“When I was young, aerospace was an arduous and complex task that required the coordination of various industries to advance it.

NACA needed more than 200,000 employees and the genius von Braun to build the Saturn V, but SpecaX used 2,000 people and stainless steel to create a starship with nearly twice the take-off mass.

The development of science and human society seems to have made aerospace more and more accessible to the people, and the threshold has become lower and lower, but you have now brought it back to that era. "

The boss and Lin Ju were sitting in a teahouse on a high-rise building in Beijing's business district. They kept looking at the distance outside the glass curtain wall and continued:

"Xinyuan now has 10,000 formal employees. You have actually surpassed the space agency."

Seeing that the boss Lin Ju, who had a lot less worries due to the transfer, was a little uncomfortable with it, he said humbly as usual:

"No, no, no, the space agency, aerospace technology and science and engineering are spread all over the country, so what do we think?"

The boss shook his head and said seriously:

“In the era of the Saturn V, there was no mature CAD software. NACA recruited tens of thousands of engineers who could draw drawings with pencils, so it is wrong to just look at the number of people.

Many of our experts have been to your place, and they all say that Xinyuan's level of automation is the highest in the world. Eighty thousand of your ten thousand people are in R\u0026D and design. Our real essence is not much different, and it is not like yours. So focused, you can communicate something new at any time. "

"So it's all over once the three battles begin."


Lin Ju's joke made the atmosphere much more relaxed, and the boss stopped talking on this topic and turned to United Mining:

"I have news that I can tell you in advance. There should be a notice in a few days: the first hydrogen bomb to be tested is ready and can be launched at any time."

"So fast?"

What surprised Lin Ju was not the speed of warhead preparation, but the fact that the belt actually had rockets that could be launched.

According to the results of previous meetings, the hydrogen bombs provided by each party were launched into the lunar orbit by themselves. This is a matter of dignity after all, not to mention that such highly confidential things should not be exposed to too many people.

Of course there is no problem with the three companies. If the warhead is just a few tons larger, you can use existing rockets. Our country also has an Ariane 5 in stock and a VV-1 that is about to fly for the first time. What do you have with you?

The only successful launch vehicle in China was the "Black Arrow" developed in the 1960s. In 1971, it launched a 65.8-kilogram satellite into space, officially becoming the sixth country with satellite launch capabilities.

Since then, the launch vehicle technology tree has disappeared, either in Aramco or ESA. Now the only thing related to rockets is the "Trident" in the nuclear submarine, but that thing can't send a nuclear bomb to the moon.

Boss: "The vehicle is the last Ariane 5 in stock of the European Space Agency. The Chinese are loading the rocket onto the ship, and it will be in a launchable state in Guyana by the end of January."

"Then what do the people of the country use themselves?"

"VV-1, the first rocket has actually been manufactured, but they are still checking it for fear of falling. It will probably be launched in January."

Lin Ju: "Isn't it a matter of saving face and suffering? Ariana's price is at least 3.5 billion US dollars, right? Can they afford this money?"

"That would definitely be reluctant, and the Ariane 5 has too much carrying capacity. This time it also carries an ESA lunar orbiting probe. What is it called 'Peregrine'?

The warhead should be dismantled and weigh only 300 kilograms, but the detector is more than 2 tons. It should be said that they are the ones who use the rocket. "


There is not even a usable launch vehicle, and all the dignity is gone!

After sighing with emotion, Lin Ju suddenly slapped his head. If the launch is at the end of January, then the preliminary survey mission has almost been completed. In other words, it can be detonated in February. Can it still be in time for the Spring Festival?

Now we know what to set off during the Chinese New Year. This year we will bring imported large fireworks.

He expressed this idea, and then the boss thought about it seriously and replied:

"I'm afraid it's not very interesting to watch. There are no spectacular fireballs and mushroom clouds to see in space. They are not as interesting as the 200,000 tons on the earth. You have to change your mind."

"I almost forgot...has the date been confirmed?"

"It's settled, noon the day after tomorrow."

"It's so fast. I'm not talking about December 15th to 20th. How can I advance it..."

Lin Ju suddenly came back to his senses, and then said doubtfully:

"Does the IAEA agree to adjust the time forward?"

The boss's face became more serious, he sat upright and said:

"According to the predictions of our meteorological experts, changes in ocean currents and monsoons after December 15 will cause the risk of expanding ocean pollution. The IAEA has recognized this proposal. The next suitable window is too long, so it is better to move it forward.

Anyway, the preparations have been done, and there will be no safety hazards a day or two in advance. "

"Does this mean... shall we go together then? I really chartered a yacht this time."

"That won't work -" the boss shook his head fiercely:

"You should still stay with Yuanwang 7. We will have a fleet there by then, and they will protect you, and no one else will know you are on the ship."

Futaba County.

The US2 seaplane dedicated to the emergency support and rescue team landed at Fukushima Airport again. The coordination groups of various countries and IAEA experts came out one after another to undergo decontamination. Apparently, they completed another inspection mission of the radiation zone.

Zhang Meng changed his clothes and walked out of the decontamination barracks. He saw a modified H-6 observation aircraft flying overhead at low speed, blowing a strong wind on the ground.

Within a few minutes, a P8A flew past, and then the noisy sound of a turboprop engine began to be heard from the horizon.

It wasn't until his ears were numb from the shock that a Tu-142 swaggered past.

The H-6, P8, and TU142 jointly patrolled the Fudao control area to survey the area and investigate potential safety hazards, which has become the norm these days.

These crews who usually fight intensely will occasionally fly in formation several times, which is an unprecedented spectacle.

However, these large aircraft patrols are mostly symbolic. The real main tasks are drones, which have almost no shortcomings except that the signal is not very good if they are too close to the radiation zone. They can also patrol for a long time to search for people staying without permission.

The ground team mainly dealt with the aftermath and had a good rest. Apart from patrolling at fixed points, they did not have many tasks.

"team leader!"

Zhang Meng greeted Tian Zhan who came to greet him, and then asked excitedly:

"Has everyone evacuated?"

"Withdrawal. All observation points within the affected area will be withdrawn before 6 o'clock tonight."

Tian Zhan also had a smile on his face. The official withdrawal of those observation points meant that the cleanup plan the day after tomorrow would not be postponed. This was of course a good thing.

"What about you? Are you confident that you can hit it in one shot?"

"That's for sure!"

Zhang Meng patted his chest:

"If this is not accurate, I will not be able to hold my head up for the rest of my life!"

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