The Hexagon uses satellites to spy on it every day, and the space agency is not completely unprepared.

However, compared to the Dawn Project, which had clear goals and steps from the beginning, the various parts of the Artemis Project have always been unclear, and the suppliers are complex and changeable. It is more troublesome to collect information when NACA deliberately keeps it confidential.

The launch of B1033 from Cape Caraveral on the 20th aroused their strong suspicion. Is it a component of the "Gateway" space station? Really?

If this is still just a suspicion, when Blue Moon hoisted B1034 on the 23rd, it was almost confirmed that the Artemis 2 mission was not that simple.

Previously, it seemed to the space agency that the Artemis project could only be the third rocket at the earliest. Now that we are desperately rushing to meet the deadline, are we really not afraid of problems?

However, NACA has not released any information about Artemis 2, which makes people more and more worried.

There is indeed the idea of ​​​​a competition, but if it causes human losses, it will be too heavy.

However, the country is not very clear about the actual manufacturing capabilities of Aramco, which still bears the color of the former world industrial hegemon. The second SLS must have started earlier than the Long March 10 Yaosan, and it should be relatively stable.

After all, they are old Yankees and have the experience of landing on the moon. No matter what, people will always look down upon them when they think of them, just like they habitually look down on their own abilities.

However, the space agency discovered that the SLS rocket has not yet been transported to the Kennedy Space Center. The final assembly and inspection time for such a super rocket will take three or four days, and it should not be earlier than July 1.

In contrast, Yuanwang 22 arrived in Qiongzhou two days ago. Seven large containers have been transported to the launch site. The final assembly will be completed before the 26th. Artemis 2 cannot catch up.

It's just that Abo was happy for several days in vain and could not be the second in the new century.

However, after hearing what Shen Zuozhou said, Prince Sweetan only showed a slightly regretful expression, and soon returned to his smile.

Uncle is somewhat self-aware of how much he weighs. He is lucky to be ahead of the Yankees. There is no shame in falling behind. Anyway, except for the first two companies, they have already earned enough face.

"Shen, our ranking is not important, but I believe you must be number one, and God will bless you.

I will have the best clergy bless you and curse Artemis. "

Shen Zuozhou: "..."

"Thank you, thank you."


After the Shenzhou-11 mission ended, all domestic manned space launch missions were basically transferred to Qiongzhou, and even the backup Shenzhou spacecraft and Chang-2F rocket were gone.

It has gradually become a medium-sized satellite launch center like Bingzhou and Senchang. Small and medium-sized rockets are launched here to avoid occupying Qiongzhou's precious heavy-duty launch stations.

But after Xinyuan invested in the expansion this year, a fixed heavy-duty launch station and a mobile launch pad were added here, making it more prosperous.

A No. 3 and No. 2 rocket occupied the mobile launch pad and the heavy-duty work station respectively, carrying two sections of the "Black Rabbit" respectively.

The No. 2 rocket was okay, but the No. 3 rocket had much greater fuel requirements. It was necessary to temporarily add a train to get enough fuel, and dozens of vehicles took turns to ensure that the fuel was refilled in time.

Originally, the core module of the "Wutu" was prepared to be launched with the Xinyuan-2A rocket, but the inland launch had a relatively large capacity loss and was troublesome to recover, so it was changed to a No. 3 rocket, which has the lunar transfer orbit capacity. It has reached 150 tons, and building a 50-ton core cabin is really overkill, but it is more convenient.

Zhang Zhiguang and Deng Lei, who are no longer on training missions, are also outside the launch site. The latter has just completed a week of rest and activities.

Deng Lei has basically adapted to the gravity change between heaven and earth, but he used to fly on the space shuttle. Although this time he fulfilled his space flight dream by taking the "Banchao" spacecraft, it was really not as comfortable as the space shuttle.

The impact is bearable, but the helpless feeling like being tossed up and down in a washing machine is completely different from the feeling of a space shuttle holding its destiny in its hands.

Zhang Zhiguang: "'Black Rabbit' was too hasty. It was completed just this month and we didn't even have time to conduct adaptive training."

In order to prevent accidents caused by inexperience, the "Black Rabbit" will not be docked during the Shuguang-3 mission's moon landing, but will be attempted after the moon landing is completed.

"Black Rabbit" is actually a kind of insurance. If there is an accident, the three astronauts can save three or two months of food on the space station and wait for rescue. It will also help reliable work on the moon.

"This..." Deng Lei didn't search for "Versailles" in the thesaurus and couldn't find the right words to complain about. But Zhang Zhiguang, you will soon be the first person to land on the moon. Is this appropriate? !

"Old Zhang, what are you going to say when you go up?"

"Um," Zhang Zhiguang scratched his head: "I haven't thought about it. How about 'I've left the cabin and feel good'?"

"It's okay, but I've already said it once, how fun would it be to recite poetry like the first time I went up there?"

"It must be related to the moon... I don't remember many poems related to the moon. I can only recite the poem "Moonlight in front of the bed" when I was a child: Look up at the bright moon, lower your head to miss your hometown.

Deng Lei: "Then when you are on the moon, you should look down at the bright moon and raise your head to miss your hometown."


After a chaotic discussion for a while, the crew of Dawn 3 are now on vacation to relax, and training is no longer important.

It is conceivable that the title of the first person to land on the moon must at least allow Zhang Zhiguang to take a float and tour around major cities.

Zhang Zhiguang got goosebumps when he heard the scene described by Deng Lei. He was not a slightly autistic Neil Armstrong, but he was still very happy.

"By the way, when will you go up? I must be preparing to replace you this time after only a few months, right?"

Deng Lei: "In August, if you work as a driver for a rich man, you can do anything if you have money. Not to mention leaving the cabin at the same time as me, you can even carry him down if you give me so much money."


"But I don't get the treatment you get on a float. It's an honor for you. For us astronauts in private companies, nothing is more important than working. The base has to make money."

"Part-time job? You need to rest for at least three months after landing on the moon, right? You've already spent a lot of time on missions this year."

"Oh, the lunar surface base will be fully constructed after October. Normal personnel should be maintained on the lunar surface. I have to go to suppress the formation to stabilize the morale of the troops. Maybe I won't be able to go home for the whole year. Lele's first birthday I can only send him a blessing video."

Seeing Deng Lei sighing, Zhang Zhiguang suddenly felt that the first man to land on the moon seemed less attractive.

There is obviously no one on the moon, so why does it sound like Deng Lei is going to settle there soon?

In an atmosphere where the two people seemed to be competing with each other but nothing seemed to happen, the No. 3 rocket burst out with unprecedented powerful thrust inland. With more than 7,000 tons of thrust, it effortlessly quickly sent the rocket body into the sky. People nearby witnessed the most spectacular launch experience.

The No. 2 rocket, which is also in place, is still being refueled. When the payload of the No. 3 rocket enters the transfer orbit, it will be launched and the lunar orbit assembly will be completed from the 29th to the 30th.

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