegia and stroke.

Fortunately, after the rescue, he miraculously regained consciousness, which is certainly a good thing in the eyes of outsiders.

But in fact, Ye Changsi knew that the real Ye Changsi was dead, but it happened that although the last name was different, Changsi's name was the same as in his previous life.

He still remembers that the security guard tried to hold him as a buffer before the plane crashed, while he held the briefcase tightly, hoping that the information would not be lost.

Fortunately, he already knew that the crash had no catastrophic impact, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoice, but it was a pity that the people on the same plane didn't know if they also encountered something amazing like him.

Ye Changsi moved his head slightly, but he could still feel the pain, so he lay down carefully and began to rest and digest those strange experiences.

As for reporting to the base, let's wait until the injury heals. It's time to enjoy life in peace and prosperity.

"Nine astronauts from multiple countries will go to the International Space Station together on January 21."

On January 3, a week after the Dream Chaser completed its first manned mission and returned safely, ISS officially announced that it would use the Dream Chaser to send 9 astronauts to the International Space Station on January 21 and bring back the same number of people. , completing the handover with the largest number of changes in the International Space Station.

As for the commissioned launch fee... it has not been announced.

Yuri Borisov felt terrible when he saw the news.

Although they heard from the grapevine that many ESA countries were very dissatisfied with the launch cost of Dream Chaser, they still held their noses and admitted it.

Because the price of using a Soyuz spacecraft to launch these nine astronauts is US$522 million. Even if the single launch cost of Dream Chaser is seven times the claimed US$69 million, it is less than US$500 million. It is still cheaper than the Soyuz spacecraft. Much more.

Although Lucia, as an important member of the ISS, has also been compensated in other aspects, such as giving Lucia several more planned supply missions and reducing Lucia's ISS maintenance expenses for the next year, but how much is that!

As long as the ISS does not have its own high-security manned spacecraft, it will have to keep using the Soyuz, and it can charge a lot more money!

However, even if there is no dream chaser Lucia, the good days will not last for a few months. SpecaX's manned Dragon spacecraft has conducted another test launch, and it is planned to conduct its first manned flight in May. In August, NACA's Altera In the Miss 2 mission, the Orion spacecraft will also carry astronauts to orbit the moon. Aramco will soon have two reusable manned spacecrafts, both of which are larger and more advanced than the Soyuz spacecraft.

A large part of the reason why Director Yuri feels bad is because of the restart progress of Energy 2.

The booster is okay. A prototype of the gliding recovery booster of Energy 2 has been produced for a long time. It can basically be used immediately. This is very good.

The bad part is that the core-stage 8-meter-diameter recyclable rocket body of Energy 2 requires the laying of heat-insulating tiles all over the body like the space shuttle. After being launched into orbit, it has to enter the atmosphere and glide to land.

Although the technical requirements can be met because it is not manned, cost control is still a troublesome thing, and the upper end of the core level can be opened, and the joint requirements are also very high.

As the chief engineer of Energy 2, Miklin has gathered all the research data from the alliance period. There are no technical obstacles. The problem is still money. More than 15 billion rubles must be invested in the early stage, and the first flight time cannot be guaranteed.

Even if they can get a lot of wool from the island countries and India, it is still quite difficult for Lucia, who has already launched multiple projects, and funds are obviously tight.

I can only hope to make some money in other areas to support RKA’s aerospace business.

"God, how much time I wasted, Sokka! Britt!"

At Moscow State University, Valery was flipping through China's already published ternary basic circuit and programming textbooks. He was surprised and annoyed at the same time.

He has always been indifferent to worldly affairs, missed precious time, and did not read these things in the first place.

There are also various journals and academic papers continuously published by Xinyuan and Huanghe Semiconductor. Although they are all basic parts, they can already make people ecstatic and let people know that the future of ternary is just as broad!

There were several old men of similar age who reacted similarly to him. They were all researchers who participated in the Alliance's ternary computer technology research back then, and they were all still alive and gathered here.

Also present were integrated circuit and software experts from Europe and Aramco, who also wanted to find breakthrough points from Lucia.

Valery spent more than two days briefly reviewing the results of the ternary chip that were made public, which was much better than working behind closed doors.

He sighed: "If the further contents were not in the Chinese Journal of Aerospace Development, I would still want to keep reading. Giving up on ternary research is Lucia's worst decision. We should continue."

A semiconductor expert from Germany nodded. Privately, he also liked to tinker with circuits of other base systems and was pleasantly surprised by the emergence of ternary chips.

"Even with what has been disclosed, the ternary chip is enough to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Its significance is no less than the invention of the integrated circuit, and it is an extremely important breakthrough."

"But as far as I know, the Nobel Prize evaluation team is still struggling with who is the inventor."


Valery found that it was difficult to find specific leaders in these journals. Most of them were laboratory teams. But if this was the case, the Nobel Prize in Physics could only be awarded to three people every year, and it would take several years. They were probably worried too. Woolen cloth.

At this time, officials from Aramco asked questions.

"Professor Valery, let's get back to the topic. What do you think is the difference between Huanghe Semiconductor's technical route and your research route? Which one is better?"

Valery hesitated for a while, then finally shook his head.

"I can't make a judgment. Although they are all symmetrical ternary systems, the alliance's research is still in its early stages and has not entered the integrated circuit stage. However, I think the direction at that time was correct and the potential is no less than theirs."

"In other words, we can't bypass these patents or overtake in corners?"

"No, some basic parts are difficult to get around."

The other party shook his head regretfully.

“It’s too bad, it seems we can only hope that the pressure can bring about some breakthrough.

But Professor Valery, we will still fund your research and hope that one day there will be good news. "

Valery: "Then you may have to increase your efforts. I am almost 70 years old, but I still have the confidence to continue."

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