If you pay careful attention to the content of NACA’s external news releases in the past six months, you will find a very interesting fact:

After the launch of the Long March 10 Yao-2 rocket, no information about the specific mission of Artemis 2 has been revealed.

The first mission was unmanned testing, the second mission orbited the moon, and the third manned lunar landing was known at the beginning of the plan.

Claire made two preparations: If there is no problem with the rocket, there is no problem with the lander, everything is OK and there is enough time, then Artemis 2 will be a moon landing;

If something unexpected happens or you can't get first place, then postpone or continue the mission around the moon. That's what everyone defaults to, right?

But these little tricks can only deal with the people on face. Congress only knows that if they pass the bill and provide funding, it must be No. 1. John cannot fool this point.

A series of events last month have given lawmakers a huge shock. Now they are deeply doubting themselves and fearing their opponents.

The Artemis Project, which could have originated in 2000, lost to the Dawn Project, which was rushed to the shelves. In the eyes of the world, this means that the place they live in is no longer a lighthouse world, and it is irrefutable.

In fact, even if they win and take the lead, Dawn Project will be able to catch up quickly, which is also a heavy blow to its own status.

The significance of the Artemis Project is not just to reconnect with the stars and the sea. Spaceflight is the best way to demonstrate power besides war.

If you really lose...

Although John seemed confident at this time, he was not unprepared.

After half a year of planning, the God of War Ares plan has become relatively complete. This is the only remaining place where it is possible to achieve a comeback.


Nadiradze stayed in his private room in a luxury hotel, watching CCAV news programs on satellite TV.

Starting from June 20, the Central News Group has set up a new program "Our Space" between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. every day, telling the history and achievements of the modern aerospace industry starting from the last century.

There will also be some current breakthroughs interspersed in the middle. The program level is very high, and many chief engineers who have participated in important projects were invited to conduct interviews, revealing a lot of content that has never been made public before. Naginazer watched it with gusto.

After all, the development foundation of the space agency was also given by the alliance. In his opinion, YF100 is the Eastern version of RD120.

Before the emergence of Xinyuan, this engine almost carried the entire future of China's aerospace industry, which is really interesting.

As for why the chief engineer who came to teach the Indian man-made spacecraft how to watch TV programs in the hotel? That’s a long story.

Two months ago, the "Jaganyan" spacecraft made its maiden flight. This unsatisfactory flight was greatly praised by the Indian media. Moody even waved his hand and directly asked ISRO to take the initiative from Lucia. I came back and started "comprehensive self-research".

At this time, the Indian engineers began to be "emotional" and did not listen to Lucia's experts' opinions at all or only half-listened to them.

He recalled the words of a chief engineer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau whom he had met in Kaliningrad:

Both China and India have introduced the Su-27. The former will carefully note every word of the Lucia expert when copying, and only after digesting it carefully will he ask questions that he does not understand, and then after understanding it, he will continue to work hard to understand the original design;

The latter always impatiently expressed his opinions and began to refute the teacher after listening half way, and then started to work blindly based on his own understanding, and did not stop until an accident occurred.

Now that he deeply understood these words, Lucia's expert advisory group had almost lost the ability to intervene in the Gaganyan team. Its efficiency and work attitude had rapidly deteriorated. The advisory group could not do anything except the final card factory inspection authority.

So Nadiradze simply chose to trash it. After all, when Jaganyan No. 2 was built, he couldn't wait to dismantle it and inspect it inside and out before letting it fly. It would disgust his third brother to death.

And this may take a long time. According to the progress of their factory, the second GSLV MK3 will have to wait until at least October. The manufacturing progress of Jaganyan 2 will not be completed this year and will be ready for launch next year.

Anyway, here you can stay in luxury hotels with high subsidies every day according to the treatment of special experts, and you can also enjoy the tropical sunshine and beaches, which are much better than the ice and snow in the north.

Third brother is not in a hurry, and neither am I.

Only JAXA, which wanted to cooperate with them on the "Asia Star", was anxious. They all knew about the accident of the first flight of the Gaganyan spacecraft, and they urged ISRO to improve it all day long. After all, the island country's astronauts would have to ride it to the moon in the future.

Seeing how easily satisfied the third brother is, I really want to send them all to death.


After the Shuguang-3 project was officially announced, the space agency began to receive congratulations and requests for lunar cooperation from countries around the world, and most of them were accepted directly.

After all, accepting cooperation means sending astronauts to the moon. Adding a 10 kilogram payload to the experimental equipment of the Dawn Project is considered an important cooperation item.

Among the small countries, the four countries in West Asia stood out. They happily retweeted and liked it on Weibo and shared photos of astronauts training in China.

Arbor is a heavyweight financier of the H2 and Advance projects. He almost single-handedly promoted the two projects. In addition to the first lunar landing quota, Lin Ju gave away an additional quota. Then Prince Sweetan said two It's a bit embarrassing, so why not include the other three brothers and buy two more, one for Shikoku's family.

Arbor's public opinion was extremely turbulent when the Tempest orbited the moon last month. The astronauts preparing to land on the moon were once again awarded by the king and are actively training.

After Shuguang 3 was finalized, Xinyuan also officially informed Aber of the time for the first moon landing: around early August.

As expected, Storm was executed, but the lander was another "Full Moon" purchased from the space agency, carrying an Arbor astronaut to the moon, only one month later than Dawn-3.

This time is earlier than the announcement of the three countries' intention to cooperate more in aerospace, and even earlier than Aramco. It is really a great gain.

In fact, the suitable time for Xinyuan is after October. At that time, the base's own reusable large-scale lander was successfully developed, and other supporting facilities were also manufactured. In early August, it was purely to satisfy the big dogs.

After all, the parallel steps to the moon alone cost 13 billion US dollars, and customers must be satisfied.

Prince Sweetan, who happened to be in Beijing, was wandering around all day. When he was in Panjiayuan on the 18th, he carried a large pocket of US dollars and stuffed them into anyone he liked. A passing mascot even had half of his pocket emptied from the entrance of his headgear. , the popularity is chasing the moon landing.

However, when Prince Sweetan visited the Aviation Development Committee again on the 22nd, he saw Shen Zuozhou receiving him with a slightly subtle expression.

"What's wrong, Shen? Is it too much pressure?"

Shen Zuozhou stopped him in time from taking out the money. He cursed a few times in his heart before speaking solemnly:

“Your Highness, you may not be the second country besides us to land on the moon.

According to our confirmation, the Artemis 2 mission will launch early and will most likely lead to a moon landing. "

virtual, non-existent

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