"Makarov, are you drunk?"

"Davarish, I only drank a tiny amount, and I don't even know what that bottle of brandy tastes like."

"But what we are about to do is precision work. MOSS will find that you meet the working status requirements."

"No, the Lucians are invincible in space!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, Lieutenant Colonel Makarov, please pay attention to your safety."

"MOSS, tell me..."


What is being filmed now is the scene in the cabin of the "Navigator" space station between "Makarov" and "Liu Peiqiang", with the crew and temporary crew crowded on both sides of them.

These astronauts and engineers are now extras on the crew, and this is a directive from the ground.

There are currently no complex scientific research missions on the Advance. The most important thing for astronauts to do before the official operation is to eliminate as many errors as possible. During the movie making process, they can also gradually adapt to the environment of the Advance and put forward suggestions for improvements.

Guo Fan very considerately arranged different roles for 38 people, including himself. The space station part does not occupy a lot of time in the official film, but it is foreseeable that the "space" content in it is absolutely full, even if it is not Even if the special effects are cut in, it won't be inconsistent.

Li Sheng did not participate much. His only role was that of a minor player in a cutscene. The filming has been completed. Now he is discussing the moon plan of United Mining with the ground in the temporarily closed "Youji" cabin.

As the launch date of Jiuzhang is getting closer and closer, the ground is constantly optimizing preparations for the lunar development plan, a very important part of which is the issue of personnel survival guarantee.

This is mainly for personnel who may need multiple landings after the early stage. Even after the expansion of the "Black Rabbit" space station, it may not be able to meet the needs.

If the Advance can also stay on the moon permanently, it will be of great use: the gravity environment of the Advance can very well extend the residence time of most non-professional astronauts, and it is also nuclear-powered and can fly everywhere, and it is not mobile. question.

The point of contention is that the technology level of Qianjin itself is extremely high, and the current stage still requires a high degree of confidentiality. If nothing else, the six life housekeeping robots can scare the world.

The ground hopes that Li Sheng, as the current top person in charge of the space station, will put forward some opinions and just say a few words during daily routine calls.

After hanging up the communication with the ground, a soft female voice came from behind him:

"Commander, according to today's healthy eating plan, I have prepared 150 grams of cantaloupe for you. It is recommended that you eat it before lunch."

Li Sheng was shocked by the obviously gentle voice. He turned around, grabbed the box containing the cut fruits and left in a hurry.

The space station has cameras except for personal living areas, and the videos will be saved on the ground. This doesn't matter at first, but these life stewards are not serious!

It's okay when there are a lot of people. A few days ago, a rookie who was flying for the first time suddenly came to him and wanted to report alone. Li Sheng nervously thought that there was something wrong with the personnel's thinking. Unexpectedly, the rookie's answer surprised him. :

That day, the rookie was preparing to carry out an extravehicular mission as usual, perhaps to verify the intelligence of the life butler and let him help put on the spacesuit and make preparations.

Unexpectedly, the life manager No. 2104 actually started chatting with the rookie about personal issues. Although there were no sensitive topics, the rookie was still frightened and worried about an omnic crisis for most of the day.

In the end, Li Sheng truthfully reported the situation to the ground before getting some vague words from Shen Zuozhou, to the effect that the life butler could provide companionship services to astronauts. Since then, Li Sheng has subconsciously avoided these robots.

He is a man with a family, and he communicates with his family members regularly. If his wife, who is surrounded by a motherly... motherly aura, knows about the existence of these unscrupulous robots, the end of her return will probably not be good.

Although the ground also feels that something is not right, they still insist that this is an inevitable direction in the logistics of deep space voyages, and have no intention of closing this part of the program.

Li Sheng couldn't help but think of Xinyuan Company, which manufactured these robots. He heard that Lin Ju had been single for many years and had no scandals. Could it be that he came up with these gadgets because he had something to do with his job?


"No way, this is absolutely impossible."

Lying on the hospital bed again, Nakayama Kyuji turned over forcefully, letting the quilt wrap him up, with his back facing the expressionless IAEA liaison officer.

This liaison officer is actually quite familiar with Nakayama Kyuji. He was previously responsible for the logistics work of the Pacific Fleet and has met with these senior officials quite frequently.

This time he came to urge Nakayama Jyuji to express his position on the IAEA's cleanup action as soon as possible, but now Nakayama Jyuji simply does not have the courage.

Perhaps because he felt that his current behavior was not consistent with his identity, Nakayama Kuji simply sat up half-sit up with difficulty, holding his stomach:

"Mr. Buck, I have now lost the ability to work normally due to illness. I suggest you go to Yasuda-san and ask him to come forward to form a cabinet again."

But Buck didn't accept this trick at all and exposed him unceremoniously:

"You are the person in charge now. If you need medical help, the IAEA can organize the best medical experts in the world to consult you now."


Such an attitude made Nakayama Jiuji unable to hold his breath. He did not dare to drive Buck away, so he could only continue to practice Tai Chi.

The two chatted like this for more than ten minutes, and then there was a knock on the door of the ward again.

Claire Borden opened the door and took a look at the two people confronting each other inside. It seemed that this was not much different from what she expected.

Nakayama Kyuji recognized the former NACA director and current boss's staff. He was obviously a little surprised by his appearance, but he quickly guessed that he might be coming as John's special envoy.

"I think we should have a quieter environment."

After Claire said something, she stood still. The others quickly understood and came over to look at Nakayama Jiuji. Soon, only the two of them and their respective translators were left in the ward.

"Mr. Clare, is Mr. John finally willing to help us?"

Zhongshan Jiuer was full of expectations as soon as he opened his mouth. During this period, he has been begging Ami to tell his grandpa and grandma. Has he finally received a response?

Claire nodded very simply:

"Yes, as a developed country in the Asia-Pacific region, you should be more involved in the progress of human civilization, and this is the purpose of my trip."

"The...progress of human civilization?"

Nakayama Jiuji was stunned for a moment, feeling that there was something wrong with what he expected.

"Simply put, we believe that JAXA can still make more achievements in the aerospace industry. JAXA should also have the ability to launch manned spacecraft, build space stations and land on the moon. It should not stand still like it is now."

"Standing still" is Claire's entire impression of JAXA. In his opinion, the island country's technology is quite good, but he doesn't know why the aerospace industry is so mediocre and feels like it is at the lowest limit of expectations.

Nakayama Jiuji didn't care much about Claire's criticism, but he was a little confused about the latter's purpose, so he tried:

"But JAXA's strength is limited. We still lack financial investment and support from allies. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

"So, NACA can provide you with technical support, transfer many advanced technologies including manned spacecraft, and help you realize your space dream."

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