"SF receives the world's largest transport aircraft."

"There is still one month left before the listing, and the market value is estimated to exceed 250 billion!"

"Wang Wei: The first shipment of An 1250 will randomly give away 100 gold-plated commemorative cards."

On January 8, SF Express received the An 1250 No. 3 machine that had been painted with SF Express’s customized painting at the B-level base.

In fact, the third An-1250 was built and ready to leave the factory on December 18, but SF needed to register the aircraft as a civilian cargo aircraft, not a military aircraft like the first two, so it was more troublesome to go through the procedures, and it took a lot of trouble. It took ten days to get the registration number of B2450.

These days, Xinyuan has painted the B2450 by the way. The paint is a new paint that SF Express has decided on after internal bidding for more than half a year. It is red, black, and blue. There is an eagle head painted on the nose. It looks like Especially domineering.

Of course, domineering comes with a price. The price of RMB 6 billion, which works out to RMB 15,400 per kilogram, still puts a lot of financial pressure on SF Express.

Wang Wei stood in the huge cargo hold of the B2450, which was too wide to resemble an airplane. He was excited and nervous, but the nervousness quickly disappeared.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang!"

The secretary who came with him for acceptance ran over and reported the news that had just been delivered.

"Mr. Wang, someone from the company just came and said that he wants to charter this aircraft for a month, and he will charge according to the commercial operating price every hour."

Wang Wei:? ?

"Who wants to cover it? I just signed and got the plane in less than two hours, and then I want to cover it for a month? The price is not low."

Secretary: "Ah, I heard that they are going to conduct some kind of strategic delivery exercise in the west. The two planes in Xinyuan are too busy to rent, so they are waiting for us to build them."

Wang Wei: "..."

"Then go and ask if you can earn some advertising for us?"

"Comrades, the purpose of our meeting is to further refine the arrangements for the next phase of lunar and deep space missions, as well as to discuss more new discoveries in the near future..."

On the 9th, the Aviation Development Committee held a comprehensive meeting with a wide scope, with a total schedule of 7 days. It will discuss the tasks that have been formulated in the past but have not yet been fully implemented or completed, and solicit opinions on the next plan.

This meeting was not open to the public, so the Xinyuan Six were relatively relaxed.

There were 11 separate small meetings and 2 general meetings in 7 days. The number of times I could see Xinyuan Company participants was not that many, but each time I was impressed.

Especially other private aerospace companies, even the outstanding leader like Hengxing Aerospace, cannot be as calm as they are.

Every time, no matter how complex and arduous the task the Aviation Development Committee is discussing, the representatives of Xinyuan Company have indifferent eyes on their faces and do not feel any pressure at all.

But everyone knows that their strength is indeed ridiculously strong. Even if their aerospace technology is powerful, other aspects are also exaggerated.

For example, something has been circulating in the industry recently:

Since the Lightning completed its first flight, people in the industry have gradually come to know that Xinyuan has developed a cheap low-G-orbit orbit solution that can make the optical components of satellites and detectors larger and more sophisticated, so they temporarily launched a new project for the Chuncheng Institute of Optics and Mechanics. Modification requirements.

Although the latter said it could do it at the time, it would take about three months to improve the process. Xinyuan couldn't speed it up despite their efforts, and then they actually sent an engineer claiming to guide them in improving the process.

Spring City Institute of Optics and Mechanics was originally unwilling, but it was constantly urged and Xinyuan was a major customer, so it reluctantly accepted it, but it didn't believe that anything could really be done.

What's outrageous is that this engineer really solved the process problems they encountered in the shortest possible time, causing the Spring City Institute of Optics and Mechanics to waive this lens order in exchange for technical authorization to improve the process.

Then I heard that various partners that work with Xinyuan have similar experiences. Whenever they encounter technical problems, they may be guided to upgrade their technology.

Party A sends people to guide Party B in technological upgrading and then manufactures qualified finished products, and is willing to grant authorization. This is not a customer or a Bodhisattva.

There is also a legend that the CEO of Huanghe Semiconductor is a microelectronics expert who left Xinyuan Company. The former also has an unclear relationship with Xinyuan Company, which made the latter's image suddenly become mysterious and powerful.

No one thinks that Lin Ju and others are staged, because they do have the qualifications.

Of course, the actual situation was somewhat different. Lin Ju did feel that these small meetings were not important, but the bigger reason was that the organization was too concerned about his personal issues.

During the three-day dance, the other participants were basically young men and women from similar circles of nearby scientific researchers and scholars, but anyone with a discerning eye knew who the main purpose was for.

Serev, a bad old man with a young face, was getting along like a duck in water. The other four system people were half-hearted and ready to enjoy life. Only Lin Ju spent every time in suffering.

Without him, I have too many secrets.

Even though in the communication with the system people, they confirmed that their future partners would be attracted to the system research institute to ensure their loyalty, but I felt that it was not acceptable no matter what.

Moreover, although the System Research Institute has not found any abnormalities so far to ensure the loyalty of its personnel, Lin Ju has not relied too much on it. Otherwise, the Guangfa Research Institute's external consultant agreement would have directly controlled the world.

Lin Ju decided to delay a little longer. Female lust was just a side effect of gravity!

In zero-gravity space, human desires will be reduced to almost nothing, so men who go into deep space do not need emotions.

I am an emotional system person.JPG

"Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin?!"

Lin Ju, who had accidentally become distracted, was woken up. The boss looked at the vice chairman who had dozed off during the executive meeting speechlessly, feeling that the quality of sleep of young people was really not as good as that of the elderly.

"Ahem... We just talked about the location of the nuclear propulsion test base. Well, how about it be over there? There was a pit dug for underground nuclear testing before. Although the A100 exhaust contains radiation, it can definitely be carried there. Come on, do you have any other opinions from Xinyuan?"

Lin Ju: "I have no objection. In fact, if you ask me to say that you can go directly to space for experiments, the space shuttle will also be empty..."


A few days ago, the Qingshan Base had prepared the prototype of the A100, and then prepared to carry out the propulsion test. Because the working principle is different, the exhaust radiation value of the A100 is high and cannot be directly discharged into the atmosphere like NAPE, so it has to find a remote location. place.

Serev’s original plan was to simply throw it into space for testing. If something went wrong, he would send all the researchers involved in the development there together. One H2 and one Progress. Eight people were enough to organize and complete the basic test. Then this crazy The idea was quickly stopped by the Aviation Development Committee.

They have doubts about the reliability of the A100. If something goes wrong and crashes somewhere on the earth, it will be a big trouble. Given the current public opinion environment, it will be scolded for several years.

However, it is not too much to provide a confidential test site for the A100. A nuclear engine with a mass of more than 5 tons and a thrust of 100KN and a sprint speed of tens of thousands of seconds is definitely a first-class leading level and is enough to travel around the solar system.

There are so many troubles today... I'm tired. The remaining updates on the 22nd will be done in the evening... Ahhhhhh


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