Lin Ju and Academician She, who were standing on the concrete floor of the pier, were curiously pointing at the black shadow in the distance. A man wearing a rescue team uniform came over and saluted them.

"I am Tian Zhan, captain of the third detachment of the chemical defense emergency support and rescue team in the Fudao control area. Welcome you!"

The two of them quickly returned the favor to Tian Zhan, and then Academician She pointed to the sea in the distance and asked:

"That seems to be an aircraft carrier?"

Tian Zhan only glanced at it and replied affirmatively:

“Yes, that’s the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and they’re heading to the surveillance area.

However, our Liaoning ship has arrived ahead of schedule and is being ordered to perform an observation mission! "


Lin Ju couldn't help but applaud, but it was a pity that the Shandong ship had not been commissioned not long after it was launched. The more powerful 003 was still in the process of being brewed, otherwise it would definitely be more powerful.

Academician She: "How about we go back and say hello, and take the aircraft carrier when we go back?"

"Is this okay?"

"Of course you can. You guys manufactured the JH-9. The Navy is not that stingy. Maybe it will even point you to a fourth-generation carrier-based aircraft."

"Really? When will you start bidding on me..."

Academician She quickly stopped the topic. He had realized that his joke might develop in an unpredictable direction, and maybe the navy could really be persuaded.

He now regretted his suggestion of going on the aircraft carrier and was thinking quickly about how to put this matter away.

However, Lin Ju, whose interest had been aroused, obviously did not realize this. The two were sent to Yuanwang No. 7 by Tian Zhan, and each returned to the arranged cabin to rest.

Lin Ju's cabin is very spacious next to the captain's cabin. As soon as he entered, he saw Yu Man immersed in eating tuna sashimi.

The latter immediately cast a resentful look at him, but said that he should sit down and eat together.

Picking up a piece of sashimi that might contain an unknown dose of radiation, Lin Ju carefully confirmed that the fish was free of parasites before daring to eat it.

"What's wrong? Are you too tired?"

Yu Man shook his head gently: "No, it was the captain who said there were many secret places on their ship and told me that there were many places I couldn't go."

"This... we have to cooperate with other people's work."

"So I'm always here."


Of course, Yu Man understood the special nature of Yuanwang No. 7's work and cooperated with their work. However, now she was in the stage of acting coquettishly towards Lin Ju at any time. Lin Ju also hurriedly expressed her concern and coaxed her away despite her exhaustion. other side.

After all, the system cannot find a good relationship for him, and the institute has not yet developed an emotional research direction. This kind of thing needs to be done personally.

When Man finally fell asleep, he gently left the cabin door and found Zhang Zheng smoking on the bridge.

"Have one?"

"Thank you, I don't need it."

Zhang Zheng put the cigarette back into the cigarette case, stood up and faced the sea:

"Mr. Lin, today is the happiest day in my life. This will be the most memorable mission for me."

"Me too, I really didn't expect to wait until this day."

Lin Ju told the truth that the IAEA's cleanup operation was actually just his intention to divert attention and create a hotspot to avoid the joint mining fire. But who knew that the changing world would actually turn it into a reality.

If Comrade Lao Lin knew something, he would have jumped out to give me... a separate page of genealogy.

"Eighty years, eighty years of great changes."

At five o'clock in the morning on December 13, in the still dark sky, planes were dispatched one after another to begin patrols around the center of the explosion.

Hundreds of ships have been lined up in an arc in the observation sea area around the explosion area, and they are adjusting their positions under the command of the IAEA air patrol aircraft to avoid breaking into the blockade area.

A drone flies over the nuclear power plant every few minutes, carrying complete survey equipment to prevent the remaining personnel from breaking in, as well as more people who want to disrupt the cleanup operation.

Although three hydrogen bombs are about to hit this place, the international community will never accept the death of even one ordinary person.

The IAEA is also very careful in its actions. Not only does it conduct patrols in the sky, but it also conducts three-defense armored vehicles to conduct net inspections on the ground, especially in areas close to the coastline. It will not evacuate until half an hour before cleaning.

Tian Zhan, who had not slept all night, was sitting in the IAEA rescue team command camp, watching Bailey suddenly answer a phone call, stand up, start swearing, and then slam the table hard.

"F**k! These bastard reporters actually reached the coast with a submarine. Even if they don't get killed, aren't they afraid of the radiation from the sea water?

Our people even accepted unfathomable radiation risks in order to catch these idiots. Don’t eat the sour radish! "

Tian Zhan quickly saw the pictures sent back from the front. The patrols of the first detachment caught two heavily armed divers. One of them also had a press card from a European tabloid. When he was arrested, he looked dissatisfied.

"We need to immediately investigate the surrounding 15 kilometers of sea and coastline. They must have ships or vehicles to respond, but the probability of ships is higher, and more than one fish will slip through the net."

Bailey agreed with Tian Zhan's reminder. The simple interrogation just now revealed that these two people were still amateur divers. Even with a submersible, they couldn't move very far. There must be a loophole somewhere.

It can only be said that the appeal of this kind of breaking news is too great, and there are too many idiots who are not afraid of death.

The base camp immediately ordered more planes to conduct a blanket search, and soon several small boats were found on the beach a few kilometers away. Apparently these people were still working together to commit the crime, and more than one sneaked in.

After three hours of scrambling, they were sure that they had caught all the intruders, and the warships patrolling outside also closed the loopholes in time.

Tian Zhan prayed that nothing would happen again, and waited until ten o'clock in the morning. After the sky had completely cleared, he felt relieved.

Just after 10 o'clock, domestic inquiries were made on time:

"Haijiao, report the situation!"

"This is the sea dragon. No abnormalities are found. Please execute as planned. Over!"

"Dragon Palace has received it, please continue to monitor and report at any time!"

This message was quickly sent further afield, and a few minutes later, the sound of passwords and people running could be heard in an open space in the middle of the dense forest beside the Mudanjiang River.

A green four-axle special transport vehicle that had already been parked was surrounded by soldiers in the center, and they began to perform power-on self-inspections on the white solid rocket mounted on it.

The lieutenant colonel of the missile battalion commanding the scene raised his wrist to confirm the time, first looked in the direction of the sea, and then turned his head to the north.

He knew the same thing was happening in Vladivostok, except they were using Iskanders, aiming in the same direction.

At 10:40, with still no abort command coming from the radio, Dongfeng 15C should enter the launch procedure as planned.

The lieutenant colonel took the time to yell out the order in a hoarse voice:

"One hour to prepare!"

“One hour to prepare”

"Raise the missile, enter the specified coordinates!"

A series of instructions were issued in an orderly manner from the command vehicle. The lieutenant colonel watched the white rocket on the transport vehicle begin to stand up under the action of the hydraulic rod, pointing in the direction of the sun.

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