Class B base.

The runway in the base was particularly busy today. Three C832s were waiting to take off on the runway, and several C822s were loading passengers. A total of 10 C822s and C832s were in the base at the same time.

These aircraft are all passenger aircraft that have not been officially delivered to Air China and China Eastern Airlines during test flights. They are now being temporarily mobilized to fly to Shanghai, where they will transfer to Edo.

However, the base's executives are treated differently. What awaits them is the C810 supersonic passenger plane.

Androv, who had gone out to work independently, grabbed a seat by the window, leaving Xiao Okada, who was about to sit down, with black lines on his head.

"I'm sorry, Okada, I'm airsick. It's more comfortable to sit in the front as there is a porthole."


You're already a senior jet trainer yourself, okay!

"Lao An, didn't you say you were tossing the supersonic passenger plane? All the production lines in our base were shipped to you, why didn't you look at anything?

If there was that thing, we would have flown straight over, fast and domineering. "

Xiao Gangtian still had a good temper. He sat down behind Androv and asked about Star Airlines' C1000 project.

Androv: "The transfer was due to the procedures, not the aircraft... The overall design of the C1000 has been completed, and it is larger than the Concorde.

The maximum take-off mass is 290 tons. It can carry 300 passengers for a cruise of 14,000 kilometers at Mach 3.0 speed. It uses four of our latest designed XW-20 engines with a total thrust of 104 tons. It can reach the Pacific route in four hours. Isn’t it amazing? "

Xiao Gangtian briefly recalled the parameters of the Concorde. The latter can only carry more than 100 people to fly 7,000 kilometers. The technical indicators of the C1000 have already formed a generation difference with the Concorde.

This indicator could even be considered a strategic bomber in the last century. Sure enough, civilian demand is the greatest potential.

"Our team at Aramco has basically convinced their aviation giants. If nothing unexpected happens, they will approve the supersonic passenger aircraft bill in the next fiscal year. Only then can we officially start development, otherwise we may not have routes to fly. "

As he spoke, Androv sighed and continued with a look of helplessness:

"The problem here in Aramco shouldn't be big, but there are some troubles in Europe. Can you believe that our lobbying team was blocked by environmental groups and splashed with paint? There were also people who stuck their hands on our car with glue and couldn't get off.

Airbus also has no ambition, they don’t even have the confidence to resume production of the Concorde, tui! "

Supersonic passenger aircraft is not a technical problem at all for Star Airlines. All the energy is spent on lobbying various countries. Domestic support is basically due to the continued operation of the C810, but there are too many constraints after going abroad, and the influence it can exert is limited.

Xiao Okada understood Androv's depression very well and comforted him:

“At least you have convinced Boeing that they will definitely not be satisfied with the Pacific route and will put pressure on Europe sooner or later.

By the way, with the C1000 indicator set so high, what is Boeing preparing to do? "

Androv: "Boeing 3707, they and I shared some basic data with us. Guess what this plane looks like?"


"XB70, they plan to modify the basic design of the XB70 and replace the original six GE3s with four 60,000-pound thrust engines. The take-off quality, range, and cruise speed are not much different from the C1000.

I guess this should be one of the cancellation cases of Boeing 2707 in the last century, and the possibility of realization is very high. "

Xiao Gangtian smacked his lips and said with emotion that Ami's family background is really rich, and his accumulation of aviation technology is indeed enviable.

After talking about his troubles, Androv made a joke about Xiao Okada:

"Okada, if you go back to the island country to watch the nuclear explosion, what if your former friends recognize you?"

"It's okay, they also read it, and asked me to buy boat tickets, especially the package ticket for the last airburst bomb. There were several batches posted online and it was impossible to get it."


"In addition, I am a very orthodox Chinese."

Xiao Gangtian's tone became serious and he said very seriously:

"I went to take a DNA test. My ancestry can be traced back to the Que family, a noble of the ancient Chu Kingdom. Their bloodline migrated south to South Vietnam due to the war, and later moved around in the southeast. It was not until almost 1,100 years ago that it was assigned to the island country. I am a real Chinese. Chinese."

Androv's eyebrows furrowed when he heard this, and he asked in confusion:

“Has modern science reached this point?”

"Well, I specially sponsored a team of scholars from the University of Geosciences. They came up with it after searching for blood connections all over the country. They also published several papers."

"But why do I feel that they are traveling at public expense..."

"Believe in science!"


Xiao Gangtian paid too much attention to the issue of his own bloodline. Androv also knew that he was related to a large family named Xiao, and made up the branch genealogy of more than ten generations. Last month, he went to the local area to "return to his hometown to pay homage to his ancestors" ", became a hot search on

The two were chatting enthusiastically here, but the scene behind them was completely different.

Serev was still engrossed in looking at his tablet and thinking about work arrangements. Ye Changsi, Guo Shen and Cheng Nankai were all silent in unison. Ye Changsi's eyes were a little red, and he stared straight ahead and was immersed in the meeting.

He was the one who reacted the most to the news. He rarely gave himself a day off after getting the news.

Last night, the IAEA officially announced the cleaning time. It will carry out the cleaning task of the No. 1 reactor core at 12:00 on December 13. If no deviation is found, the No. 2 core cleaning task will be carried out at 16:00, and the final cleaning task will be carried out from the 15th to the 16th. air blast cleanup procedures.

As soon as the news was released, it caused a huge shock. The biggest impact was that the number of flight bookings to the island country increased rapidly. The airlines flying these routes tried their best to increase flights, but they were not enough. Fortunately, the tickets were pre-sold early and the impact was not big.

Ye Changsi, on the other hand, locked himself up all night. This date touched him more than most people, and his excitement was palpable.

"Sir, this is a great opportunity for us!"

The Minister of Finance Tsushima Hisaichi, who had not been seen for a long time, could not help but be excited, and kept walking back and forth in front of Nakayama Kyuji.

He stretched out all five fingers and waved:

"According to our calculations, the number of tourists in the next two weeks will be five times that of last month. It is simply unimaginable, you know how many people this is, how many people!

Even though hotel prices in Edo increased tenfold, they were all sold out within an hour. There was not even enough room to accommodate these tourists!

Even if they all only buy daily necessities, the economic benefits are unimaginable. Sir, we must seize this opportunity! "

Nakayama Kyuji pulled his hair in pain and looked at the dancing Tsushima Juichi with a distorted face:

"Then what do you think?"

"Develop B\u0026Bs! Let all residents of Edo rent their houses to tourists. At the same time, we must immediately strike hard to eliminate the unfair treatment in the custom streets and make every tourist spend as much as possible!

All sightseeing cruises and planes will be put into operation immediately, they cannot be allowed to make all the money! "

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