"That's just insignificant in front of the power of the universe. For us, nuclear bombs are still a terrifying weapon, even in space."

Fu Mingdong obviously disagreed with Ai Quan's words. As a nuclear expert, he knew very well what the power of nuclear bombs in space was.

The outside world has always concluded that because a nuclear bomb explosion in a vacuum cannot form a shock wave and has no heat transfer medium, the impact of nuclear radiation is extremely limited. The main lethality can only rely on strong electromagnetic pulses to destroy electronic equipment. Personnel only need to be slightly farther away to destroy electronic equipment. Safe and sound.

But this statement is wrong. The effect of nuclear bomb explosions in space is actually more intense than on earth.

In fact, a hydrogen bomb will produce a huge amount of thermal radiation when it explodes, and most of this thermal radiation is expressed in the form of soft X-rays.

The wavelength of X-rays is between ultraviolet rays and γ (gamma) rays. The shorter wavelengths are called hard X-rays, and the longer wavelengths are called soft X-rays.

When soft X-rays act on the material surface, they will first heat the outer layer. The outermost soft covering of conventional aerospace materials will be vaporized easily, which is enough to show the terrifying temperature.

When the outer layer of the material is heated and vaporized, a shock wave will be generated in the inner layer, causing the inner layer of the material to undergo huge pressure and begin to collapse.

This is almost the effect of an armor-piercing projectile, which is equivalent to TNT exploding when attached to the outer surface of the material.

Take a 1 million-ton hydrogen bomb as an example. When it explodes 10 kilometers away in a vacuum, the energy density is equivalent to the explosion of 0.81 kilograms of TNT explosive per square meter.

The neutron radiation intensity produced at the same time is as high as 10 million rads (rad). If it is a specially enhanced neutron bomb, it can be increased by 10 times, that is, 100 million rads, which is 2 million times the value that humans can withstand.

The 24-hour radiation value on the moon is only 1369 microsieverts, equivalent to 136.9rad...

In other words, for today's ordinary spacecraft, a megaton hydrogen bomb can basically guarantee destruction if it explodes within a range of 10 kilometers, not to mention a strong electromagnetic pulse with an impact range of hundreds of kilometers.

On the contrary, it is the existence of the atmospheric environment on the earth that converts most of the thermal radiation into high temperature and shock waves, which causes the power of the hydrogen bomb to seriously attenuate with distance, and the marginal effect is obvious.

Using a nuclear bomb on the lunar surface is most likely to be deeply buried and detonated, which can greatly reduce the scope of impact like on the earth, but if it is really a nuclear bomb with a yield of 200 million tons...

Fu Mingdong is very worried about spacecraft in lunar orbit. They are not designed with these in mind.

Ai Quan understands his worries very well. They are the people who know the power of atoms best in the world.

"Don't worry, if big guys like this want to do something, they will check and balance each other, but it is unlikely to escalate the situation."

Ai Quan knew that the main reason for the approval of the United Mining hydrogen bomb project was from the five major suppliers. However, in addition to being curious about vacuum nuclear explosions, he also had the idea of ​​​​verifying the new configuration.

Although there have been enough nuclear tests in the last century, in the past few decades, various countries have successively proposed new ideas. These innovations can no longer be used for model verification based on past experience. Live explosion is the best method.

Except for the first test bomb provided by Dai Ying, all other hydrogen bombs will be adjusted and modified to some extent, and mining is just a by-product of these purposes.

Yu Min: "I also have an idea. If we can increase the proportion of fusion equivalent as much as possible, it means that we have a deeper understanding of nuclear fusion, which may be conducive to the development of controllable nuclear fusion."

"Then, it seems that we people will also know the secret of the hydrogen bomb?"

Fu Mingdong raised his eyebrows. Although there were many nuclear physicists at Hefei Base, only a few people knew the specific configuration and basic principles of the hydrogen bomb. Controlled nuclear fusion and hydrogen bombs were not the same thing.

"Of course it is, but the central government will not disrupt your original arrangements, and we will provide help if necessary."

Ai Quan sighed as he spoke:

"Right now, our research capabilities are far inferior to those of EAST, and the equipment here is much better than in the capital. In a few years, maybe we will all focus on controllable nuclear fusion."

Fu Mingdong: "That's really a good thing. Maybe we will be able to control the power of the sun by the middle of this century."

"Didn't you just say a few months ago that commercial nuclear fusion would be completed in the 1950s?"

Fu Mingdong:

"Yes, in thirty years, the fastest is this speed, right?

It is already a very optimistic forecast to complete one-hour ignition within ten years, to have the reactor operational in twenty years, and to achieve helium nuclear fusion in thirty years.

Deuterium-tritium fusion has no future, but it would not be a pity if it can be completed within our generation. "

Tomishima City.

On the evening of December 12, a Y-20 taking off from China landed at Fukushima Airport. When several trucks carrying supplies and equipment drove down, a Warrior off-road vehicle drove out of the cabin and drove directly out of the airport to meet other passengers. Several cars formed a convoy and drove to the dock in Minamisoma City.

Yuanwang 7 just arrived there a few hours ago to replenish supplies, and will set off for the scheduled observation area in the middle of the night.

Lin Ju, who was sitting in the back row of the Warriors, kept rubbing his temples and felt a little dizzy.

The ride experience in the Yun-20 cabin cannot be described as comfortable. I immediately got on the Warrior off-road vehicle. The rigid seats and almost no suspension made it feel like I was at the back of the bus and was being thrown around.

Academician She next to him was in even worse condition. The bumpiness of the military off-road vehicle was beyond imagination.

But he still insisted on comforting Lin Ju in turn:

"Wait a minute... go to the dock. There is a special lounge and... ahem, restaurant on the ship."

"Mr. She, Manman just sent me a message and she already had tuna sashimi. It's the same when we take a passenger plane."

"Which flight do you dare to take? Believe it or not, it will be another MH370?

The road is full of Patriots and F16s, and a rattlesnake will knock you down. "


Lin Ju stopped talking. Obviously this possibility is not low, and Qianjunbang No. 1 has recently drifted to a high orbit of more than 20,000 kilometers, and it does not have the ability to escort it from space.

Although there are nonsense about Lin Xima on the Internet, everyone knows that Lin Ju is far more important to domestic aerospace than Musk, and the variables without him are very large.

Not to mention that Xinyuan is now the truly top private military contractor in the country. This alone has sufficient reasons for the CIA to do so.

The convoy drove for an hour before arriving at the dock in Minamisoma City. This place still belongs to the Tomishima control area. From a distance, it looks like it is brightly lit. Survey ships, warships, and supply ships from various countries are crowded together in a mess, like a coalition. Like a big scene.

The Yuanwang 7 with a displacement of 27,000 tons was not even the largest ship Lin Ju had ever seen. Not far from the dock, there was a huge black shadow slowly passing by.

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