The impact of the first earth-penetrating bomb was actually far beyond the area affected by the explosion. In fact, it was clearly felt in about 70% of the entire Honshu Island.

This is mainly due to earthquakes induced by nuclear bombs. In just 3 hours, the island country's authorities detected 11 earthquakes, with the highest magnitude being 5.2. At least tens of millions of people felt the earthquakes, and no loss of life or property was caused.

However, Nakayama Jiuer was still in a very uneasy mood, even after several hours had passed.

With his status, he naturally did not need to crowd the deck with tourists. In fact, the Pacific Fleet specially invited several heads of government to board the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier and observe the entire process of the nuclear explosion in the innermost circle of the warning zone.

This kind of behavior with too high a force value is more important than scaring PUA. Nakayama Kyuji knows that this is a warning from Hexagon to himself, and he must completely obey their arrangements.

The IAEA's decision to adjust the next two nuclear bombs to the yield of plan B was also quickly informed to him. Many senior officials, including Nakayama Koji, were extremely angry, but they could not object at all.

Because the IAEA official who notified them left in a helicopter after finishing his words, the Pacific Fleet's attitude was "uninformed" and there was no way to complain.

As for preventing the IAEA from following up?

Nakayama Jiuji glanced at some dark marks on the suits and trousers of certain people, and could still smell a faint fishy smell in the air.

How could such a group of insects, which only jumped up and down the House of Representatives, have such courage?

However, Nakayama expressed his dissent euphemistically, asking about safety on the grounds of the safety of civilian facilities and induced earthquakes. Then he heard Captain Brett Crozier reply confidently:

"There's nothing to worry about. As long as you shut down the machine in advance and take precautions, it's not a big deal. At most, you'll only lose a few satellites. The Chinese will lose at least two or three low-orbit satellites overhead. We will also suffer the same losses. .”

Nakayama Jiuji nodded numbly, then looked at Brett's hand on his shoulder and thought:

What does "we also" mean?

Forward number.

Guo Fan floated next to the large viewing porthole of the "Zi Mo" cabin. He was quickly editing Weibo on his tablet and then handed it over to Commander Li Sheng for review.

Li Sheng scanned the tweets and pictures. He nodded and handed the tablet back without finding anything confidential.

The photos mainly show the flashes of nuclear explosions taken by the Advance in space. As long as they do not involve the space station itself, there is nothing to keep secret.

What's more, the connection between the space station and the Internet will also be audited by the firewall and AI, so there is no need to worry too much.

The photos taken by the space station are far less shocking than those on the ground. Under the sunlight, you can only see a small dot that suddenly lights up and lasts for a few seconds. What you observe later are more changes in the weather cloud map caused by mushroom clouds.

After posting on Weibo, Guo Fan looked at Li Sheng with some awe. The latter had always had a very peaceful image, but half an hour ago he showed his true colors as a soldier.

For nuclear explosions on the ground, the Qianjin and Tiangong space stations have completely different response measures.

According to calculations, the Tiangong Space Station happened to be on the other side of the earth in the first 10 minutes of the explosion. This will be able to avoid possible electromagnetic pulse effects and does not require deliberate adjustment of the orbit.

The Advance boldly decided to face the nuclear explosion head-on. It adjusted its orbit so that it would pass right over the island country at the time of the explosion, and would bear the impact of the hydrogen bomb head-on.

Electromagnetic pulse is the attack method with the longest range of hydrogen bombs. The EMP attack of a 300,000-ton hydrogen bomb can still maintain a certain degree of damage at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Most small micro-satellites are at risk of having their chips destroyed, and the Tiangong Space Station will also be greatly affected, but the Qianjin is different.

Satellites and spacecraft operating in low-Earth orbit are naturally protected by the Earth's magnetic field, which greatly weakens the rays from the universe and the sun. The Advance is a spacecraft designed to sail within the solar system, and has specially strengthened countermeasures.

Especially for chips, all key circuits use native ternary chips produced at the base. In theory, they can even face moderate solar storms.

After discussions on the ground, it was decided to use three nuclear explosions to conduct an electromagnetic pulse drill on the Advance, which included all 38 members resident on the space station.

At this time, the advantages of professional astronauts are clearly reflected. A dozen astronauts with military backgrounds accurately assigned tasks, managed personnel according to the military system, and executed all procedures meticulously in accordance with the requirements of regular military exercises.

In the past, Guo Fan always felt that the importance of professional astronauts would quickly decrease after aerospace technology matured, but the fact is exactly the opposite. The organizational skills of military personnel are completely beyond the reach of non-professional astronauts.

Since yesterday, the Forward space station has seemed to have become the Forward space battleship. They are all crew members under the command of Captain Li Sheng, working together to deal with sudden dangers.

The official start of the exercise was marked by Li Sheng shouting on the radio in the pilot cabin:


Then the eight "maneuvering teams" who stayed in the axis compartment immediately went to their respective cabins quickly. The entire space station was filled with flashing warning lights and rapid ringing, and the atmosphere was completely different from before.

Such a strange experience made Guo Fan very excited. He said that he really found the tension that should be felt when facing dangerous situations in the movie plot.

Facts have proved that the design of the Advance is indeed very good. Except for the shutdown of some external scientific detection equipment, the overall circuit of the space station still operates in accordance with conventional standards. Although obvious electromagnetic pulses were detected, there were no power outages, control system failures or other dangers. Only a very low level of redundancy protection was triggered once, which is quite satisfactory.

Now Li Sheng is leading a dozen professional astronauts to prepare for the second impact, and the crew can rest for the time being.

"Lao Guo, have you sent out my photo?"

Wu Jing floated over while lying on his side, looking very comfortable.

"Which one?"

"It's the one with the nuclear explosion."

Wu Jing tilted his head to one side and stretched out his fist, making a punching gesture. At that time, he seized the opportunity to take a photo with the flash of nuclear explosion by the porthole, hoping to create the artistic conception of "Nuclear Explosion Fighting Wolf Fist".

"No, you send this yourself, I'll pass it on to you."

"Then I'll do it myself."

Wu Jing was about to grab the tablet when suddenly the piercing alarm bell sounded again in the cabin, and the alarm lights started flashing again.

"Attention all units, the next attack will be in 35 minutes. All personnel will arrive at their posts within 5 minutes to prepare for the second attack!

I want to emphasize that the explosion yield of the second bomb will be doubled, and the intensity of the electromagnetic pulse will also be increased. All units should keep emergency measures in mind and implement them as planned! "

As soon as the words were spoken, the two of them immediately hurriedly put away their things. Wu Jing even worked on all fours to crawl along the bulkhead quickly. This was a new skill he had just learned.

Rather than being an actor, he actually wants to be a crew member on the Advance. He might even be able to venture around the solar system in the future.

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