On January 6, a Xinyuan-2B rocket was launched from the Qiongzhou Launch Site, once again sending six Explorer IIs to the moon.

Six Explorer IIs are expected to land at three locations around the Qom Crater from the 9th to the 11th to conduct more exploration of the scope and depth of the ice.

Due to the hasty launch, this batch of explorers did not have time to update their detection equipment, so the repeatability was a bit high, but it was not a big problem.

Regarding this launch, the world's aerospace community has been paralyzed by its defenses.

Mass-producing lunar surface detectors like cars and placing them before the discovery of the ice in the Qom crater. Although everyone was shocked, they thought it was too silly. It could be done but it would be meaningless.

But things are different now. One more detector means one more piece of land, speeding up development.

Fortunately for NACA, the next nuclear-powered lunar rover, Isis, will be launched in March. Although there is only one, its weight is said to increase to 1.8 tons. It is the heaviest and most powerful rover on the lunar surface. It is said that its destination is from Mars. After switching to the moon, the traveling speed also increased to 300 meters per hour, which was enough for rapid detection.

Moreover, NACA has conducted semi-public bidding for more lunar rovers. They do not lack lunar surface detection capabilities, and they have both rockets and detectors.

It’s hard to say for the European Space Agency. The Veneto rocket is still undergoing basic configuration design. The Ariane series rockets are too expensive, and there is no available lunar surface patrol device. The ones doing research in this area are belts. They were originally working on We were planning a Mars rover, but now we have transferred it to a lunar rover.

Space agencies of various countries are working hard to save water, the least valuable water on earth, with only one quarter of a millionth of the earth’s content. This is the appreciation of resources brought by the distance of 380,000 kilometers.

But for Lin Ju and the base's top brass, this day was not a great one.

On the 6th, the Aviation Development Commission invited him and many senior executives from the base to the capital for a meeting. It was said that the meeting was very important and involved changes in the Aviation Development Commission's subsequent development plans for extraterrestrial colonies, and it was necessary to collect as many opinions as possible.

For this reason, the Aviation Development Committee actually borrowed an A320 and a 737 from China Eastern Airlines to pick up people at the base, and caught all the 6 system personnel who were discussing the Zero Plains exploration plan. The 6 flights will include the helmsman and 5 highest-level technical personnel. The vice president was sent to the capital.

A few people who were feeling a little gloomy because of Plain Zero thought that something big had happened. The whole process was serious, so they got into the motorcade and arrived at a high-end guest house.

Wait, this is not the right guest house!

As soon as Lin Ju came out, he found that this was not the guest house he often went to, but the people who greeted him were all acquaintances, and they looked businesslike and had nothing to say. The six of them went in together.

Then the leaders of the Aerospace Development Commission and the experts from the Space Administration did not see it, but what they saw was a dance scene, and most of them were Yingying Yanyan. As soon as they came in, they all focused their attention.

Lin Ju suddenly remembered the usual way of allocating objects within the organization in the last century: dance.

In the last century, due to the study alliance popularizing ballet among ordinary people, it has also become popular in our country to organize various dance parties to learn dance.

At certain times, in order to focus on finding suitable partners for young people of the right age, various dances would be organized to increase the opportunities for men and women to get to know each other. Participating in various dances is a unique memory of that era.

Of course, it has now evolved into team building, but obviously Lin Ju and several senior executives have no time to go out and relax.

"I'm here for a meeting, what are you..."

Lin Ju was shocked on the spot and didn't know what to say, but the guard in black who greeted him smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, the meeting will be postponed to the 9th. You don't have to go back these days. You can drop by to attend the dance in the evening." , what is being held here is an exchange meeting for domestic young talents.

In addition, your superiors have something to tell you: young people can better develop their careers by making more friends and relaxing appropriately. "

After the guard finished speaking, he quickly left under Lin Ju's hesitant gaze. The latter could only look at the five system masons for help.

Guo Shen and the other four were still a little embarrassed, but Serev had already adjusted. As for the dance, the Alliance people were not familiar with this yet. The Alliance people could go hungry, but they had to dance and watch movies.

Serev relaxed his body naturally and walked over. The remaining five people were quickly surrounded and were pulled into the venue like puppets by a woman with eyes that could eat people.

In an inconspicuous corner, the boss nodded with satisfaction.

After realizing the major loopholes in Xinyuan's senior management, he reported to his superiors overnight, and then set up a task force under the order to solve their personal problems, and chose the traditional route among various options.

Things are going in the same direction. Although the routine is old, there is no obvious rejection among the six people, which shows that the work is going smoothly!


In the huge factory building, a huge triangular aircraft was fixed on the test bench. It was subjected to various vibrations following the movement of the hydraulic components, and the body swayed irregularly.

Although the "Snow Hu" near space vehicle is a research mission undertaken by the desert base, their R\u0026D and manufacturing capabilities come from the Fourth Aerospace Institute, Chang'an Institute and Rongcheng Institute respectively.

One year has passed since the project was initiated, and the overall design of Xuehu was finally completed.

In order to resist the severe friction of 10 times the speed of sound and obtain sufficient lift in the thin atmosphere of more than 50,000 meters, the Snowbird's body is designed into a triangle. This is also the ideal design model for hypersonic aircraft in various countries.

The triangular body of the Snowbird is very simple. The main fuselage is a triangular plate. The space at the upper front and smooth transition between the fuselage and the bulge serves as the cockpit and load bay. Three WCR-12 combined power engines are installed at the lower rear, and finally the delta wing. A small piece of vertical tail is installed up and down on each side.

WCR-12 is an improved version of WCR-09. Xinyuan has not been idle this year. It has made in-depth improvements based on the original model, increasing the thrust by 33% while increasing the overall mass by less than 20%. 90KN has been increased to 120KN.

The original four WCR-09s were replaced by three WCR-12s. The volume and weight were significantly reduced. It also reduced fuel consumption and increased the range to 36,000 kilometers. It can take off from the desert and fly to the Atlantic Ocean to perform missions and then return. It is An unprecedented strategic stealth high-speed bomber.

After careful research, the desert base moved the bomb bay location from the belly of the fuselage to the back.

Arranging the bomb bay on the belly will increase the area of ​​the lower half, affecting the design of the engine inlet and landing gear. The fuselage strength correction and the radar emission area after the bomb bay is opened also need to be considered.

The bomb bay on the back can prevent ground radar from detecting sudden changes in the reflection area, and it can also facilitate the deployment of laser weapons to attack outer space.

As for the operational concept of Snow Bird, the desert base is envisioned as an undefensible assault force that can break into deep areas surrounded by heavy defenses and carry out close reconnaissance and precision strike missions without the satellite network. The 12-tonne has been It can lay down 80 megaton-equivalent warheads, and its strike power is terrifying.

Dou Ping, who was watching the test of the Snow Hu static engineering prototype at the scene, almost cracked the corner of his mouth to the back of his ears. According to the most optimistic estimates, the Snow Hu may be able to complete the first flight of the demonstrator before 2018.

Ami first launched the SR-71, and later promoted the Dawn Goddess and SR91. The indicators were similar to the Snow Falcon, and they were always mysterious and made the outside world suspicious.

Now it doesn't matter whether they are real or not, Snow Hu is already here anyway. It doesn't matter whether SR91 is real or not. It is not as powerful as Snow Hu anyway.

Sixth generation machine? Let them eat WCR-12 exhaust!

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