The important reason why the reconstruction work has been delayed is that this project is really not an ordinary big one...

Beginning in 1869, the last major expansion of the Spiritualist Society, which ended in 1970, was considerable in scale and complexity.

Putting aside the highly controversial issue of the significance of reconstruction, the cost is prohibitive.

Now the authorities of the island country are still having a headache over the aftermath of the Haneda International Airport accident. Even if they can delay the relief funds for so many victims, it is urgent for the airport to resume normal operations. In addition to the losses during the repair process, where can there be funding approval? Rebuilding the Spiritualist Society.

What’s even more interesting is that even if the fire is caused by humans, the official attitude has always been that the cause of the fire was aging wiring. Otherwise, the malfeasance of so many security personnel cannot be explained.

If we directly admit that the fire was caused by humans, it doesn’t matter whether we can catch the mastermind behind it. Anyway, the official will have to bear the terrible pressure from the public first.

So far, the only person responsible for this is the person in charge of line maintenance of the Spiritual Society. An electrician in his sixties tearfully bowed to the media repeatedly, and then there was no further follow-up.

Naturally, Nakayama Jiuji came here first to express to the media that he would still push forward the reconstruction project. At least he has not resigned yet.

But the media, who had finally seized the opportunity, were not willing to let him go. Their concern was not with the Spiritualist Club, but with the Fushima Controlled Area, where there were frequent actions.

Starting three days ago, the IAEA issued a formal notice requiring a month-long "unmanned control measures", and planned to move all stranded people in the control areas before December 10.

This undoubtedly sends a very clear signal to the outside world: the IAEA is about to carry out a clean-up operation.

This is indeed the case. The internal notification received by Nakayama Jiuji was that the IAEA had already formulated a basic plan:

From December 15th to 20th, cores 1 and 2 will be cleaned up intensively, and from 20th to 25th, all remaining atmospheric radiation will be cleaned up.

After the cleanup operation is completed, the IAEA will evaluate the effect and maintain a one-year observation window. If the effect is good, it will be gradually transferred to the control area. If the effect is not good, the cleanup will continue.

The three cleanup project contractors have been determined, and the first one is a company called "Gravity Space Technology".

Lu Zi took a look at the cleaning tool they provided and immediately recognized it as DF15C.

The Dongfeng 15C of the Civil Aerospace Company...Lu Zi pinched his nose and admitted that it was a cleaning tool, and then left the trouble to Zhongshan Jiuer.

When the IAEA was arranging preparations in the early stage, it could still turn a blind eye to Nakayama Kuji's ostentatious protest, but now it needs his positive statement to clean up the matter in a more reasonable and evidence-based manner, so one can imagine the pressure the latter is facing now.

"Mr. Koji Nakayama, do you want to allow the IAEA to use nuclear missiles to attack Tomishima?"

"What do you think of the five countries' military aircraft stationed in the controlled area? Does this mean..."


The sharp questions spouted from the reporters' mouths made Nakayama Jiuer's scalp numb. Seeing more and more people gathered around him, he simply closed his eyes and began to twitch continuously, falling straight back.

The bodyguards around him immediately surrounded him and isolated him from the crowd, and quickly led him towards the direction of the motorcade.

Futaba County.

Tian Zhan, who was wearing an orange rescue team uniform, was leading people to inspect every house to see if there were any stranded people, and then he saw several figures in white uniforms walking over.

Zhang Meng pulled off the mask on his head, and his identity was revealed with a quick and agile movement.

Although his current identity is an on-site surveyor for Gravity Space Technology Company, no one takes him seriously.

"First...Captain, can you please keep those dog-skin plasters away? They follow us wherever we go, and they even set up detection equipment under our noses. This, this, this..."

Seeing the impatient look on Zhang Meng's face, Tian Zhan knew what had happened, and then glanced at the personnel with different logos not far away.

Regardless of positioning or attack, the core that has sunk deep into the ground is not an ideal target. This is completely different from the intended target of the earth-penetrating warhead.

In the past, everyone was most worried about the depth of sinking, but after all, the soil here is not a super bunker made of ultra-high-grade concrete and steel. The ground-penetrating warhead can still deal with simple soil, and the computer calculation results leave a lot of redundancy. .

The biggest difficulty is actually accuracy. The Dongfeng 15C’s accuracy ranges from about 15 to 70 meters. It can go within 10 meters with preliminary detailed surveys, which is extremely high for ballistic missiles.

But if the error is that big underground, there is a risk of incomplete cleaning. The ability of soil, especially deep soil, to attenuate power cannot be underestimated. The cleaning effect of hydrogen bombs is based on full response.

The domestic team responsible for the exploration worked hard to conduct measurements deep into the radiation zone, and then watched other rescue teams follow behind and assume observation instruments.

This time, the three cleaning tools are all classified weapons that are extremely difficult to access normally. This time, if you have the opportunity to observe them up close, of course you must arrange as many methods as possible.

And the reason at this time is also very reasonable, so everyone installed monitoring equipment everywhere in the explosion area, and it was very lively.

But he felt very uncomfortable when he became the object of attention. Zhang Meng has now learned to subconsciously turn his back to others.

"Zhang...Director Zhang, they can do whatever they want. We still have to ensure that the task can be completed smoothly. Do you think it needs calibration this time?"

Zhang Meng shook his head: "No need, we have completely obtained the specific position and movement trajectory of the No. 1 reactor core. There is no need to conduct any more exploration before the 30th. All preparations that can be done have been completed.

Hey, Captain Tian, ​​Edo Electric Power Company’s purpose in building this power station is not pure, and it deserves to happen. "

Tian Zhan laughed twice and replied:

"Whatever their purpose is, I'm afraid they will think twice before doing this after this month."

"That's true, it just depends on that... When did Zhongshan relent? This old boy knows how to pretend to be sick. He even clamored to engage in manned cooperation with us before but lost faith. He also gave up the moon landing plan. You said they What’s this picture about?”

"The vacillation shows that they are not confident in their own strength. In fact..."

Not sure if he was recalling the past, Tian Zhan paused for a while and then said:

"In the past, we generally believed that they were just restricted and could quickly catch up and surpass us once they were released. However, this has not been the case in recent years."

Zhang Meng: "They are not as good as India. I heard that their Jaganyan 2 spacecraft has been built in advance. Moody said that it will carry out a manned launch in the first half of next year. Lao Maozi really gave it the technology."

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